You can use asp.net validator controls and also you can use your own javascript to validate the text boxes in the datagrid. If you are using your own javascript then you have to call the javascript function on the click of the submit button and that you can attach in OnItemDataBound event of the datagrid.
Best Regards,
Apurva Kaushal
Thanks for your valuable suggestion man. But how to get the names of the textboxes. i am not giving any textboxes in edit item template. default textboxes those are predefined i am using. can you please tell me the solution for this. Thanks alot in advance.
Thanks and Regards
you can access that textbox by something like Cells[1].Controls[1] and pass the ID to the javascript function.
Best Regards,
Apurva Kaushal
Thanks alot man. i will keep in touch with you so that if i got any doubts not only in this, i will let you know.
Thanks and Regards
Sure always welcome.
Best Regards,
Apurva Kaushal
I've to use web parts in my project and want to store all the values in my own database with own created table. Is there any way to do so. Thanks in advance.
my email id: sanjay@promactinfo.co.in
Hello sanjay,
This is not possible to store the web parts personalization information in other tables. However you can add the existing ASPNETDB to your database. Personalization information will be automatically stored in the respective table.
How to Run methods exported by ActiveX Component using JavaScript?
If the ActiveX control is exporting a method, how to invoke it from JavaScript.
If i call the Web Service from the same server which i hosted,it's working fine.If i try to call the web service from another server i get the following error.
Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1).
error CS2001: Source file 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\39_bmero.0.cs' could not be found.
error CS2008: No inputs specified.
Kindly help me....
Sathiyaraj Ganesan
i hav thumb images in repeater control.
i hav one image control too which will contain the corresponding large image.
how to get large image in image control from database on mouseover event on reapeater control.
I'm a beginer to ASP.net. I have a question.
I want to let the width of a 'td' fixed, and the text in 'td' wrapped if it is too long.
Can anyone help me?
Set the width property of td = 150px or any width you want to set.
Also set the nowrap property to true.
Do good and have good.
I had a snitz forum source code using asp now I want snitz foruman Asp.net using C# 2.0.
Good for you. did you have a question?
Hi Folks,
I need a Master Detail Grid , and the purpose is only of displaying the data no editiing or deletion is required.
I need the full control on both the grids.
I have checked out the this article : http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/demos/MasterDetail.aspx[^] but in this the detail grid is created dynamically so i dont have full control on the detail grid.
I think using repeater control would be good, anyways i am open for any fair suggestions.
If possible please provide me the code in C#.
Thanks in Advance.
Deepak Surana
I think you would be aware of calendar control in asp .net, it is a server control which will scroll thru date, month and year as well.
I have a datagrid and problem lies into the edititemtemplate of datagrid.
I have a datagrid in the following format
Column1 Column2 Column2
abc1 EditImage Delete Image
abc2 EditImage Delete Image
abc3 EditImage Delete Image
Now when i click at the particular editimage then the control goes to the the edititemtemplate where i am using a function to construct a table in that particular row of the datagrid in which i clicked at the editimage .In the edititemtemplate i am calling a function in the following format.
Now the table is not comming into that row but a message is being displayed in that row and the message is
But i want the structure of the table instead of this message .
I am using the following code in the LoadTable
Public function LoadTable(Byval str as string)as Sysytem.Web.Ui.HtmlControls.Table
dim con as new oledbconnection("connectionstring")
cmd=new oledbcommand("select * from abc where id=" & str , con)
dim dr as oledbdatareader
dim t as new system.web.ui.htmlcontrol.table
dim drow as System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableRow
dim dcell(1) as New System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell
drow = New System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableRow
dcell(0) = New System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell
dcell(0).Width = "30%"
dcell(1) = New System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell
dcell(1).Width = "70%"
dcell(0).InnerText = dr.Item(0)
dcell(1).InnerText = dr.Item(1)
end while
End Sub
please help me to construct the table in the datagrid row at edititem template of datagrid
I'm curious to know what the best practice is for sizing controls on pages. For example I have a 3rd party DataGrid-like component that, if I leave at 100% height will go as big as it requires to display all the rows returned which in turn means the user is required to scroll the frame it's in if they want to see the whole result set.
(yes I said frame , I've researched this to death and a frameset is still the best fit for this particular job)
However that component has a built in scrollbar which works well when the grid is restricted to a smaller size. Where it would normally take 3000 pixels vertically to display I could set it to a height of 300px and using the built in scrollbar scroll through the results to the last row.
Ideally I want to exactly fill the "content" frame with as much grid as will fit perfectly and use the grid's built in scrollbars for navigating to the bits that don't fit. This though, seems impossible. Short of someone replying with a magic solution that I just couldn't find I'm guessing I'll have to compromise.
Every example I see seems to favor setting explicit sizes in pixels for many data components.
So should I just pick a "typical" browser window size and set explicit values for that size (i.e. assume minimum 800X600 and smaller size users can scroll)?
This seems lousy though when considering that many users have a much larger size than a default minimum and would end up with wasted real estate on screen, so is it better to go for a maximum and set explicit sizes for that maximum and then anyone with less has to scroll the frame?
Neither sounds very nice but the minimum sounds the least annoying.
I've messed about with some Javascript to dynamically resize the grid component, however there doesn't seem to be a reliable way to get the size of the browser window that works in both FF and IE so I'm not really planning on using that method. I can reliably get the entire screen dimensions but that's pretty much useless.
Help...so confused.. Any and all advice gladly accepted.
Hi all,
i am having a page and in that if the user does not fill any thing or does not save the data, the page should not be redirect to another page. how to solve this problem . please some body help me. Thanks a lot in advance
Thanks and Regards
If i call Web Service from same server it's working fine. If i try to call the Web Service from another server,i am getting this following error.
Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1).
error CS2001: Source file 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\39_bmero.0.cs' could not be found.
error CS2008: No inputs specified.
Hi Sathiya,
Are you generating temporary class in your web service code? if yes than it may be referring some hardcode location for generated cs file as i can see from the error message. solution is try to trace some hard code path or provide some specific location for temporary generated class
How to find(count) number of records or rows in the datagrid?
This assumes that you are binding a DataTable to a DataGrid. But if
you're binding a DataReader this approach won't work.
Another way RcdCount = DS.Tables("pubs").Rows.Count.ToString()
If your datagrid name is dg, then write
Pradipta Basu
how can I bind the data to textbox using ASP.NET inline coding?
I have implemented data binding to dropdownlist... likewise I want to do data binding to TextBox too..
can someone please guide me?
Thanks in advance.