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QuestionIs is possible to get the users windows login identity from an ASP.NET page ? Pin
Red_Wizard_Shot_The_Food6-Jul-06 23:03
Red_Wizard_Shot_The_Food6-Jul-06 23:03 
AnswerRe: Is is possible to get the users windows login identity from an ASP.NET page ? Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Jul-06 23:09
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Jul-06 23:09 
Questionpaging a list Pin
cyber-will6-Jul-06 22:41
cyber-will6-Jul-06 22:41 
AnswerRe: paging a list Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar7-Jul-06 1:32
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar7-Jul-06 1:32 
GeneralRe: paging a list Pin
cyber-will7-Jul-06 3:51
cyber-will7-Jul-06 3:51 
QuestionMenu control and sitemap, redirection problem ... Pin
shakhan6-Jul-06 22:27
shakhan6-Jul-06 22:27 
Questionautomatic uploading a file to a website Pin
amitcoder836-Jul-06 21:37
amitcoder836-Jul-06 21:37 
AnswerRe: automatic uploading a file to a website Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Jul-06 23:10
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Jul-06 23:10 
You can have a webservice which would recieve the file from the Windows application. Check this out:[^]

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Questionweb based workflow Pin
psamy6-Jul-06 21:28
psamy6-Jul-06 21:28 
AnswerRe: web based workflow Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Jul-06 23:12
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar6-Jul-06 23:12 
Questioncounting the checked checkboxes with in a datalist Pin
uglyeyes6-Jul-06 20:54
uglyeyes6-Jul-06 20:54 
AnswerRe: counting the checked checkboxes with in a datalist Pin
mnaveed7-Jul-06 0:20
mnaveed7-Jul-06 0:20 
GeneralRe: counting the checked checkboxes with in a datalist Pin
uglyeyes9-Jul-06 14:30
uglyeyes9-Jul-06 14:30 
QuestionIs it support 2005 with sql server2000 Pin
dhulipudi6-Jul-06 20:39
dhulipudi6-Jul-06 20:39 
AnswerRe: Is it support 2005 with sql server2000 Pin
minhpc_bk7-Jul-06 16:17
minhpc_bk7-Jul-06 16:17 
QuestionHow to use text to speech [modified] Pin
nisha26126-Jul-06 19:09
nisha26126-Jul-06 19:09 
AnswerRe: How to use text to speech Pin
ketankumar6-Jul-06 20:08
ketankumar6-Jul-06 20:08 
AnswerRe: How to use text to speech [modified] Pin
Asif Sayed7-Jul-06 10:20
Asif Sayed7-Jul-06 10:20 
Newsdropdownlist-flexible size Pin
fine6-Jul-06 17:37
fine6-Jul-06 17:37 
GeneralRe: dropdownlist-flexible size Pin
Amit Agarrwal6-Jul-06 23:44
Amit Agarrwal6-Jul-06 23:44 
QuestionIs there a way to "invalidate" a treenode in a Treeview? Pin
WebMaster6-Jul-06 14:20
WebMaster6-Jul-06 14:20 
QuestionSaving session data on the fly without posting back. Pin
dantheman886-Jul-06 13:18
dantheman886-Jul-06 13:18 
AnswerRe: Saving session data on the fly without posting back. Pin
Edbert P6-Jul-06 13:47
Edbert P6-Jul-06 13:47 
QuestionPopUp problem Pin
ppayal6-Jul-06 10:09
ppayal6-Jul-06 10:09 
Questionsorting dataView by using ordinal Pin
sishya6-Jul-06 9:58
sishya6-Jul-06 9:58 

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