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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: any Idea for a Project? Pin
Semion_N13-Jul-06 8:06
Semion_N13-Jul-06 8:06 
AnswerRe: any Idea for a Project? Pin
David Crow13-Jul-06 7:49
David Crow13-Jul-06 7:49 
AnswerRe: any Idea for a Project? Pin
FarPointer13-Jul-06 8:58
FarPointer13-Jul-06 8:58 
GeneralRe: any Idea for a Project? Pin
Semion_N13-Jul-06 8:05
Semion_N13-Jul-06 8:05 
GeneralRe: any Idea for a Project? Pin
Semion_N13-Jul-06 9:02
Semion_N13-Jul-06 9:02 
QuestionGetKeyboardState(); Pin
Max++13-Jul-06 6:18
Max++13-Jul-06 6:18 
AnswerRe: GetKeyboardState(); Pin
Randor 13-Jul-06 6:31
professional Randor 13-Jul-06 6:31 
QuestionTutorial or Learning Tools. Pin
WREY13-Jul-06 6:03
WREY13-Jul-06 6:03 
Does anyone know of any tutorial tools that might be helpful in getting up to speed with VC 8?

Time past, whenever MS came out with a new version of VC, they'd produce a CD for those who might need a little help getting acquainted with the product.

I've just barely become acquainted with VC 7, and now VC 8 has me stumbling all over the place.


Smile | :)


Fortes in fide et opere!
AnswerRe: Tutorial or Learning Tools. Pin
David Crow13-Jul-06 7:45
David Crow13-Jul-06 7:45 
QuestionProblems of Updating contents in an Edit box in vc6 Pin
cppcook13-Jul-06 5:22
cppcook13-Jul-06 5:22 
AnswerRe: Problems of Updating contents in an Edit box in vc6 Pin
Zac Howland13-Jul-06 5:30
Zac Howland13-Jul-06 5:30 
GeneralRe: Problems of Updating contents in an Edit box in vc6 Pin
cppcook13-Jul-06 7:15
cppcook13-Jul-06 7:15 
AnswerRe: Problems of Updating contents in an Edit box in vc6 Pin
David Crow13-Jul-06 5:41
David Crow13-Jul-06 5:41 
QuestionHow the application knows whether the machine is Laptop or Desktop????? Pin
nagamohan_p13-Jul-06 5:04
nagamohan_p13-Jul-06 5:04 
QuestionRe: How the application knows whether the machine is Laptop or Desktop????? Pin
David Crow13-Jul-06 5:34
David Crow13-Jul-06 5:34 
AnswerRe: How the application knows whether the machine is Laptop or Desktop????? Pin
Jun Du13-Jul-06 5:47
Jun Du13-Jul-06 5:47 
QuestionSound detection [modified] Pin
Ivan Cachicatari13-Jul-06 4:48
Ivan Cachicatari13-Jul-06 4:48 
Questioncode formatting style [modified] Pin
aafcls13-Jul-06 4:19
aafcls13-Jul-06 4:19 
AnswerRe: code formatting style Pin
Chris Losinger13-Jul-06 4:22
professionalChris Losinger13-Jul-06 4:22 
QuestionInheritance problem Pin
khb13-Jul-06 3:27
khb13-Jul-06 3:27 
AnswerRe: Inheritance problem Pin
Zac Howland13-Jul-06 4:21
Zac Howland13-Jul-06 4:21 
QuestionRe: Inheritance problem [modified] Pin
khb13-Jul-06 5:13
khb13-Jul-06 5:13 
AnswerRe: Inheritance problem Pin
Zac Howland13-Jul-06 5:18
Zac Howland13-Jul-06 5:18 
GeneralRe: Inheritance problem Pin
earl13-Jul-06 5:20
earl13-Jul-06 5:20 
GeneralRe: Inheritance problem Pin
Zac Howland13-Jul-06 5:25
Zac Howland13-Jul-06 5:25 

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