Thanks for the reply. I haven't found any way yet either to share teh code between teh two solutions. But I DID find one interesting hack that will allow VS2005 to compile to 1.1 so you could in effect use the same solution to compile versions of both. For those that are interested, here's the URL:
hi all,
i have created an custom server control that is rendered, i.e., not a composite control that is built in CreateChildControls() . My control extends WebControl and i have wired up the ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference() but this doesnt work if javascript is disabled, obviously.
so i also wired up the Click event of the buttons in my control as a failsafe, but they never fire. can anyone please help with this.
the control is huge, so i will try and post the relevant code below.
the control is a message box and i only need to be concerned with the button click events.
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
if (Draggable)
this.GetType(), "DragScript", Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(this.GetType(),
foreach (Button button in Buttons)
button.Attributes["onclick"] = Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this, button.Text);
button.Click += new EventHandler(Button_Click);
#region ButtonClicked event
protected void Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
OnButtonClicked(new ButtonClickedArgs((Button)sender));
public delegate void ButtonClickedHandler(MessageBox sender, ButtonClickedArgs e);
Description("Fired when a button is clicked within the Message Box"),
public event ButtonClickedHandler ButtonClicked;
protected void OnButtonClicked(ButtonClickedArgs e)
if (ButtonClicked != null)
ButtonClicked(this, e);
this.Visible = false;
#region IPostBackEventHandler Members
public void RaisePostBackEvent(string eventArgument)
bool found = false;
Button button = null;
int i = 0;
while (i < Buttons.Count && !found)
Button b = Buttons[i];
if (b.Text == eventArgument)
found = true;
button = b;
if (button != null)
OnButtonClicked(new ButtonClickedArgs(button));
kind regards,
Hi there,
Does your custom control implement the INamingContainer interface in order for the postback event Click to be routed to the child button control?
yes it does,
public class MessageBox : WebControl, INamingContainer, IPostBackEventHandler
as posted earlier i am, adding the event handler in oninit(), do i also need to wire up the event in AddParsedSubObject() ?
How do you add the child buttons stored in the Buttons collection? Do they get declared between the opening and closing tags of the custom control in the web page? or do you dynamically declare somewhere else?
the buttons are decalred in a button collection.
initially the button collection is instantiated like this
private ButtonCollection m_Buttons = new ButtonCollection();
Editor(typeof(ButtonCollectionEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor)),
Category("Message Box"),
Description("The buttons that will appear on the Message Box"),
public ButtonCollection Buttons
get { return m_Buttons; }
in the MessageBox class. There is also an enum to designate a predifned set of buttons that works like this
private MessageBoxType m_MessageBoxButtons = MessageBoxType.YesNoCancel;
Category("Message Box"),
Description("The pre-defined type of Message Box you want to start with."),
public MessageBoxType MessageBoxButtons
get { return m_MessageBoxButtons; }
m_MessageBoxButtons = value;
Button[] buttons = null;
Button button = null;
switch (m_MessageBoxButtons)
case MessageBoxType.YesNoCancel:
buttons = new Button[3];
button = new Button();
button.ID = "YesButton_" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond;
button.Text = "Yes";
buttons[0] = button;
button = new Button();
button.ID = "NoButton_" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond;
button.Text = "No";
buttons[1] = button;
button = new Button();
button.ID = "CancelButton_" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond;
button.Text = "Cancel";
buttons[2] = button;
m_Buttons = new ButtonCollection(buttons);
case MessageBoxType.YesNoAbort:
buttons = new Button[3];
button = new Button();
button.ID = "YesButton_" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond;
button.Text = "Yes";
buttons[0] = button;
button = new Button();
button.ID = "NoButton_" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond;
button.Text = "No";
buttons[1] = button;
button = new Button();
button.ID = "AbortButton_" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond;
button.Text = "Abort";
buttons[2] = button;
m_Buttons = new ButtonCollection(buttons);
case MessageBoxType.Custom:
then in OnInit() i wire up the events like this, i also tried wiring up the event for the buttins during render, but that didnt work either.
