mimimimilaw wrote: want to know how and the bmp to .rc as like as that
you can include BMP file in resource file! but can convert bmp to rc
How to convert bmp to rc?
mimimimilaw wrote: How to convert bmp to rc?
you don't !!!
you simply import your bmp INTO the resource file
TOXCCT >>> GEII power
[VisualCalc 3.0 updated ][Flags Beginner's Guide new! ]
You do not have to convert, just import it.
Maxwell Chen
mimimimilaw wrote: ow to convert bmp to rc?
you can't convert bmp into RC
Is your problem solve (previous)?
I want to help you i cant find error?it work
if you want to add bmp file to your project you can use in resource view window right click->Add resource->Import->and select bmp file and now you can CBitmap::Load for load this file and use m_hObject handle in your project
And i guess you want to show image file
if you want to load other files(jpg) you can read this file from disk with CImage::Load
if you want to use like previous link
in resource view window right click->Add resource->Import->now select your file now you want insert a name for resource type for example BMP now you have "BMP" (Folder)in your procject and into IDR_BMP(set to "IDR_BMP") and if you use FindRe... you can load this file and use like this program.
I hope its helpful to you
Now I want to adjust video settings(such as hue,contrast,etc)during rendering the video.
I use VMR9, GetProcAmpControl, SetProcAmpControl ,functions of IVMRMixerControl9 interface are failed whereas other
function of this interface are succeeded.The error return is 0x80040299.
Did anyone who had the same video adapter try those functions and
Thank you for your answer an advance.
I am able to hook the messages related to control using this.
Using this I am able to whethere check box is checked or unchecked ,check
box name etc....
But only all the control created in win32 or MFC not created by Visual Basic.
After find information using spy++ I got controls created by visual basic is
giving WM_COMMAND message and notifications
Even touch I am not able to find the match of control notification
equivalent in win32 control notification.
I need more explaination about hooking and getting those informations.
Lakshmi Narasimman
ERLN wrote: I need more explaination about hooking and getting those informations.
See Here[^]
Hi !
I already Implemented the hooks.
I am asking doubt about hooking on visual basic control.
I am not able to monitor button related message or edit control related messages like EN_ or BN_
using the windows hooks i got only core controls created using win32 or mfc etc......what about visual basic.
How should i monitor the visual basic control notifications or control messages ?
Please clearly read my question
Lakshmi NArasimman
Does anyone help me plot a single pixel in 320x200 screen @ 256 Color?
"You have to be in a situation where you see just how fast things fail to make you take it seriously, I guess. " Bruce Eckel
Thanks a lot bro... i'm digging in it.
"You have to be in a situation where you see just how fast things fail to make you take it seriously, I guess. " Bruce Eckel
hie Guys,
I have a class like
class ABC
static const int var=10;
Here initialing the var with 10 is allowed inside class.
In early compilers(I have VC 6.0) it does not work but it works with VC7.0.
Rule says that only static integral constants are allowed to be initialized inside class.
May I know why this requirement came when we already have following facility as shown belows
class ABC
static const int var;
const int ABC:: var =10;
Also My question is where is the compiler putting this code - static const int var=10 when it is inside a class?
It can not be in constructor or in memberwise Initialization list.So what is workaround? Why this is special case?
Vikram S
vikrams wrote: Also My question is where is the compiler putting this code
all the static initializations are done at the beginning of the application, whatever it is a class member or not.
TOXCCT >>> GEII power
[VisualCalc 3.0 updated ][Flags Beginner's Guide new! ]
True. What about "static const" inside class?
vikrams wrote: What about "static const" inside class?
static const is static BTW, right ?
then same rule.
TOXCCT >>> GEII power
[VisualCalc 3.0 updated ][Flags Beginner's Guide new! ]
static const members can be initialized inside class inline definition.
for example the below compiles:
class A
static const int v = 3;
int main()
A a;
return 0;
Maxwell Chen
then... isn't it what i was saying ?
even if you write the initialization there, the code is executed at the beginning of the program (because static members are initialized like that).
TOXCCT >>> GEII power
[VisualCalc 3.0 updated ][Flags Beginner's Guide new! ]
Unless the static is within a method, in which case it is initialized the first time the method is called (potentially causing some thorny multi-threaded issues).
Hey Guys,
What code u have provided is correct. I also mentioned same code in my question. I have 2 concerns
1) const static members can be directly init in class
so what is wrong with normal static members?
2) As normal const vars has to be init at the time of declaration in code(somewhat like references ). In my class I need to init my const var in memberwise init list.
so we have an issue where we have const needs whose init code needs to be inside class and static needs to be outside.
so the soln in compiler is put static const var outside let it be define there.
Here my question is why we can also put it inside class? what is req. forced to provide such facility? what is rational behind that?
-- modified at 6:46 Tuesday 18th July, 2006