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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: IPC (Inter Process Comunication) Pin
earl13-Jul-06 7:50
earl13-Jul-06 7:50 
QuestionDifference between Static lib and Dynamic lib Pin
NiceNaidu12-Jul-06 23:22
NiceNaidu12-Jul-06 23:22 
AnswerRe: Difference between Static lib and Dynamic lib Pin
Prakash Nadar13-Jul-06 0:58
Prakash Nadar13-Jul-06 0:58 
GeneralRe: Difference between Static lib and Dynamic lib Pin
Chris Losinger13-Jul-06 3:29
professionalChris Losinger13-Jul-06 3:29 
GeneralRe: Difference between Static lib and Dynamic lib Pin
Prakash Nadar14-Jul-06 4:48
Prakash Nadar14-Jul-06 4:48 
GeneralRe: Difference between Static lib and Dynamic lib Pin
Zac Howland13-Jul-06 4:11
Zac Howland13-Jul-06 4:11 
GeneralRe: Difference between Static lib and Dynamic lib Pin
Prakash Nadar14-Jul-06 4:53
Prakash Nadar14-Jul-06 4:53 
GeneralRe: Difference between Static lib and Dynamic lib Pin
earl14-Jul-06 5:03
earl14-Jul-06 5:03 
Ah no -- you certainly don't need a .lib for both.

They're called "linking" in the MS docs. Early linking means you use a lib and your linker inserts thunks that are later fixed up either on exe start when the run time loads the dll or on first function call if you used a delay-load pragma.

Late linking, or a dynamically linked dll, you have no lib and not necessarily any .h file (though the latter helps, because you need to know the function signatures). You can simply call LoadLibrary then GetProcAddress with a function name to get a function pointer and that's it. There is no type checking on the function pointer so you better know the signature (here's where a h file is handy) but no h file is required.
See: MSDN[^]

AnswerRe: Difference between Static lib and Dynamic lib Pin
Rilhas17-Jul-06 13:16
Rilhas17-Jul-06 13:16 
Questionget the desktop(monitor) width and height using win32 Pin
kk_mfc12-Jul-06 23:19
kk_mfc12-Jul-06 23:19 
AnswerRe: get the desktop(monitor) width and height using win32 Pin
Jonathan [Darka]12-Jul-06 23:23
professionalJonathan [Darka]12-Jul-06 23:23 
GeneralRe: get the desktop(monitor) width and height using win32 Pin
Jonathan [Darka]12-Jul-06 23:29
professionalJonathan [Darka]12-Jul-06 23:29 
AnswerRe: get the desktop(monitor) width and height using win32 Pin
Naveen12-Jul-06 23:24
Naveen12-Jul-06 23:24 
AnswerRe: get the desktop(monitor) width and height using win32 Pin
NiceNaidu12-Jul-06 23:26
NiceNaidu12-Jul-06 23:26 
AnswerRe: get the desktop(monitor) width and height using win32 Pin
Hamid_RT13-Jul-06 0:08
Hamid_RT13-Jul-06 0:08 
GeneralRe: get the desktop(monitor) width and height using win32 Pin
kk_mfc13-Jul-06 0:31
kk_mfc13-Jul-06 0:31 
QuestionCatching Exceptions thrown by a process Pin
Pavan Rao12-Jul-06 22:54
Pavan Rao12-Jul-06 22:54 
AnswerRe: Catching Exceptions thrown by a process Pin
Jonathan [Darka]12-Jul-06 23:04
professionalJonathan [Darka]12-Jul-06 23:04 
AnswerRe: Catching Exceptions thrown by a process Pin
Stephen Hewitt13-Jul-06 1:20
Stephen Hewitt13-Jul-06 1:20 
GeneralRe: Catching Exceptions thrown by a process Pin
Pavan Rao13-Jul-06 18:57
Pavan Rao13-Jul-06 18:57 
GeneralRe: Catching Exceptions thrown by a process Pin
Pavan Rao13-Jul-06 21:27
Pavan Rao13-Jul-06 21:27 
QuestionFindFile in website Pin
includeh1012-Jul-06 22:37
includeh1012-Jul-06 22:37 
AnswerRe: FindFile in website Pin
eusto13-Jul-06 0:50
eusto13-Jul-06 0:50 
GeneralRe: FindFile in website Pin
Hamid_RT13-Jul-06 1:16
Hamid_RT13-Jul-06 1:16 
GeneralRe: FindFile in website Pin
eusto13-Jul-06 3:15
eusto13-Jul-06 3:15 

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