I am using VC++6.0 and am trying to find out the charactersitics of a MFC AppWizard(exe) project that I happend to get, say, like if it was created as a single document or multiple documents or dialog based etc.,
How do you find out any project characteristics?
Can I find out from the menu bar?
wat do you have in ur hand???
Is only an exe???
Dream bigger... Do bigger...Expect smaller
-- modified at 2:48 Thursday 13th July, 2006
Main classes used in different types of application in the project workspace you can see -
Dialog Based:
CXXXDlg - Derived from CDialog
CXXXApp - Derived from CWinApp
Single Document Interface:
CXXXDoc - Derived from CDocument
CXXXView - Derived from CView
CMainFrame - Derived from CFrameWnd
CXXXApp - Derived from CWinApp
Uses CSingleDocTemplate
Multiple Document Interface:
CXXXDoc - Derived from CDocument
CXXXView - Derived from CView
CMainFrame - Derived from CMDIFrameWnd
CChildFrame - Derived from CMDIChildWnd
CXXXApp - Derived from CWinApp
Uses CMultiDocTemplate
I got confused because it had so many other user-defined classes other than the standard default ones.
Thanks again
IMHO,If you have the source code for the project than you can check and make a wise decision after seeing the classview.
Somethings seem HARD to do, until we know how to do them.
I think yes i see this tool(s) in codeproject, and i think its good for your purpose
in this tool you can use from mouse for find resources in run programs (for example it can see to you
a editbox,toolbar,clasess and....)but im sorry i forgot name
Dear Sir,
I have tried what Danang Suharno write, it's working but it shows one page.What to do so to show all pages in my preview screen
i want to ask that when i include #include "Afxcmm.h" for comman controls.
and run my application it always give error as Cannot open include file: 'Afxcmm.h': No such file or directory.
plz tell me is there any setting realted to this which i need to set.
Ashish Dogra
And if you use #include<Afxcmm.h>instead ""?
but i face same problem
Ashish Dogra
Search in your computer that do you have this file
Are you sure that u want to include #include Afxcmm.h"
I think its actualy #include "Afxcmn.h" that you needed
try with <>
Dream bigger... Do bigger...Expect smaller
-- modified at 2:28 Thursday 13th July, 2006
of course its #include "Afxcmn.h"
Have you bothered to verify that the file actually exists on your machine? If it doesn't, that would be one reason for the error.
"The largest fire starts but with the smallest spark." - David Crow
"Judge not by the eye but by the heart." - Native American Proverb
Hi All,
I want ot create static text on the dialog box. I wrote following code in OninitDialog function.
CStatic myStatic;
myStatic.Create(_T("my static"), WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|SS_CENTER,
CRect(15,15,150,50), this);
But it doesn't work for me. Whats wrong.. can anybody help me
DeclareCStatic myStatic; in class not in a function
Its working wen i tried with the same code.
Declared this as a member of class.
CStatic myStatic;
Dream bigger... Do bigger...Expect smaller
jadhav123 wrote: Static myStatic;
myStatic.Create(_T("my static"), WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|SS_CENTER,
CRect(15,15,150,50), this);
it is not created because, as soon as OnInitDialog function Exit, scope of MyStatic variable will end which inturn destory the object..
Now if you want to see Your Dynamically created Static Box you have to decalre CStatic variable as global or as classmember, so ity lifetime is that of program
"Opinions are neither right nor wrong. I cannot change your opinion. I can, however, change what influences your opinion." - David Crow
Alok Gupta
VC Forum Q&A :- I/ IV
Support CRY- Child Relief and You
I create MFC extension DLL and wrote couple of functions adding one class i.e.CNoteMgr
in the DLL workspace.
In the class header of CNoteMgr,
there are two functions whose signature is given as below :
BOOL CNoteMgr::drawCurve(HDC,POINT,HWND);
The implementation has been done in different way for line drawing and drawing curve.
But while compiling the DLL, i am getting the following errors as below :
D:\FancyViewer\Notebook\Notebook.cpp(78) : warning C4101: 'msg' : unreferenced local variable
D:\FancyViewer\Notebook\NoteMgr.cpp(632) : error C2511: 'drawLine' : overloaded member function 'int (struct HDC__ *,struct HPEN__ *,struct tagPOINT [],struct HWND__ *)' not found in 'CNoteMgr'
d:\fancyviewer\notebook\notemgr.h(29) : see declaration of 'CNoteMgr'
D:\FancyViewer\Notebook\NoteMgr.cpp(665) : error C2511: 'drawCurve' : overloaded member function 'int (struct HDC__ *,struct tagPOINT [],struct HWND__ *)' not found in 'CNoteMgr'
d:\fancyviewer\notebook\notemgr.h(29) : see declaration of 'CNoteMgr'
D:\FancyViewer\Notebook\NoteMgr.cpp(838) : warning C4800: 'unsigned char' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning)
Generating Code...
Error executing cl.exe...
PLEASE NOTE that the error id is "C2511".
I do not know where the point of overloading comes as the method names are different.
I found from MSDN regarding the error C2511 and tried all possibilities but still
the problem persists.
MSDN says that for the error C2511
'identifier' : overloaded member function not found in 'class'
No version of the function is declared with the specified parameters.
Possible causes :
(1)Wrong parameters passed to function.
(2)Parameters passed in wrong order.
(3)Incorrect spelling of parameter names.
The following sample generates C2511:
Example ->
// C2511.cpp
class C {
int c_2;
int Func(char *, char *);
int C::Func(char *, char *, int i) { // C2511
// try ...
// int C::Func(char *, char *) {
return 0;
Can anyone help me out please ??
Changed as the folowing:
<br />
BOOL CNoteMgr::drawLine(HDC,HPEN,POINT*,HWND);<br />
BOOL CNoteMgr::drawCurve(HDC,POINT*,HWND);<br />
Because of your implementation is POINT[]
My app requires to update software from the internet.
I need to know the number of days from last update day to current day.
one solution is using GetSystemTime().
GetSystemTime() obtains year, month and day, but how to transfer SYSTEMTIME to absolute days, so number of days between the period can be calculated easily.
store the values in regisry and check while updating
"A winner is not one who never fails...but the one who never quits"
I wan't to play a movie clip in an application using Visual C++.
I think it is possible. Any body can give me an idea abt this.
Dream bigger... Do bigger...Expect smaller