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
if (Draggable)
this.GetType(), "DragScript", Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(this.GetType(),
foreach (Button button in Buttons)
button.Attributes["onclick"] = Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this, button.Text.Trim());
button.Click += new EventHandler(Button_Click);
the ButtonCollection class extends CollectionBase and overrides the standard functions (add, this[int], delete, clear etc) so it is strongly typed.
kind regards,
There are a couple of things come to mind:
+ This code below makes the button's id not consistent:
button.ID = "NoButton_" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond;
so the event cannot be routed to the button properly.
+ Do you add these buttons to the parent custom control?
+ You have another option to fire up the custom event of the control by overriding the OnBubbleEvent method to capture the button's click event, then you can raise the custom event.
hey thanx for all your help
i didnt notice that ID property, that was redundant from something else i had done earlier.
I have made the following changes;
- fixed the buttosn ID property
- added each buttons to base.Controls (base == WebControl)
- overriden OnBubbleEvent()
i have left the call to base in the bubble event and tried to step through it but it never fires, any ideas.
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
if (Draggable)
this.GetType(), "DragScript", Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(this.GetType(),
foreach (Button button in Buttons)
button.Attributes["onclick"] = Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(this, button.Text.Trim());
button.Click += new EventHandler(Button_Click);
protected override bool OnBubbleEvent(object source, EventArgs args)
return base.OnBubbleEvent(source, args);
btw when i get it going, do you need an ASP.NET 2.0 MesageBox control?
kind regards,
ok went back to basics (and my asp books) and discovered this;
this does not work
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace WebMessageBox
[ToolboxData("<{0}:TestParent runat=server></{0}:TestParent>")]
public class TestParent : Control, INamingContainer
private Button button = new Button();
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
button.Text = "New Button";
button.ID = base.UniqueID;
button.Click += new EventHandler(button_Click);
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button button = (Button)sender;
string s = button.Text;
this does work
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace WebMessageBox
[ToolboxData("<{0}:TestComposite runat=server></{0}:TestComposite>")]
public class TestComposite : WebControl, INamingContainer
void button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button button = (Button)sender;
string s = button.Text;
protected override void CreateChildControls()
Button button = new Button();
button.Text = "New Button";
button.ID = base.UniqueID;
button.Click += new EventHandler(button_Click);
any ideas on getting a rendered control to fire server events, otherwise i will have to rewrite my render code into CreateChildControls()?
kind regards,
have changed my control to a composite control and all is good.
The first case does not work as you add the dynamic button in the Render method which occurs after the postback event is processed in the control life cycle, so the event hanler does not execute. In the second case, you use the CreateChildControls method to add the child control, and this method makes sure that the child button is added to the control hierarchy before the postback event is processed, so it works. Generally speaking, you need to make sure that the child control is added to the parent (more general, the control hierarchy) and the handler is wired up to the event before the event is processed in order to make it run properly.
thanks for all your help so far,
the trouble i am having now is that the control is not rendered design time properly when it is a composite control, the properties are not being refreshed, like when i set a button group to YesNoCancel, i get nothing until i switch from design to source view to deign again.
so i moved the logic to create control hierarchy into createchildcontrols() then in render i just render the table that createchildcontrols() creates. but now the events aren't firing again and i can't see why as the events are wired up in CreateChildControls() still.
any ideas on how i can get design time support refreshing display when i change a property or
sorry to be a pain.
