BTW, 2GB is for 32-bit Windows, which is the total limit of stack plus heap plus none-user memory.
I m using _wrename( ) in my VC code.. when i register file in the file system and rename them using _wrename() after performing this many times, the new files are registered correctly and renamed appropriately but somehow the files registered earlier gets deleted from the file system. now each time the new file is registered an d renamed an old file is deleted.. I m unable to track the reason behind this..
Please help me with an appropriate logic behind this..
Thanks in advance..
what u r mentioning as old and new file. say their is a file '1.txt' and '2.txt',now rename '1.txt' to 'a.txt', whtz happening? is '2.txt' get deleted now?
Parthi_appu wrote: what u r mentioning as old and new file. say their is a file '1.txt' and '2.txt',now rename '1.txt' to 'a.txt', whtz happening? is '2.txt' get deleted now?
Yes after registering and renamingmany files say 1.pdf,2.pdf,.....200.pdf, now when 201.pdf is registered and renamed some previous file like 10.pdf gets deleted and on subsequent renaming of more files, 11.pdf, 12.pdf and so on gets deleted.
Hi all,
Can any one plz tell me how to set the hook in MFC.
Thanks in advance.
Seting the hook using :-
removing the hook:-
MSDN and codeproject are having nice article on hooking.
can anyone send some simple examples showing the WM_TIMER implementation?
Try the below sample,
void CMainFrame::OnStartTimer() <br />
{<br />
m_nTimer = SetTimer(1, 2000, 0);<br />
}<br />
<br />
void CMainFrame::OnStopTimer() <br />
{<br />
KillTimer(m_nTimer); <br />
}<br />
<br />
void CMainFrame::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) <br />
{<br />
AfxMessageBox("Timer"); <br />
CFrameWnd::OnTimer(nIDEvent);<br />
See example in msdn Here[^]
Thanks for that.
For my application, can I use the following
Is this correct way of doing?
//packet sent to serial device
//timer has to be triggered on here
//checks for packet received
//if no packet received from serial device, then
//check for timer has elapsed
//resend the packet to MPU
//send same packet to PC
here, I have to restart the timer again to see if the
serial device responded within particular time as in On_rx.
What more do I need to add?
timer will call itself, you don't need to call that function!
"Opinions are neither right nor wrong. I cannot change your opinion. I can, however, change what influences your opinion." - David Crow
Alok Gupta
VC Forum Q&A :- I/ IV
Support CRY- Child Relief and You
Created a class i.e. CFlipCustomViewer derived from COleConrol class(abstact class)and
overridden the "virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pdc, const CRect& rcBounds, const CRect& rcInvalid)" method of COleControl class in the void CFlipCustomViewer::OnDraw(CDC* pdc, const CRect& rcBounds, const CRect& rcInvalid).I tried to call this in OnInitDialog() method of my dialog class of the application.Here the code snippets..
BOOL CFlip::OnInitDialog()
//having a CStatic as a place holder and then
//create the flip custom control in InitDialog
COleControl* ptrOleControl; //abstract base class pointer
CFlipCustomViewer* ptrFlipCustomViewer; //derived class pointer
ptrOleControl = ptrFlipCustomViewer; //derived class pointer assigned to abstract base class pointer
ptrOleControl = new CFlipCustomViewer(); //error in this instantiation of derived one
CDC* pdc = GetDC(); //get the device context
CRect rcBounds;
CRect rcInvalid;
GetClientRect( &rcBounds);
GetClientRect( &rcInvalid);
ptrOleControl->OnDraw(pdc,rcBounds,rcInvalid);//place holder for flipping action
return TRUE;
but while compiling i am getting the following errors as below :
error C2259: 'CFlipCustomViewer' : cannot instantiate abstract class due to following members:
d:\fancyviewer\flipsample\flipcustomviewer.h(14) : see declaration of 'CFlipCustomViewer'
d:\fancyviewer\flipsample\flip.cpp(200) : warning C4259: 'long __thiscall COleControl::GetClassID(struct _GUID *)' : pure virtual function was not defined
d:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\mfc\include\afxctl.h(683) : see declaration of 'GetClassID'
d:\fancyviewer\flipsample\flip.cpp(200) : warning C4259: 'unsigned int __thiscall COleControl::GetUserTypeNameID(void)' : pure virtual function was not defined
d:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\mfc\include\afxctl.h(936) : see declaration of 'GetUserTypeNameID'
d:\fancyviewer\flipsample\flip.cpp(200) : warning C4259: 'unsigned long __thiscall COleControl::GetMiscStatus(void)' : pure virtual function was not defined
d:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\mfc\include\afxctl.h(937) : see declaration of 'GetMiscStatus'
d:\fancyviewer\flipsample\flip.cpp(200) : error C2259: 'CFlipCustomViewer' : cannot instantiate abstract class due to following members:
d:\fancyviewer\flipsample\flipcustomviewer.h(14) : see declaration of 'CFlipCustomViewer'
Can anyone helpme out please ?
