The key status returned from GetKeyState function changes as a specified thread reads key messages from its message queue. The status does not reflect the interrupt-level state associated with the hardware. Use the GetAsyncKeyState function to retrieve that information.
"Dream bigger...Do bigger...Expect smaller"
I have a problem. I have some USB flash media and i want to use it to store some key data for my software. The data are encrypted. In order to protect the media from direct copying i want to include Vendor ID, Product ID and serial number into the encryption key.
How to obtain VID, PID and serial?
I've tried two approaches:
1. Issue IOCTL_STORAGE_QUERY_PROPERTY on the drive in order to obtain STORAGE_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR. It looked like these parameters are present in this structure. However looks like this works correctly only for SCSI. For IDE devices VendorID field is empty (NULL), ProductID field contains drive model string obtained via Identify command, SerialNo field is also empty. For USB drive the things are even worse: Vendor = "USB", Product = "Flash disk" and no serial number.
I've tried IOCTL_STORAGE_GET_MEDIA_SERIAL_NUMBER, but on my flash drives it simply doesn't work. The documentation says it works only WinXP SP1 and only if the media is SCM-1 (Security content management)-compilant. That's all, approach no. 1 stopped here.
2. Traverse through a USB devices tree exactly in the same way as USBView does. Everything is okay, i see IDs and serials, but now i need to find out a drive letter under which the flash device is mounted from the hub name and port number? IOCTL_USB_GET_NODE_CONNECTION_NAME gives empty string on non-hubs. IOCTL_USB_GET_NODE_CONNECTION_DRIVERKEY_NAME works and gives me some ID, but what to do with it then?
Please help me.
could someone help me to solve this problem
i have four regions and i need t make a window consisting of two rectangles pixels width one inside another , like
<p><br />
_______________<br />
| A |<br />
| ----------- |<br />
| |B ---- | |<br />
| | | C | | |<br />
| | ---- | |<br />
| |_________| |<br />
----------------<br />
A - first recangle
B - A hole in the window
C - is a second rectangle
it also must be a D - area inside C but it is to complicated to show it here
i use this code:
h = CreateWindow("Highliter","", WS_VISIBLE, 10, 10, 200, 200, NULL, NULL, hInstance,NULL);
HRGN r3 = CreateRectRgn(0,0, 0, 0);
HRGN r4 = CreateRectRgn(0,0, 0, 0);
HRGN r1 = CreateRectRgn(0,0, 200, 200);
HRGN r2 = CreateRectRgn(12,12,198,198);
int res = CombineRgn(r3,r3,r1,RGN_OR);
MessageBox(NULL,"After First Region","",MB_OK);
r1 = CreateRectRgn(20,20, 150, 150);
r2= CreateRectRgn(25,25,130,130);
res = CombineRgn(r4,r3,r1,RGN_OR);
MessageBox(NULL,"After Second Region","",MB_OK);
res returned second time is ERROR, i dont understand why?
-- modified at 3:32 Wednesday 12th July, 2006
the CombineRgn return predefined constant ERROR, but the GetLastError tells no error, so i think maybe CombinRgn doesn't set last error.
whats return value :
<br />
<br />
can you please make me understand about multithreading.
I am using .NET framework 1.1 (Visual studio 2003.NET) and I have written some codes in VC and VC++. I want to add some XML tags to make documentation out of it. But it only supports XML tags for C#. As far as know Visual Studio 2005 (.NET framework 2) supports XML tags for VC, but I can not switch to it. I want to know if there are some tools that help me to make some documents with .chm extension out of the XML tags I have written or not?(in C#.NET I have written these tags and then I made the XML file out of them and by using NDOC, I have created files in .chm extension. Is there any way to make such documentation out of VC and VC++.NET?)
Thanks in advance
You can use CppDoc to generate your docs. I don't remember if it had support for chm but i'm sure you can convert it from html
Always do your best
The ::SHGetSpecialFolderPath() function is available as part of Internet Explorer 4.0. I would like to emulate this function, on systems with an earlier version of Internet Explorer. Typically, I need my software to run on plain vanilla Windows NT 4.0.
I would like to know if it's possible to emulate this function using ::SHGetSpecialFolderLocation() which is available on my target platform?
The problem is :
::SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_APPDATA) returns an ITEMIDLIST that contains something like "Document and Settings" on my XP box, instead of something more like I would expect, something like "C:\Document and Settings\UserName\Application Data".
Should I revert to using an environment variable? Is there a better solution?
Thanks for your help.
