i would like to create a .aspx page prgramaticlly in asp.net.
Self modifying code is very rarely needed in programming.
What is it that you think would be best solved using this?
b { font-weight: normal; }
In this case you have to wite Inline script for this page. Simply create a string and save it as ASPX.
Note that in page directive Codebehind attribute should not be there and do write all the login in
Nobody is perfect i'm Nobody
I created a project in C# ASP.net...and i called Excel shett on main window....
the problem is i m not able to resize the excel sheet....its taking full window place........
i want ....Excel sheet should take half part of that windows.....Is it possible....if yes then how?
also i want to know that can we restrict the noumber of rows and columns in the windows.....
Hi everyone,
I have a situation where I must add ImageButtons dynamically on a page. This I managed to do, but I need them to respond to the Click event and they won't.
Here's a snippet which represents what I'm doing:
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
ArrayList imagenes = new ArrayList();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
ImageButton ib3 = new ImageButton();
ib3.ID = "ib3";
ib3.ImageUrl = "Puesta de sol.jpg";
ib3.Click += new ImageClickEventHandler(ImageButton_Click);
ib3.Width = new Unit(100, UnitType.Pixel);
ib3.Height = new Unit(100, UnitType.Pixel);
Session["Imagenes"] = imagenes;
imagenes = (ArrayList)Session["Imagenes"];
foreach (ImageButton ib in imagenes)
protected void ImageButton_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), null, "alert('HEY');", true);
After clicking on the ImageButton, the page reloads, enters the Else clause, the ImageButton is restored, but it won't enter the Click handler.
Also, I tried setting the handler manually inside the Else clause after the control has been added to the form but it won't enter the handler either.
My guess is this is happening because asp.net is actually assigning the handler, but the call to the handler is simply 'lost' during the restoration of the controls since it appears asp.net expects to fire events for 'static' controls only.
I've checked that when a Click event is fired for a 'static' ImageButton, the execution path goes through the Page_Load first and ends into the handler. That's why i re-create the control in the Else clause in Page_Load.
It's not as important for me to get every delegate for each control restored(which i guess it actually is) and working, as it is getting all of them getting into one handler as expected, since I'll possibly assing all of them the same handler.
Thanks a lot in advance for any help you could provide,
-- modified at 4:52 Tuesday 11th July, 2006
Ok, strangely enough, when I set the handler now, after re-creating the controls, its working. I'm sorry, i thought i had tested this yesterday already.
I guess I can go on now.
Nonetheless, I'm still interested in a way of storing and retrieving the delegates just in case i stumble uppon a situation where I actually need to use different event handlers for different controls.
Thanks for your support,
I am using Datagrid and in it Questions are being displayed from Database.So when user print these questions then Datagrid Header is displayed only on first page .I want datagrid header to be displayed on all print pages.How can this be done.
Hello All,
I'm trying to develop an application where, i have a flash file running in an ASPX page and that page contains an aspx save button. I need to capture a portion of the screen(i 've filled a rectangle with color and an image in flash-- this need to be captured) and save that as a jpg file in the server on an aspx button click. Code behind is C#.net.
Can anyone help me.
You can't do that using ASP.NET. As the graphics is shown on the client computer, you will need a component that runs in the browser that captures the graphics and sends it to the server.
You can't even use a server control to trigger the process, as doing so will cause a postback, and when the browser returns from the postback, the page that you wanted to capture is gone.
b { font-weight: normal; }
Thanx for the reply.
can u figure out a possible solution for this?
i somehow want that portion of the screen to be saved on the server.
(Is it possible with javascript or vbscript).
You can't access the graphics of the client using client script. You need something like an ActiveX component or a Java applet.
b { font-weight: normal; }
Can u tell me how to achieve my goal with Activex or the java applet.
Hope u can give me some tips.
Thank You.
Hi all
i am trying to insert data into access database but it is giving this error plz can any one tell me why it is giving this error
Operation must use an updateable query.
Dim sConnectionString
Dim objCmd As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand
sConnectionString = ("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("users.mdb") & ";")
Dim objConn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(sConnectionString)
objCmd.Connection = objConn
objCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO userInfo(username,userpasswd) values('" & TextBox1.Text & "','" & TextBox2.Text & "')"
-- modified at 3:26 Tuesday 11th July, 2006
That is because you haven't set write permission on the database file for the account running the code.
b { font-weight: normal; }
How can i set the permissions....
