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AnswerRe: design pattern Pin
Jun Du24-Jun-06 2:42
Jun Du24-Jun-06 2:42 
QuestionDragDrop Registration didn't succeed (HELP PLEASE) Pin
Saamir23-Jun-06 19:00
Saamir23-Jun-06 19:00 
AnswerRe: DragDrop Registration didn't succeed (HELP PLEASE) Pin
Mike Poz23-Jun-06 21:36
Mike Poz23-Jun-06 21:36 
QuestionRe: DragDrop Registration didn't succeed (HELP PLEASE) Pin
Saamir25-Jun-06 6:45
Saamir25-Jun-06 6:45 
AnswerRe: DragDrop Registration didn't succeed (HELP PLEASE) Pin
Mike Poz25-Jun-06 19:37
Mike Poz25-Jun-06 19:37 
QuestionConverting to Multilingual Support in C# Pin
majidbhutta23-Jun-06 18:33
majidbhutta23-Jun-06 18:33 
AnswerRe: Converting to Multilingual Support in C# Pin
ChandruIT23-Jun-06 20:19
ChandruIT23-Jun-06 20:19 
QuestionIE Toolbar not moving Pin
Ranjan Banerji23-Jun-06 17:32
Ranjan Banerji23-Jun-06 17:32 
There are several examples of how to create an IE toolbar in C# on CP. All are based on this article posted[^]

The one issue that I am having is that my toolbars refuse to move to a new row. I can move my tool bar to any band (row) but if I keep moving it down, to below the lowest band, it will not add a new one. All other toolbars can be moved to a new row/band. Just not mine.

Well actually, if I look very carefully, it does. Its very very very narrow. I have tried nearly every trick, but I just cannot get this to work.

Any ideas?
AnswerRe: IE Toolbar not moving Pin
Ranjan Banerji23-Jun-06 17:43
Ranjan Banerji23-Jun-06 17:43 
QuestionRectangle onclick event Pin
reshsilk23-Jun-06 15:43
reshsilk23-Jun-06 15:43 
AnswerRe: Rectangle onclick event Pin
Jun Du23-Jun-06 16:15
Jun Du23-Jun-06 16:15 
Questionis there a size limit for a mdi child window? Pin
User 309585923-Jun-06 15:02
User 309585923-Jun-06 15:02 
QuestionDetermining if string user input is file path, URL, or network path. [modified] Pin
llamaindustries23-Jun-06 12:43
llamaindustries23-Jun-06 12:43 
QuestionBytes Array to Bitmap Pin
Jailan23-Jun-06 12:02
Jailan23-Jun-06 12:02 
JokeRe: Bytes Array to Bitmap Pin
Jun Du23-Jun-06 12:21
Jun Du23-Jun-06 12:21 
AnswerRe: Bytes Array to Bitmap Pin
Corinna John23-Jun-06 12:38
Corinna John23-Jun-06 12:38 
QuestionSending byte arrays using sockets Pin
Steven M Hunt23-Jun-06 11:31
Steven M Hunt23-Jun-06 11:31 
AnswerRe: Sending byte arrays using sockets Pin
Jun Du23-Jun-06 12:26
Jun Du23-Jun-06 12:26 
AnswerRe: Sending byte arrays using sockets Pin
Nader Elshehabi24-Jun-06 3:07
Nader Elshehabi24-Jun-06 3:07 
QuestionError while running CLR Stored Procedure. Pin
AJAIN123-Jun-06 9:57
AJAIN123-Jun-06 9:57 
Questiondata grid - how to do copy/paste Pin
dineshdineshdinesh23-Jun-06 9:32
dineshdineshdinesh23-Jun-06 9:32 
QuestionAdvice Troubleshooting Memory Leaks Using PInvoke Pin
redfish3423-Jun-06 9:20
redfish3423-Jun-06 9:20 
AnswerRe: Advice Troubleshooting Memory Leaks Using PInvoke Pin
Dan Neely23-Jun-06 9:42
Dan Neely23-Jun-06 9:42 
Question2D in D3D Pin
_Comet_Keeper_23-Jun-06 9:15
_Comet_Keeper_23-Jun-06 9:15 
Questionsend a file Pin
waheed awan23-Jun-06 7:47
waheed awan23-Jun-06 7:47 

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