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GeneralRe: To clarify Pin
Colin Angus Mackay17-Jul-06 11:01
Colin Angus Mackay17-Jul-06 11:01 
GeneralRe: To clarify [modified] Pin
Heinz_18-Jul-06 8:25
Heinz_18-Jul-06 8:25 
GeneralRe: To clarify Pin
Colin Angus Mackay18-Jul-06 12:31
Colin Angus Mackay18-Jul-06 12:31 
GeneralRe: To clarify Pin
Heinz_18-Jul-06 13:59
Heinz_18-Jul-06 13:59 
AnswerRe: Why can't use 2 DataReader with same connection Pin
sampathkumarg19-Jul-06 8:34
sampathkumarg19-Jul-06 8:34 
QuestionSave Changes Pin
slSoftware16-Jul-06 21:25
slSoftware16-Jul-06 21:25 
AnswerRe: Save Changes Pin
Colin Angus Mackay16-Jul-06 22:58
Colin Angus Mackay16-Jul-06 22:58 
QuestionSQL Server Management Studio Express and Locks Pin
Kuira16-Jul-06 14:07
Kuira16-Jul-06 14:07 
I am not sure, but I am trying to work this out but if I do a CREATE SCRIPT SELECT on a TABLE and execute it using SQL Server Management Studio Express, will it lock access to it for transactional or for update purposes? Like a read commted? or am I going off track here as I am not completely sure about SQL stuff.... Confused | :confused:
AnswerRe: SQL Server Management Studio Express and Locks Pin
Frank Kerrigan18-Jul-06 1:59
Frank Kerrigan18-Jul-06 1:59 
Questioncorrupted database [modified] Pin
illusionFinder16-Jul-06 3:55
illusionFinder16-Jul-06 3:55 
AnswerRe: corrupted database Pin
Paul Conrad17-Jul-06 8:08
professionalPaul Conrad17-Jul-06 8:08 
AnswerRe: corrupted database Pin
ra ra ra ra17-Jul-06 22:42
ra ra ra ra17-Jul-06 22:42 
QuestionReturn 0 when no rows [modified] Pin
Heinz_15-Jul-06 13:49
Heinz_15-Jul-06 13:49 
AnswerRe: Return 0 when no rows Pin
ra ra ra ra16-Jul-06 23:26
ra ra ra ra16-Jul-06 23:26 
GeneralRe: Return 0 when no rows [modified] Pin
Heinz_17-Jul-06 9:30
Heinz_17-Jul-06 9:30 
GeneralRe: Return 0 when no rows Pin
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.17-Jul-06 12:42
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.17-Jul-06 12:42 
GeneralRe: Return 0 when no rows [modified] Pin
ra ra ra ra17-Jul-06 22:22
ra ra ra ra17-Jul-06 22:22 
GeneralRe: Return 0 when no rows [modified] Pin
Heinz_18-Jul-06 8:27
Heinz_18-Jul-06 8:27 
Questioncan we create stored procedures in MS Access database Pin
ChennaiBabu14-Jul-06 21:15
ChennaiBabu14-Jul-06 21:15 
AnswerRe: can we create stored procedures in MS Access database Pin
mysorian15-Jul-06 4:43
professionalmysorian15-Jul-06 4:43 
AnswerRe: can we create stored procedures in MS Access database Pin
ra ra ra ra17-Jul-06 22:28
ra ra ra ra17-Jul-06 22:28 
Questionstored procedure Output parameter value is Null Pin
For_IT14-Jul-06 12:26
For_IT14-Jul-06 12:26 
AnswerRe: stored procedure Output parameter value is Null Pin
nguyenvhn14-Jul-06 16:24
nguyenvhn14-Jul-06 16:24 
AnswerRe: stored procedure Output parameter value is Null Pin
Colin Angus Mackay14-Jul-06 21:53
Colin Angus Mackay14-Jul-06 21:53 
GeneralRe: stored procedure Output parameter value is Null Pin
Mike Dimmick15-Jul-06 3:57
Mike Dimmick15-Jul-06 3:57 

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