thanx for replying but my application is a Dialog Based Application and i hav menu in dialog.and images can be individual images.
plz clear my doubt.
I think the link that i provided itself has a dialog based sample..
In my list box , I input some chinese texts. However, it slow "&d2" to replace the words. How can i solve this problem?
Try writing the application using unicode.
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
but it can't using unicode....another methods?
and i try to using unicode...it can't
-- modified at 3:41 Friday 14th July, 2006
i'm facing a problem, can someone help me with it? i do not know how come the window is unable to detect the location of the library files...
It goes like this:
// BioAPIClass.h
// Classes to simplify using the BioAPI from an application
#if ! defined (BIOAPICLASS_H)
// ../../../BioAPI/include/
// ../../../BioAPI/addins/maf
// ../../../BioAPI/imports/cdsa/v2_0/inc/
#if ! defined(USE_DEFAULT_PATHS) //FPC software structure
#include "bioapi_schema.h" // For data types etc
#include "port/bioapi_lock.h" // Needed for maf_collectn
#include "port/bioapi_port.h" // Needed for maf_collectn
#include "bioapi_err.h" // Needed for maf_collectn
#include "maf_collectn.h" // Needed for maf_util
#include "maf_util.h" // For App_Malloc, App_Free
#include "..\BioAPICommon\BioAPICommon.h" // Things common to application and BSP side
#include "..\BioAPICommon\FPCoreErrors.h" // FPC Specific error codes
#include "..\BioAPICommon\FPCoreConfig.h" // FPC specific additions
#include "..\CmnLibrary\CmnRegistry.h" // For registry access
#include "..\CmnLibrary\CmnDataStorage.h" // Data storage
#else //Default software structure
#include "..\..\..\BioAPI Consortium\BioAPI\source\include\bioapi_schema.h" // For data types etc
#include "..\..\..\BioAPI Consortium\BioAPI\source\include\port\bioapi_lock.h" // Needed for maf_collectn
#include "..\..\..\BioAPI Consortium\BioAPI\source\include\port\bioapi_port.h" // Needed for maf_collectn
#include "..\..\..\BioAPI Consortium\BioAPI\source\include\bioapi_err.h" // Needed for maf_collectn
#include "..\..\..\BioAPI Consortium\BioAPI\source\addins\maf\maf_collectn.h" // Needed for maf_util
#include "..\..\..\BioAPI Consortium\BioAPI\source\addins\maf\maf_util.h" // For App_Malloc, App_Free
#include "..\inc\BioAPICommon.h" // Things common to application and BSP side
#include "..\inc\FPCoreErrors.h" // FPC Specific error codes
#include "..\inc\FPCoreConfig.h" // FPC specific additions
#include "..\inc\CmnRegistry.h" // For registry access
#include "..\inc\CmnDataStorage.h" // Data storage
FPCore Test.cpp
c:\documents and settings\student\desktop\research\fp\pc software\new folder\inc\bioapiclass.h(28) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '..\..\..\BioAPI Consortium\BioAPI\source\include\bioapi_schema.h': No such file or directory
FPCore TestDlg.cpp
c:\documents and settings\student\desktop\research\fp\pc software\new folder\inc\bioapiclass.h(28) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '..\..\..\BioAPI Consortium\BioAPI\source\include\bioapi_schema.h': No such file or directory
Error executing cl.exe.
FPCore TestD.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\research\FP\PC Software\New Folder\inc\
Thanks & Regards
If u r using VC6,
Try this.
Go to Tools->Options->Directories and Include those all files and rebuild the application.
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
this is what i've included according to ur advise.. but still, the errors are still exists... hmmm... why is that so?
Please help... Thanks
The easist way to solve all problems is to simplify them. Copy all files in short directories as "Header" or "libs.
The message is clear:
c:\documents and settings\student\desktop\research\fp\pc software\new folder\inc\bioapiclass.h(28) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '..\..\..\BioAPI Consortium\BioAPI\source\include\bioapi_schema.h': No such file or directory
the file bioapiclass.h isnt there
..\..\..\BioAPI Consortium\BioAPI\source\include\bioapi_schema.h'
believe the compiler. Remove the "..\..\" Part.
Greetings from Germany
By the way, what is the meaning of "..\..\" ??
we3Guy wrote: By the way, what is the meaning of "..\..\" ??
Each ".." means to move up by one directory.
For eg: if the current directory is C:\nibu\babu\thomas, then the first ".." will take you to babu, the next one to nibu, the next one to C:.
Nibu thomas
A Developer
Programming tips[^] My site[^]
All Right.... Thanks guys
Best Regards
Can I read a file which is already opened for writing????
Dream bigger... Do bigger...Expect smaller
If I am not wrong,
Unless u close the handle ,u cannot open the same file again.
If u want to read and write at the same time use flags like CFile::modeReadWrite
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
Thats i know.
My problem is that this file is opened for write by another application. I have no information about this application.
I want to read it from my application.
Dream bigger... Do bigger...Expect smaller
Then to my knowledge,it is not possible to read .
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
It all depends on the share mode used to open the file. If the other application opened the file with READ access and using FILE_SHARE_READ, then you can read the file. Try opening the file with the same and see what happens.
Anyone who thinks he has a better idea of what's good for people than people do is a swine.
- P.J. O'Rourke
I made the file association of my file type with my application, and now when I double click the file, it opens my application but gives the error message
"Windows cannot find 'c:\downloads\file.hs1'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search."
The file path is shows is the file I just clicked, so it obviously exists.
what i have to do.
i use slider control and i use its code in oninitdialog
iset m_slider.SetRange(0,8); its range it works
but when i want to set selection with this m_slider.SetSelection(3,7); it does not works plz solve this one
Ashish Dogra
Have you selected the EnableSelection property of Slider conrol?
thanks to u reply.
i have a list of function on which i have to wirte code:
Is it possible that i can mail u so that send u some attachment...regarding api
First i have to get connected to server...
Functions are:
2.getconnected to srever.
3. so on
//need code for this
void CServertryDlg::OnConnectedToServerArielapictrl1(LPCTSTR SessionId)
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
void CServertryDlg::OnLoginArielapictrl1(LPCTSTR SessionId, short Accepted, LPCTSTR FailureMessage)
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
void CServertryDlg::OnAccountListArielapictrl1(LPCTSTR SessionId, LPCTSTR RequestId, LPCTSTR Name, short TradePermissions)
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
port no:1000
it's fine that you are having an API with which you have to connect to a server.But you forgot to mention about 1) - with what protocol do you want to connect and provide some details of the application.
Somethings seem HARD to do, until we know how to do them.
tcp protocol
Get connected to london server,get session ID,port no:1000.
void CServertryDlg::OnLoginArielapictrl1(LPCTSTR SessionId, short Accepted, LPCTSTR FailureMessage)
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
void CServertryDlg::OnConnectedToServerArielapictrl1(LPCTSTR SessionId)
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
void CServertryDlg::OnAccountListArielapictrl1(LPCTSTR SessionId, LPCTSTR RequestId, LPCTSTR Name, short TradePermissions)
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
thanks for your kind reply