Maxime Labelle
Use SHGetSpecialFolderPath () instead of SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(). The former retrieves the path as characters where as, the latter retrieves the path as PIDL.
Jubin Chawda
Come online at:-
Do you have the following registry key?
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
If so, wouldn't a wrapper around SHGetS... that always returned a proper path, regardless of IE4 being present or not (w/o IE4, using the above mentioned registry key)?
I've got the specified registry key, but it does not contain an entry for the corresponding CSIDL_APPDATA...
Is there another way?
Maxime Labelle
I uses SHBrowseForFolder on workstations so I need to call SHGetPathFromIDList (way down in the code...). Is that one available to you?
namespace {
int CALLBACK BrowseCallbackProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM , LPARAM lpData) {
if(lpData) {
SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, 1, lpData);
return 0;
extern "C" int PickDir(const HWND hwnd, const char* pszSource, char* pszNew){
TCHAR display_name[_MAX_PATH] = _T("");
if(pszSource) strcpy(display_name, pszSource);
HLOCAL hl(0);
memset(&bi, 0x00, sizeof(bi));
bi.hwndOwner = hwnd;
bi.pszDisplayName = display_name;
bi.lpszTitle = _T("Välj bibliotek");
if(pszSource && *pszSource) {
bi.lpfn = BrowseCallbackProc;
bi.lParam = (LPARAM)(hl = LocalAlloc(LPTR, strlen(pszSource) + 1));
CopyMemory(hl, pszSource, strlen(pszSource) + 1);
LPITEMIDLIST pidl(SHBrowseForFolder(&bi));
if(hl) {
if(pidl) {
if(SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, display_name)) {
strcpy(pszNew, display_name);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
-- modified at 4:26 Wednesday 12th July, 2006
Yes, it seems that this function is available...
Besides, it returns the correct result.
Now, the question is, why did my code do wrong, because I could not get the correct result. For instance, your suggestion shown below works like a charm:
hResult = ::SHGetPathFromIDListW(pIDL, lpszPath);
if (FAILED(hResult))
Whereas, the code I was using does not :
IShellFolder* pIShellFolder = 0;
hResult = ::SHGetDesktopFolder(&pIShellFolder);
if (FAILED(hResult))
STRRET strInfo;
strInfo.uType = STRRET_OFFSET;
hResult = pIShellFolder->GetDisplayNameOf(pIDL, SHGDN_NORMAL, &strInfo);
if (FAILED(hResult)) {
hResult = ::StrRetToBuf(&strInfo, pIDL, lpszPath, MAX_PATH);
if (FAILED(hResult))
Has anybody any hints ?
Maxime Labelle
Dear Sir,
Up to now i have not realised to preview all i print(using non Doc/view system). Now I resume to learn again this .
After reading KOAY KAY HOE article and examples, i thing that what is previewing is only controls or dialog.
But what to do if I click on the button and need to preview this text " HELLO THE WORLD" for example.
I learn my self
In my vc++ application I am using Access as the database(connected using DAO). The database and tables are created during runtime.
I name the table depending upon the name the user enters. Now the problem is that if he enters a name with spaces, an errors occurs because of the SELECT sql
Say the name is : tara m
SELECT * FROM tara m
causes an error 'Syntax error in FROM clause'
But the table gets created with the correct name.
I tried putting the table name bet ' ', but it says "wrong formating in querry"
Would you be knowing the right way of doing this. Or I must ask the user to type the name without spaces?
Fortitudine Vincimus!
I'm no SQL expert, but I think you can enclose the table name with square brackets.
SELECT * FROM [tara m]
(Still not sure why you're creating a table for each name though...)
You might post this question in the SQL forum.
- S
50 cups of coffee and you know it's on!
Thank you. I shall check out the square brackets.
Steve Echols wrote: (Still not sure why you're creating a table for each name though...)
Well, the program is such that certain set of 'budget' data should be in one table. And when the user creates another 'budget' a new table with the new budget name has to be created. So if the user wants to delete the old 'budget' all I have to do is delete the table with that name. Makes life easy for me!
Fortitudine Vincimus!
It worked! Thanks a billion!!
Fortitudine Vincimus!
even though using brackets solve your problem, having spaces in a sql element is bad design matter. you should avoid doing so (bu replacing spaces with underscores for example).
moreover, the fact the brackets work is because you use MS SQL Server. a Oracle database wont allow you to do such a thing.
ps, this is a SQL question, which has no relation at all with C/C++. next time, ,ask the right forum !!
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