kind regards,
this is what i have now
private WebTable MessageBoxTable = null;
private WebTable BuildHierarchy()
WebTable table = new WebTable(1, 1);
table.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Position] = (Location == MessageBoxLocation.CentreWindow) ? "absolute" : "relative";
WebTable content = new WebTable(3, 1);
WebTable header = CreateTitleBarPanel();
WebTable body = CreateBodyPanel();
WebTable buttons = CreateButtonsPanel();
WebTable footer = CreateFooterPanel();
table[0, 0].Controls.Add(header);
content[0, 0].Controls.Add(body);
content.Width = new Unit(100, UnitType.Percentage);
content[1, 0].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
if (DesignMode && Buttons.Count == 0)
content[1, 0].Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("Use the Property Browser to add the Message Box Buttons"));
content[1, 0].Font.Bold = true;
content[1, 0].Font.Name = "Verdana";
content[1, 0].Font.Size = new FontUnit(11, UnitType.Pixel);
content[1, 0].Controls.Add(buttons);
content[2, 0].Controls.Add(footer);
table.ID = this.ID;
if (Draggable)
header.Attributes["onmousedown"] = "dragStart(event, '" + this.UniqueID + "_" + table.ID + "')";
header.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Cursor] = "move";
table.Height = base.Height;
table.Width = base.Width;
table[0, 0].Controls.Add(content);
SetMessageBoxLocation(ref table);
ApplyEmbeddedCssClasses(ref table, ref content, ref header, ref body, ref buttons, ref footer);
foreach (Button button in Buttons)
button.Click += new EventHandler(Button_Click);
return table;
protected override void CreateChildControls()
MessageBoxTable = BuildHierarchy();
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
HtmlLink link = GetEmbeddedStyleSheet();
WebTable table = MessageBoxTable;
-- modified at 3:31 Monday 10th July, 2006
Hi there,
Below is a custom MessageBox control which demontrates 3 things in a composite control:
+ Override the CreateChildControls method to add the child controls to the control hierarchy.
+ Override the Render method to control the appearance of the custom control at both design and runtime.
+ Override the OnBubbleEvent method to capture the button command event, and raise the custom Click event of the MessageBox control.
[ToolboxData("<{0}:MessageBox runat=server></{0}:MessageBox>")]
public class MessageBox : WebControl, INamingContainer
private MessageBoxType m_MessageBoxType = MessageBoxType.YesNoCancel;
private Button m_Button1 , m_Button2, m_Button3;
[Category("Action"), Description("Fired when a message button is clicked")]
public event MessageBoxEventHandler Click;
public string Text
String s = (String)ViewState["Text"];
return ((s == null) ? "Message" : s);
ViewState["Text"] = value;
public override ControlCollection Controls
return base.Controls;
protected void OnClick(object sender, MessageBoxEventArgs e)
if (this.Click != null)
this.Click(this, e);
public MessageBoxType MessageBoxType
get { return m_MessageBoxType; }
m_MessageBoxType = value;
if (m_MessageBoxType == MessageBoxType.AbortRetryIgnore)
BuildMessageBoxButtons("Abort", "Retry", "Ignore", true, true, true);
else if(m_MessageBoxType == MessageBoxType.OkCancel)
BuildMessageBoxButtons("Ok", "Cancel", string.Empty, true, true, false);
BuildMessageBoxButtons("Yes", "No", "Cancel", true, true, true);
private void BuildMessageBoxButtons(string button1Text, string button2Text, string button3Text, bool button1Visible, bool button2Visible, bool button3Visible)
m_Button1.Text = button1Text;
m_Button1.Visible = button1Visible;
m_Button1.CommandArgument = button1Text;
m_Button2.Text = button2Text;
m_Button2.Visible = button2Visible;
m_Button2.CommandArgument = button2Text;
m_Button3.Text = button3Text;
m_Button3.Visible = button3Visible;
m_Button3.CommandArgument = button3Text;
protected override void CreateChildControls()
m_Button1 = new Button();
m_Button1.ID = "Button1";
m_Button2 = new Button();
m_Button2.ID = "Button2";
m_Button3 = new Button();
m_Button3.ID = "Button3";
BuildMessageBoxButtons("Yes", "No", "Cancel", true, true, true);
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
protected override bool OnBubbleEvent(object source, EventArgs e)
if (e is CommandEventArgs)
CommandEventArgs e1 = (CommandEventArgs)e;
MessageBoxResult result = (MessageBoxResult)Enum.Parse(typeof(MessageBoxResult), e1.CommandArgument.ToString());
OnClick(this, new MessageBoxEventArgs(result));
return false;
return true;
public delegate void MessageBoxEventHandler(object sender, MessageBoxEventArgs e);
public class MessageBoxEventArgs : EventArgs
private MessageBoxResult m_MessageBoxResult;
public MessageBoxEventArgs(MessageBoxResult result)
m_MessageBoxResult = result;
public MessageBoxResult MessageBoxResult
get { return m_MessageBoxResult; }
public enum MessageBoxType
public enum MessageBoxResult
thank you,
i worked it out late last nite, when i added smart tags i found a problem that led to me finding the root problem.
