tranky wrote: Hi, from Italy,
Ah Italy, the FIFA World Cup 2006 Winner, Congratulations !
Just want to second the first reply, you can take the similar expression[^] with the Expresso tool from the link above to produce an expression that meets your need
When I use absolute positioning ( position:absolute; left:376px; top:25px; ) in a html control to position an image-button like this one:
<img src="Images/genericbtn.gif" alt="" border="0" usemap="#Map4" style="position:absolute; left:376px; top:25px; z-index:3; width: 95px; height: 23px;"/>
<map id="Map4">
<area shape="poly" coords="94,0, 93,7, 78,22, 0,21, 1,15, 15,0" href="ShoppingCart.aspx" />
It works fine. It gets positioned where it is supposed to.
However, when I use a web control instead ( because I need a C# OnClick event handler ) like this:
<asp:ImageMap ID="checkout" CssClass="CheckBtn" ImageUrl="~/Images/genericbtn.gif" OnClick="checkout_Click" hotspotmode="PostBack" runat="server">
<asp:PolygonHotSpot Coordinates="94,0, 93,7, 78,22, 0,21, 1,15, 15,0" postbackvalue="Yes" />
And using this CSS code:
width: 95px;
height: 23px;
It does not obey the “left” absolute coordenate. Instead Visual Studio throw it close to the left window border.
1-Is there a solution for that ?
2- I also notice that when you change the CSS absolute position of a html control in the code, VS not always updates it immediately through compilation. Instead it updates it unpredictably and only when you close and run VS again several times.
The same happens when you replace a image file but keeps its old name. VS does not updates the image.
Why that happens ? How to fix it ?
2: CSS files and images are cached in the browser. Try to press control+F5 to update, otherwise empty the cache and update.
b { font-weight: normal; }
Hy Guffa
I use almost always Control+F5 which is the command for Start Compiling and Running without Debugging. It does not update the images.
What should I do to empty the cache ?
Hy Guffa
I just found out how to update the web forms.
It is ridiculously simple. It needs just pressing the browser "Refresh" button !!!
Thank you anyway.
Use control+F5 in the browser to update the page in the browser.
You mean to say that you never used F5 to update the page in the browser?
b { font-weight: normal; }
Recently I decided to build one of these customers website on asp.net 2.0 after I found the hosting company I always work with, now is supporting version 2. I used the default membership provider using the SQLExpress on my local, though the other database stuff was on Sql Server 2000. After uploading the site, I found the error which says the Sql Server 2005 do not allows remote connections, and I discovered that the host doesnt support sqlexpress, so I ran aspnet_regsql tool on my main database and changed all connection strings to reffer it. I changed the LocalSqlServer connection string as well. But now I receieve this error on the host:(I ran all sql scripts provided by the tool on the hosting database as well)
The 'System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider' requires a database schema compatible with schema version '1'. However, the current database schema is not compatible with this version. You may need to either install a compatible schema with aspnet_regsql.exe (available in the framework installation directory), or upgrade the provider to a newer version.
And this one on my local
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'RoleId', table 'milad_ghadami.dbo.aspnet_Roles'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
The statement has been terminated.
milad_ghadami is my database name.
What do you think? Does it mean that this stuff won't work on Sql Server and just work on SqlExpress? Or there is anything I am missing?
Mat Lotus
A couple of things that you can do:
+ Open and check data in the 2 columns Feature and CompatibleSchemaVersion of the aspnet_SchemaVersions table
+ Bypass this checking by modifying the store procedure aspnet_CheckSchemaVersion to always return 0.
+ Create your own custom provider which does not check the compatible version.
Hi There,
I'am working in a project with VWD express edition, and I want to know where to find dll files, or how to set project to put dll into bin directory, from compiled source files (C#).
Tks in Advance,
_ronald wrote: I want to know where to find dll files
Do you mean you want to look for the output assemblies of the web site?
I need the output assemblies, but I dind't find any way to configure VWD to put compiled code files into a single assembly that is built and persisted in the \bin,
Basically, VS does not generate the assemblies in the bin folder, but there are a couple of options which you can use the generate the output assembly of the web site:
+ Puslish the web site from the Build menu, however this option is not available in the Express Edition.
+ Use the ASP.NET Compilation Tool (Aspnet_compiler.exe[^]), for more information see ASP.NET Web Site Precompilation [^]
+ Use the Web Project 2005[^] instead of the default Web Site template, the option will generate the output assembly in the bin folder like when you build the web project in VS 2003. But again I'm not sure if it could help in the case of the Express Edition.
Ok, I'll try to use Aspnet_compiler.exe,
tks for help
I want to implement Audio Chat Server in ASP.NET
Can you please guide me in this regard like how can i implement what packages will be used
or if there is any opensource chat server in .NET kindly tell me.
and approx how much time it will take me to implement
I have a datagrid to show the data import from database. So my datagid has more than one row.I add select button at the front of each row. So, Each row has its own select button ( radio type ). So if the user chose the either one of the radio button for the datagrid and click ok button , how i know ( or the coding ) that actually which row has been selected by the user? give provide some code for me to analyze ? thank fou very much !
This article should help you out. It does have code.
Can someone include the steps that would allow me to connect to a remote SQL Server using a Trusted Connection in IIS? Please include an example of the connect string if possible. Also to note, I am using Form Authentication on the website. Currently we have the connection string encrypted in the registry use a sql server account and want to get away from the model.
I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious.
Vince Lombardi (1913-1970)
Thanks, I will have time to give the 2nd one listed a try next week.
I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious.
Vince Lombardi (1913-1970)
hi,i'm using this code in my submit button :
HttpCookie cook=new HttpCookie("user",TextBox1.Text);
but when i check my cookies folder i found nothing,can anyone help me on this,thanx
I have opened a Popup window with this code:
Dim sScript As String
sScript &= ""
sScript &= "window.open('" & sUrl & "',''," & sFeatures & ");"
sScript &= ""
In the Popup.aspx page I have three places to input information and I store each piece recorded in the session variable with this code:
Dim strExpectations As String = ddlExpectations.SelectedItem.Value
Dim strMarks As String = txtMarks.Text
Dim strNotes As String = txtNotes.text
Session.Add("Expectations", strExpectations)
Session.Add("Marks", strMarks)
Session.Add("Notes", strNotes)
I want to now close this popup and then retrieve the info at the window I used to open the popup in the beginning. the original window consists of a dynamically created table and when they make their selections I want to use that info to change the cell background and place soem text in the cell. After this is done the session will be cleared and the info sent through to the database.
I cannot get the Popup.aspx window to close - is there a simple way to place something like Me.Close()***this does not work, under the session stuff on the submit button???
Thx, Tammy
Hi I added a checkbox control in a datalist. I need to check the count of checkbox that user selects.each row has one checkbox. i need to count the number of checkbox before user can submit. only if the number of checkbox is 5 (not more not less) user can submit the form otherwise display error message. I manage to put a label control with in a datalist where by i can get the relevant id associated with that checkbox but couldnt figure out how can i actually submit the form only if its 5. checkbox is hardcoded and not coming from database.the row looks like this
checkbox productname productdesc
now if the user checks the checkbox i need to get a productname of the relevant row and if its five i need to submit those 5 product unless not.
please help how to acheive this. a code example will be great.