You need to override all the pure virtual functions of an abstract base class, but why not just derive from from CWnd instead?
- S
50 cups of coffee and you know it's on!
Hello everyone!
Look at my code:
int Interface::InitScreen()<br />
{<br />
ifstream mainUIScreen((string(".\\") + string(DIR_SCREENS) + string("mainui.asc")).c_str());<br />
ofstream mainUIScreen_Edit((string(".\\") + string(DIR_SCREENS) + string("mainui_edited.asc")).c_str());<br />
<br />
if (!mainUIScreen.is_open())<br />
{<br />
MessageBox(NULL, "Cannot open program file 'mainui.asc'!", "Error",<br />
exit(-1);<br />
}<br />
<br />
if (!mainUIScreen.good())<br />
{<br />
MessageBox(NULL, "Cannot open program file 'mainui.asc'!", "Error",<br />
exit(-1);<br />
}<br />
<br />
char c;<br />
for (int x = 0; x < WIDTH*HEIGHT; x++)<br />
{<br />
c = mainUIScreen.peek();<br />
mainUIScreen_Edit.put(c);<br />
When I open the output file (mainui_edited.asc ), I get a bunch of 0x98 's instead of the chars I want... Why is that? Thanks!
Windows Calculator told me I will die at 28.
To anyone that reads this: I was using an Unicode file...
Windows Calculator told me I will die at 28.
Hey all,
In my application, I need to turn on the timer once the Pc sends a packet to the serial device. the serial device should respond immediately to teh PC's request. The Pc should get response from the serial device within "m" secs. the Pc will wait for response from serial device and check for the timer. if elapsed, will resend the packet again.
in brief,
//packet sent to serial device
//timer has to be triggered on here
//checks for packet received
//if no packet received from serial device, then
//check for timer
while(timer has elapsed)
//resend the packet to MPU
//send same packet to PC
here, I have to restart the timer again to see if the
serial device responded within particular time as in On_rx.
this is the idea i have in mind. but i dont know how to implement. Can I use WM_TIMER...? I know there are various timers like multimedai timers, etc., But dont know which one suits my need as I am still in the learning curve of MFC.
I would appreciate if anyone can help me with this.
Thanks in advance.
This was my query that I posted yesterday for which I got solutions that WM_TIMER and SetTimer() would be best option.
But doesnt the timer posts the WM_TIMER message to the message queue and we can not be sure when this message will be processed. If that is the case, then how can I use this for my application.?
any help?
From what you described, Windows (normal) timer will meet your requirement.
thathvamsi wrote: But doesnt the timer posts the WM_TIMER message to the message queue and we can not be sure when this message will be processed.
That is from the high resolution (~10 ms) point of view. I don't foresee any issues in your case.
Is this correct way of doing?
//packet sent to serial device
//timer has to be triggered on here
//checks for packet received
//if no packet received from serial device, then
//check for timer
//while(timer has elapsed)
//resend the packet to MPU
//send same packet to PC
here, I have to restart the timer again to see if the
serial device responded within particular time as in On_rx.
Waht more do I need to add?
try multimedia timer :- http://www.codeproject.com/audio/mult_media_timer.asp
"Opinions are neither right nor wrong. I cannot change your opinion. I can, however, change what influences your opinion." - David Crow
Alok Gupta
VC Forum Q&A :- I/ IV
Support CRY- Child Relief and You
Iam getting confused by reading the various articles on timers.
Cant I use the code that I had sent in my previous message post.
Which is the best...WM_TIMER or the multimedia timers ...or whichone?