all is well now,
thanks again for your help
I desperately need to get this working and we get an error every time. I am not the programmer, rather the project manager, but my programmer can't seem to fix the problem. Please look at this web.config file...where have we gone wrong? Here is the page that gets the error: http://upload.mjksolutions.com/SecureWebReport/Default.aspx
Also if you use Login.aspx
I know the add key="RootPath" value can't be right as the "Main" folder sites at the root of the directory where this is hosted /madallug/upload.mjksolutions.com/Main/
Does this matter.
Please help, I am really in a bind.
Here is the web.config.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="ConnectionString" value="server= mssql5.ixwebhosting.com; database= madallu_insorb; user id= *; password= *; pooling=false" />
<add key="RootPath" value="c:\Main"/>
Set compilation debug="true" to enable ASPX debugging. Otherwise, setting this value to
false will improve runtime performance of this application.
Set compilation debug="true" to insert debugging symbols (.pdb information)
into the compiled page. Because this creates a larger file that executes
more slowly, you should set this value to true only when debugging and to
false at all other times. For more information, refer to the documentation about
debugging ASP.NET files.
Set customErrors mode="On" or "RemoteOnly" to enable custom error messages, "Off" to disable.
Add <error> tags for each of the errors you want to handle.
"On" Always display custom (friendly) messages.
"Off" Always display detailed ASP.NET error information.
"RemoteOnly" Display custom (friendly) messages only to users not running
on the local Web server. This setting is recommended for security purposes, so
that you do not display application detail information to remote clients.
This section sets the authentication policies of the application. Possible modes are "Windows",
"Forms", "Passport" and "None"
"None" No authentication is performed.
"Windows" IIS performs authentication (Basic, Digest, or Integrated Windows) according to
its settings for the application. Anonymous access must be disabled in IIS.
"Forms" You provide a custom form (Web page) for users to enter their credentials, and then
you authenticate them in your application. A user credential token is stored in a cookie.
"Passport" Authentication is performed via a centralized authentication service provided
by Microsoft that offers a single logon and core profile services for member sites.
<!-- <authentication mode="Windows" /> -->
<authentication mode="Windows">
<!-- <authentication mode="Forms">
This section sets the authorization policies of the application. You can allow or deny access
to application resources by user or role. Wildcards: "*" mean everyone, "?" means anonymous
(unauthenticated) users.
<allow users="*" /> <!-- Allow all users -->
<!-- <allow users="[comma separated list of users]"
roles="[comma separated list of roles]"/>
<deny users="[comma separated list of users]"
roles="[comma separated list of roles]"/>
Application-level tracing enables trace log output for every page within an application.
Set trace enabled="true" to enable application trace logging. If pageOutput="true", the
trace information will be displayed at the bottom of each page. Otherwise, you can view the
application trace log by browsing the "trace.axd" page from your web application
By default ASP.NET uses cookies to identify which requests belong to a particular session.
If cookies are not available, a session can be tracked by adding a session identifier to the URL.
