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GeneralRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
toxcct12-Jul-06 6:38
toxcct12-Jul-06 6:38 
GeneralRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 7:05
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 7:05 
QuestionRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
David Crow12-Jul-06 6:30
David Crow12-Jul-06 6:30 
GeneralRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 5:07
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 5:07 
GeneralRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 6:09
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 6:09 
GeneralRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 6:15
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 6:15 
GeneralRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 6:25
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 6:25 
GeneralRe: overzealous protection rules [modified] Pin
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 6:48
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 6:48 
well you can basically "completely circumvent" protection anyway. For example:


class A
int value;


//now let's say I want to access value in an 'A' object I have. I just write this:

class A_breaker: public A
int* accessValue()
{ return &value; }

void my_function (A& my_a)
int* value_ptr = ((A_breaker&)my_a).accessValue();
//now I can do anything
} if they were trying to make "protected" bulletproof, they didn't succeed at all. (I've actually compiled the above and it's perfectly legal...and, incidentally, the cast to A_breaker is perfectly safe since A_breaker adds no data)

-- modified at 13:01 Wednesday 12th July, 2006
GeneralRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 7:05
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 7:05 
AnswerRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 5:45
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 5:45 
GeneralRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 6:00
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 6:00 
GeneralRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 6:21
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 6:21 
GeneralRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 6:50
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 6:50 
GeneralRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 7:08
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 7:08 
GeneralRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 6:59
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 6:59 
GeneralRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 7:14
Zac Howland12-Jul-06 7:14 
Answersolution Pin
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 6:04
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 6:04 
GeneralRe: solution Pin
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 8:25
Dave Schumann12-Jul-06 8:25 
GeneralRe: solution Pin
BadKarma12-Jul-06 8:58
BadKarma12-Jul-06 8:58 
GeneralRe: solution Pin
led mike12-Jul-06 8:53
led mike12-Jul-06 8:53 
AnswerRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
Rilhas17-Jul-06 13:43
Rilhas17-Jul-06 13:43 
AnswerRe: overzealous protection rules Pin
David Crow31-Jul-06 10:28
David Crow31-Jul-06 10:28 
QuestionA (simple) Shell Question Pin
Dave Kerr12-Jul-06 4:49
Dave Kerr12-Jul-06 4:49 
QuestionLabeling Slider Bar stops Pin
LCI12-Jul-06 4:36
LCI12-Jul-06 4:36 
AnswerRe: Labeling Slider Bar stops Pin
pgrohs12-Jul-06 4:51
pgrohs12-Jul-06 4:51 

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