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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: COM Interview Question Pin
Stephen Hewitt2-Jun-06 1:17
Stephen Hewitt2-Jun-06 1:17 
QuestionDialog as TopLevel window Pin
mav.northwind1-Jun-06 21:45
mav.northwind1-Jun-06 21:45 
AnswerRe: Dialog as TopLevel window Pin
Nibu babu thomas1-Jun-06 21:57
Nibu babu thomas1-Jun-06 21:57 
GeneralRe: Dialog as TopLevel window Pin
mav.northwind1-Jun-06 22:13
mav.northwind1-Jun-06 22:13 
GeneralRe: Dialog as TopLevel window Pin
Nibu babu thomas1-Jun-06 22:16
Nibu babu thomas1-Jun-06 22:16 
GeneralRe: Dialog as TopLevel window Pin
mav.northwind1-Jun-06 22:36
mav.northwind1-Jun-06 22:36 
AnswerRe: Dialog as TopLevel window Pin
Viorel.1-Jun-06 22:20
Viorel.1-Jun-06 22:20 
GeneralRe: Dialog as TopLevel window Pin
mav.northwind1-Jun-06 22:30
mav.northwind1-Jun-06 22:30 
Hi and thanks alot!

It seems as if I have to say goodbye to my initial idea Sigh | :sigh: . The dialog is part of a DLL that's being loaded by a third-party application I cannot influence.

Then I guess I'll try to give my dialog a special window class I can use in a FindWindow() from the external application and not use HWND_BROADCAST.


Black holes are the places where god divided by 0...
GeneralRe: Dialog as TopLevel window [modified] Pin
mav.northwind1-Jun-06 23:04
mav.northwind1-Jun-06 23:04 
GeneralRe: Dialog as TopLevel window [modified] Pin
Viorel.1-Jun-06 23:41
Viorel.1-Jun-06 23:41 
GeneralRe: Dialog as TopLevel window [modified] Pin
mav.northwind2-Jun-06 5:31
mav.northwind2-Jun-06 5:31 
QuestionForm's Button not responding Pin
Y_Kaushik1-Jun-06 21:39
Y_Kaushik1-Jun-06 21:39 
QuestionRe: Form's Button not responding Pin
Hamid Taebi1-Jun-06 22:35
professionalHamid Taebi1-Jun-06 22:35 
QuestionCustomize ColorDialog Pin
velayudhan_raj1-Jun-06 21:21
velayudhan_raj1-Jun-06 21:21 
AnswerRe: Customize ColorDialog Pin
Hamid Taebi1-Jun-06 21:37
professionalHamid Taebi1-Jun-06 21:37 
GeneralRe: Customize ColorDialog Pin
suja sreekumar1-Jun-06 23:31
suja sreekumar1-Jun-06 23:31 
GeneralRe: Customize ColorDialog Pin
Hamid Taebi2-Jun-06 1:08
professionalHamid Taebi2-Jun-06 1:08 
QuestionUser interface problem -- check a point is inside a polygon or not Pin
George_George1-Jun-06 21:15
George_George1-Jun-06 21:15 
AnswerRe: User interface problem -- check a point is inside a polygon or not Pin
Stephen Hewitt1-Jun-06 21:20
Stephen Hewitt1-Jun-06 21:20 
GeneralRe: User interface problem -- check a point is inside a polygon or not [modified] Pin
George_George1-Jun-06 21:50
George_George1-Jun-06 21:50 
GeneralRe: User interface problem -- check a point is inside a polygon or not [modified] Pin
Cedric Moonen1-Jun-06 21:57
Cedric Moonen1-Jun-06 21:57 
GeneralRe: User interface problem -- check a point is inside a polygon or not [modified] Pin
George_George1-Jun-06 22:09
George_George1-Jun-06 22:09 
GeneralRe: User interface problem -- check a point is inside a polygon or not [modified] Pin
Stephen Hewitt1-Jun-06 22:10
Stephen Hewitt1-Jun-06 22:10 
GeneralRe: User interface problem -- check a point is inside a polygon or not [modified] Pin
George_George1-Jun-06 22:32
George_George1-Jun-06 22:32 
Questionsorting vector that holds object Pin
voorugonda prashanth1-Jun-06 20:49
voorugonda prashanth1-Jun-06 20:49 

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