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AnswerRe: returning values form jagged arrays Pin
Guffa11-Jul-06 20:55
Guffa11-Jul-06 20:55 
QuestionDoubt In Datalist Pin
Vipin Venugopal11-Jul-06 18:05
Vipin Venugopal11-Jul-06 18:05 
AnswerRe: Doubt In Datalist Pin
minhpc_bk11-Jul-06 21:58
minhpc_bk11-Jul-06 21:58 
QuestionArrgghh! How to disable vs automatically adding style settings for controls? Pin
Member 9611-Jul-06 12:03
Member 9611-Jul-06 12:03 
AnswerRe: Arrgghh! How to disable vs automatically adding style settings for controls? Pin
minhpc_bk11-Jul-06 22:01
minhpc_bk11-Jul-06 22:01 
GeneralRe: Arrgghh! How to disable vs automatically adding style settings for controls? Pin
Member 9612-Jul-06 5:18
Member 9612-Jul-06 5:18 
QuestionHow to send client side data to server side using any method(hidden field or AJAX) Pin
B Desai11-Jul-06 11:55
B Desai11-Jul-06 11:55 
AnswerRe: How to send client side data to server side using any method(hidden field or AJAX) Pin
minhpc_bk11-Jul-06 22:05
minhpc_bk11-Jul-06 22:05 
If the entire web page is reloaded when the user hits the button, then you simply persist the client side data in a hidden field so that it can be posted to the server and you can easily access it. You might only consider using AJAX when you don't want to reload the entire web page, and you surely can find lots of tutorials out there with your friend Google.

QuestionRegularExpressionValidator make me crazy! Pin
tranky11-Jul-06 10:19
tranky11-Jul-06 10:19 
AnswerRe: RegularExpressionValidator make me crazy! Pin
Dustin Metzgar11-Jul-06 10:35
Dustin Metzgar11-Jul-06 10:35 
AnswerRe: RegularExpressionValidator make me crazy! Pin
minhpc_bk11-Jul-06 11:58
minhpc_bk11-Jul-06 11:58 
QuestionAbsolute positioning ( CSS ) and updating problems in Visual Studio 2005 Pin
tedhill1311-Jul-06 10:14
tedhill1311-Jul-06 10:14 
AnswerRe: Absolute positioning ( CSS ) and updating problems in Visual Studio 2005 Pin
Guffa11-Jul-06 11:36
Guffa11-Jul-06 11:36 
GeneralRe: Absolute positioning ( CSS ) and updating problems in Visual Studio 2005 Pin
tedhill1312-Jul-06 7:47
tedhill1312-Jul-06 7:47 
GeneralRe: Absolute positioning ( CSS ) and updating problems in Visual Studio 2005 Pin
tedhill1312-Jul-06 8:09
tedhill1312-Jul-06 8:09 
AnswerRe: Absolute positioning ( CSS ) and updating problems in Visual Studio 2005 Pin
Guffa13-Jul-06 11:35
Guffa13-Jul-06 11:35 
QuestionUsing Membership Provider in a shared hosting and Sql Server Pin
Odin Nordic11-Jul-06 9:44
Odin Nordic11-Jul-06 9:44 
AnswerRe: Using Membership Provider in a shared hosting and Sql Server Pin
minhpc_bk11-Jul-06 11:47
minhpc_bk11-Jul-06 11:47 
QuestionVisual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Pin
_rnd@11-Jul-06 9:42
_rnd@11-Jul-06 9:42 
AnswerRe: Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Pin
minhpc_bk11-Jul-06 11:49
minhpc_bk11-Jul-06 11:49 
GeneralRe: Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Pin
_rnd@12-Jul-06 1:45
_rnd@12-Jul-06 1:45 
GeneralRe: Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Pin
minhpc_bk12-Jul-06 4:12
minhpc_bk12-Jul-06 4:12 
GeneralRe: Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition Pin
_rnd@12-Jul-06 4:55
_rnd@12-Jul-06 4:55 
QuestionAudio Chat Server Pin
MalikRizwan11-Jul-06 6:36
MalikRizwan11-Jul-06 6:36 
QuestionHow to identify which radio button has been selected for a datagird ? Pin
cheeken2u11-Jul-06 6:11
cheeken2u11-Jul-06 6:11 

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