To disable cookies, set sessionState cookieless="true".
sqlConnectionString="data source=;Trusted_Connection=yes"
This section sets the globalization settings of the application.
<location path="admin">
<!-- Order and case are important below -->
<allow roles="Admin"/>
<deny users="*"/>
<location path="users">
<!-- Order and case are important below -->
<allow roles="User"/>
<deny users="*"/>
-- modified at 9:30 Sunday 9th July, 2006
Start by doing as the information page says; set the mode of the CustomErrors property to "Off". That will make it show the error message instead of the information page.
b { font-weight: normal; }
Please help !
Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging on the web server. Access is denied.
Thanx in Advance.
Hello all
We are storing the Media(wav) files in a
I have provided one link for download. It is asking for save, If the target machine player is Quicktime player, it is playing in with in the browser.
I need to Open one IE pop up winodow and in that it will open the wav file or asking user to save.
How to do this?
GV Ramana
I'm new in ASP.net. I plan to develope a project based on ASP.net with C#. But I faced problem where how to store the data in ASP.net 2.0. For example, I had a few table in database -SQL server. Once the user search some information in database, it returned a list of record with content so that user can view them. And I planned to use object oriented way - create few classes such as order, order detail and invoice. Once the database returned the data to asp, it inserts data into those classes (order, order detail or invoice) and those classes can contain more that one record such as order1, order2, order 3 etc. But the problem is where should i store those classes that with data ? Should i store it in session or application? It is because once the user click to other asp.net pages, the classes that with data will lost. right?
Sorry that asking this silly question. Any help with examples is appreciated.
The web is stateless in it's basic form. As soon as you want to keep state, it will cost you, usually memory resources.
Objects are normally not persisted from page to page, so the standard way of doing it is not to do it. Usually you just fetch them from the database again.
If you want to persist the object, you can put them in session variables. Be carful about storing large objects in sesson variables, though, as the session objects live for a very long time. Objects in a web application usually lives mere milliseconds, so objects persisted in memory for minutes will be using relatively much memory resources.
b { font-weight: normal; }
Ya. I know there is expensive to keep it on memory. But make always make a connection to database to fetch the data also expensive. Besides, users needs to wait for the procedure connect to database and obtain the data always. If I want to keep the data from database, session is the only way that I can use? Is there any other way to keep those data cross page to page?
Pentellcc wrote: But make always make a connection to database to fetch the data also expensive.
It's not expensive in the same way. Memory is a resource that has an absolute limit, while database calls are only limited by the execution time. Allocating too much memory causes the server to stop, while too many queries only makes it go slower.
Pentellcc wrote: If I want to keep the data from database, session is the only way that I can use? Is there any other way to keep those data cross page to page?
Application variables, application cache, static variables... all those are shared by all users, though, so you need to separate the stored data using a unique key, and you need to use locking to make it thread safe.
b { font-weight: normal; }
hi all,
i joined newly and am also new to asp.net.
i read the article on aplahabetic paging done with ref using .dll by Mr.Jitendra Bansiwal. it works fine but i have a few other complications so i developed the following code but it doesn't work. it went wrong in itemCreated and itemCommand event.
it would be helpful if any one can check out what's wtong with follwing code:
void GridView1_ItemCreated(Object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs e)
{ if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Footer)
{ e.Item.Cells.Clear();
TableCell tc = new TableCell();
tc.ColumnSpan = 2;
int i;
string s;
for (i=65;i<=65+25;i++)
{ LinkButton lb= new LinkButton();
LiteralControl lc =new LiteralControl();
lc.Text = " ";
lb.Text = s;
lb.CommandName = "alpha";
lb.CommandArgument = s;
if (str==s)
{ lc.Text = s + " ";
protected void ItemCommand(Object source, System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName == "alpha")
{ BindGrid(e.CommandArgument.ToString());}
Thanks in advance
Someone knows some good site?
Jesus is Love! Tell to someone!