How I can create a Pascals triangle in aspx
I've done it in ASP (vbscript)
<form methot="GET">
<INPUT type=text value="<%=Request.QueryString("i")%>" name="i">
<input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" value="OK">
<table border="1" cellspacing="2">
dim tabl(5000,5000)
dim i, j
' Initialisation
For i=0 to Request.QueryString("i")
' Calcul
For i=0 to Request.QueryString("i")
For j=1 to i
' Affichage
For i=0 to Request.QueryString("i")
response.write "<tr>"
For j=0 to Request.QueryString("i")
response.write "<td>" & tabl(i,j) & "</td>"
response.write "</tr>"
Have you tried pasting this into an aspx? Did it give you errors? Are you trying to use a code-behind and a table control? It would be nice if you gave a specific question.
It gives me 58 errors...
It was completly different language =(
Can you help me to write this triangle?
I have a web user control (.ascx) that consists of several text boxes with validators attached.
If I place this web user control into a View container inside the MultiView control no one validation handler is called and page is always Valid. Investigation shows that validation events simply are not fired by ASP.NET.
If I place the same web user control on the .aspx page it works perfectly.
Documentation does not say of any special behavior of validation inside the MultiView.
Any clues, explanations, tips?
Alexander Turlov
Software development consultant, MCSD.NET
If your question is still, then I could help if you post your code snippets. Perhaps, my example is simple enough and it's working me when I staticly declare a user control in a View of the MultiView control in the web page .aspx.
Hi, thanks for the answer, but frankly I don't understand what you mean by "staticly declare a user control in a View". Could you give me an example of the code of such a declaration, please?
As per my code it's mostly an asp.net markup which simply declares all the controls. Because I use standard validation controls there is almost no code behind. Do you want to see a markup?
Thanks in advance.
Alexander Turlov
Software development consultant, MCSD.NET
I am using Multiview control for displaying tab on my page . here I am writing the code for validation of each tab on my page
I have menu item control as well( i.e TabMenu) to display the tab. on clicking the tab it will validate the current tab
protected void TabMenu_MenuItemClick(object sender, MenuEventArgs e)
int nextTabIndex = Int32.Parse(e.Item.Value);
// here TabMultiView is my multiview control
for (int index = 0; index < TabMultiView.Views.Count; index++)
TabMultiView.ActiveViewIndex = index;
if (index != nextTabIndex)
// here ValidationGroup is the name of validationgroup in my validation control ex: <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="Login_x0020_Name" ValidationGroup="ValidationGroup" ErrorMessage="Enter Value"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
if (!Page.IsValid) { return; }
its working perfect
if you have any query regarding this blog please let me know..
Cheers Guys....
Life to Set Hai Boss.......
Shukraj Khadse
Software Engg
Datamatics Global Services
Andheri, Mumbai
Can anybody help me in exporting data from datagrid to excel with proper text formatting.
i dont have any problem in exporting data to excel or in number formatting,but my problem is in text formatting
plesae help me.
Bhaskar Sarma
You don't need to ask if you may ask a question. Just explain your problem, and anybody who knows the solution can reply.
b { font-weight: normal; }
i wanna retrieve data from datagrid column which is filled dynamically by writing code.
The column is filled by writing code
2.i often get the data is used by another user u need permission to acces the data. when i use the database as MSAccess. and oledbdataadapter.
plz any one help me regarding this problems
ashok kumar
I think it sounds like you have an open connection which you aren't closing somewhere...
I'm doing a hotel reservation website and I have implemented 3 arraylists that contain the clients room types, room number and total price. I pass these arraylists to 3 other static arraylists in an AppCode class. I made those static since that's the only way to keep the values in there. My problem is that this works for a single browser, but whenI try with multiple browsers, and insert data into any of the arraylists, bcos they are static they affect other client browser requests.
I need to know how I can prevent this or another method of passing arraylists to other web forms taking note of sessions.
Live in fragments no longer. Only connect.
Dim item As DataGridItem<br />
Dim sectionIDs() As Int16<br />
Dim selectCount As Int16<br />
<br />
For Each item In grdSection.Items<br />
If CType(item.FindControl("chkSelect"), CheckBox).Checked Then<br />
selectCount += 1<br />
ReDim Preserve sectionIDs(selectCount - 1)<br />
sectionIDs(selectCount - 1) = item.Cells(2).Text<br />
End If<br />
Next<br />
<br />
If Not sectionIDs Is Nothing Then<br />
Session.Add("confirmSectionDelete", sectionIDs)<br />
Response.Redirect("DeleteSections.aspx")<br />
End If
Sorry, not helpful.
Live in fragments no longer. Only connect.
Look at the bit about session...
I may be wrong but this has nothing to do with the question that was asked.
You either have to come up with some mechanism to seperate the data by user in your arraylists or just use a session variable.
I am having one Dropdownlist, depending upon dropdownlist selection, I am filling a Listbox. I gave a RequiredField Validator for ListBox. But to my surprise it did not validate if user does not select anything from Listbox.
Finally I created a Default ListItem like "--Select One--" and made through code I made it selected by default.
My problem seems to be solved now, but is there any other alternative?, I wonder is this the case with everyone here.
Please suggest!!
I think you're doing okay. I know I would you a Select Case Implementation if I were you.
Live in fragments no longer. Only connect.
Hi All
I have a program looking at a local (TEST) SQL database. In Visual Studio 2003 I CAN connect to the TEST SQL server through the Server Explorer and see all the tables. I can use an MS project to connect to that db and see all the tables, but when I use my app ASP.NET (code behind) to connect I get:
Fill: SelectCommand.Connection property has not been initialized.
To confuse me even more, when I copy the code to my live system it works fine?
I have two connection strings, one for test (doesnt work) and one for live (does work):
Dim strCn As String = _
"Data Source=PCName;Initial Catalog=CFData;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
Dim strCn As String = _
"Data Source=##.#.##.##,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=CFData;User ID=sa;Password=password;"
These two connection strings are connecting to different SQL databases, TEST is a local copy and LIVE is one on a remote server.
I have tried all kinds of variations on the local connection string but am pulling my hair out!
Can anybody help, PLEEEAAASSSEE
Thanks in advance
Try the following:
Data Source=(local);Integrated Security=true;Initial Catalog=CFData;
Mike Lasseter
Thanks for this Mike, but unfortunatly it still does not work. I have however 'think' I have sussed it by using :
Data Source=PCName;Initial Catalog=CFData;User Id=sa;Password=password
I did not want to have to specify the id/pw but heyho we can't have everything. This will still bug me 'why' though. I assume it is something to do with database permissions.
Kind regards
In order for it to work without a password your user must be setup using windows authentication in SQL Server
Mike Lasseter
Please some help the asp pages are shown same on different resulotions.I have porblum that when i change the reslotion then the asp pages are not well designe.
maybe thats because you have a stiff(fixed) layout at design time. All the pages that you might have made are for some particular resolution. And the tables on which they reside, are of fixed lengths. So, you can simply make those tables to work on %age basis rather than their widths using pixels wise.