What settings i have to change
Can u plz explain me
Right click the mdb file and go to the security tab, make sure the .net worker process has access (write) to it.
I am adding reference for microsoft outlook. i have selecting microsoft outlook 11.0 object library.
but in my code it gives error in c#.net 2005. but its working in visual studio 2003. Please help me.
The type or namespace name 'Interop' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.Office' (are you missing an assembly reference?)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
//using System;
using System.Reflection; // to use Missing.Value
using Outlook = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook;
namespace CheckOutlook
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create the Outlook application.
// in-line initialization
Outlook.Application oApp = new Outlook.Application();
// Get the MAPI namespace.
Outlook.NameSpace removed = oApp.GetNamespace("mapi");
// Log on by using the default profile or existing session (no dialog box).
oNS.Logon(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, false, true);
// Alternate logon method that uses a specific profile name.
// TODO: If you use this logon method, specify the correct profile name
// and comment the previous Logon line.
//Get the Inbox folder.
Outlook.MAPIFolder oInbox = oNS.GetDefaultFolder(Outlook.OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox);
//Get the Items collection in the Inbox folder.
Outlook.Items oItems = oInbox.Items;
// Get the first message.
// Because the Items folder may contain different item types,
// use explicit typecasting with the assignment.
Outlook.MailItem oMsg = (Outlook.MailItem)oItems.GetFirst();
//Output some common properties.
//Check for attachments.
int AttachCnt = oMsg.Attachments.Count;
Console.WriteLine("Attachments: " + AttachCnt.ToString());
//TO DO: If you use the Microsoft Outlook 10.0 Object Library, uncomment the following lines.
/*if (AttachCnt > 0)
for (int i = 1; i <= AttachCnt; i++)
Console.WriteLine(i.ToString() + "-" + oMsg.Attachments.Item(i).DisplayName);
//TO DO: If you use the Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library, uncomment the following lines.
/*if (AttachCnt > 0)
for (int i = 1; i <= AttachCnt; i++)
Console.WriteLine(i.ToString() + "-" + oMsg.Attachments[i].DisplayName);
//Display the message.
oMsg.Display(true); //modal
//Log off.
//Explicitly release objects.
oMsg = null;
oItems = null;
oInbox = null;
removed = null;
oApp = null;
//Error handler.
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("{0} Exception caught: ", e);
// Return value.
//return 0;
my application is actually a web application where i manually upload CSV file to the database.but i want to automate the process,so i have thought of a second stage to this application i.e through a windows application i would download the CSV file from the NSEIndia.com site automatically and then upload the same to SQLServer on the server.i am facing a problem with upload i.e exporting the data to the database.it would be a great help to me if any one could provide me a solution either in VB.Net code or C# code.
You need to programaticcaly involke DTS package.
for this you need to add 3 COM object references
1. Microsoft DTS Custom Task Object Lib
2. Microsoft DTSDatapump scripting object
3. Microsoft DTS Package object lib
once you do this i suggest u to use import / export wizard to import data and save package in VB file.
once you open this VB file you will be abl to under stand how to use object of above mention references
Nobody is perfect i'm Nobody
Hi all
i wants to save the images with name in database.i want to bind the images and imagename with control to show in list .
please send the code.
Best Regards,
Not that hard to do yourself.
srinandan.. wrote: please send the code.
Nope. Look at my sig
I'd like to help but I am too lazy to Google it for you.
I want to show data in comments in excel sheet and worksheet will be created in asp.net
Thanks in Advance
I've been developing with c# and forms and I use the Split Container heavily because it automatically resizes when in full-screen. What is the recommendation with asp.net to accomplish this? What control should I use to lay out the various panels on the screen.
It's not maybe a question of controls - there are a number of ways of laying out a web page - you might want to have a look at www.csszengarden.com[^] or http://www.alistapart.com/[^].
There are many more things to think about when laying out a web form (e.g. cross browser capability) than when laying out a win form.
Hope that helps.
We are developing one application in ASP.NET to monitor web sites which is running in the server(WEB SERVER).we need to monitor single URL and also sequence URL to know the status of server,when the server is getting down.If server is getting down means we need to send SMS alert Message to Adminstartor.Kindly any one can help me how to proceed in technically.I am new to this topic.Plz suggest some technical guidence.If you post any articals means its help full to me to know.PLZ its very urgentttttttttttttttttttt.Kindly help me.THANKS IN ADVANCE