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Visual Basic

QuestionFiltering data on a report Pin
dptalt27-Jul-06 8:34
dptalt27-Jul-06 8:34 
AnswerRe: Filtering data on a report Pin
Guerven27-Jul-06 17:44
Guerven27-Jul-06 17:44 
GeneralRe: Filtering data on a report Pin
dptalt31-Jul-06 2:47
dptalt31-Jul-06 2:47 
Questionurgent! transfering connection of winsock to another process [modified] Pin
steve_ino27-Jul-06 7:44
steve_ino27-Jul-06 7:44 
QuestionHow to get information about/from controls in another process Pin
oakleaf27-Jul-06 6:03
oakleaf27-Jul-06 6:03 
AnswerRe: How to get information about/from controls in another process Pin
Tyquaun Hunter27-Jul-06 15:48
Tyquaun Hunter27-Jul-06 15:48 
QuestionConnecting sql server Pin
chn_babu27-Jul-06 3:56
chn_babu27-Jul-06 3:56 
AnswerRe: Connecting sql server Pin
alien viper27-Jul-06 20:23
alien viper27-Jul-06 20:23 
'set your connectionstring property of connection object.

'*************** Connection String *******************

' user id=@username;data source="@servername";initial 'catalog=@database"

'@username=your user name
'@servername=your server name
'@database= your database name

'*************** Connection String *******************

Dim conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection("ConnectionString")


Questioncalculating the size of all the files present in a folder Pin
harish13927-Jul-06 2:00
harish13927-Jul-06 2:00 
AnswerRe: calculating the size of all the files present in a folder Pin
Colin Angus Mackay27-Jul-06 2:21
Colin Angus Mackay27-Jul-06 2:21 
AnswerRe: calculating the size of all the files present in a folder [modified] Pin
Tyquaun Hunter27-Jul-06 14:46
Tyquaun Hunter27-Jul-06 14:46 
GeneralRe: calculating the size of all the files present in a folder Pin
Colin Angus Mackay27-Jul-06 16:12
Colin Angus Mackay27-Jul-06 16:12 
GeneralRe: calculating the size of all the files present in a folder [modified] Pin
Tyquaun Hunter27-Jul-06 16:39
Tyquaun Hunter27-Jul-06 16:39 
GeneralRe: calculating the size of all the files present in a folder Pin
harish13927-Jul-06 19:27
harish13927-Jul-06 19:27 
QuestionConvert Binary Data to comma delimited text string Pin
VK-Cadec27-Jul-06 1:57
VK-Cadec27-Jul-06 1:57 
AnswerRe: Convert Binary Data to comma delimited text string Pin
RichardBerry27-Jul-06 2:52
RichardBerry27-Jul-06 2:52 
GeneralRe: Convert Binary Data to comma delimited text string Pin
Guffa27-Jul-06 7:26
Guffa27-Jul-06 7:26 
QuestionHowTo copy a folder with its contents to a target folder? Pin
Zaegra27-Jul-06 1:13
Zaegra27-Jul-06 1:13 
AnswerRe: HowTo copy a folder with its contents to a target folder? [modified] Pin
Tyquaun Hunter27-Jul-06 16:37
Tyquaun Hunter27-Jul-06 16:37 
GeneralRe: HowTo copy a folder with its contents to a target folder? Pin
Zaegra27-Jul-06 21:06
Zaegra27-Jul-06 21:06 
GeneralRe: HowTo copy a folder with its contents to a target folder? Pin
Zaegra27-Jul-06 21:11
Zaegra27-Jul-06 21:11 
AnswerRe: HowTo copy a folder with its contents to a target folder? Pin
Tyquaun Hunter28-Jul-06 4:27
Tyquaun Hunter28-Jul-06 4:27 
GeneralRe: HowTo copy a folder with its contents to a target folder? Pin
Zaegra5-Aug-06 21:07
Zaegra5-Aug-06 21:07 
GeneralRe: HowTo copy a folder with its contents to a target folder? Pin
Tyquaun Hunter10-Aug-06 15:57
Tyquaun Hunter10-Aug-06 15:57 
GeneralRe: HowTo copy a folder with its contents to a target folder? Pin
Zaegra16-Aug-06 22:45
Zaegra16-Aug-06 22:45 

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