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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: Save last dialog confiuguration MFC Pin
celllllllll30-May-06 9:09
celllllllll30-May-06 9:09 
GeneralRe: Save last dialog confiuguration MFC Pin
Zac Howland30-May-06 10:19
Zac Howland30-May-06 10:19 
AnswerRe: Save last dialog confiuguration MFC Pin
Laxman Auti30-May-06 18:39
Laxman Auti30-May-06 18:39 
QuestionSendMessage isnt quite working [modified] Pin
Ista30-May-06 7:22
Ista30-May-06 7:22 
AnswerRe: SendMessage isnt quite working Pin
PJ Arends30-May-06 8:22
professionalPJ Arends30-May-06 8:22 
GeneralRe: SendMessage isnt quite working Pin
Ista30-May-06 9:12
Ista30-May-06 9:12 
AnswerRe: SendMessage isnt quite working [modified] Pin
Eric Dahlvang30-May-06 8:46
Eric Dahlvang30-May-06 8:46 
Questiondisable auto-complete in dropdown [modified] Pin
elephantstar30-May-06 6:10
elephantstar30-May-06 6:10 
I am trying to set the edit control part of the dropdown to a specific number such as 15 (m_data = "15"). But because a value of 150 exists in the dropdown, it automatically sets it that number. How to I disable this? Thanks.

-- modified at 12:10 Tuesday 30th May, 2006
AnswerRe: disable auto-complete in dropdown [modified] Pin
valikac30-May-06 6:45
valikac30-May-06 6:45 
GeneralRe: disable auto-complete in dropdown [modified] Pin
elephantstar30-May-06 7:20
elephantstar30-May-06 7:20 
GeneralRe: disable auto-complete in dropdown [modified] Pin
valikac30-May-06 7:29
valikac30-May-06 7:29 
GeneralRe: disable auto-complete in dropdown [modified] Pin
elephantstar30-May-06 14:24
elephantstar30-May-06 14:24 
GeneralRe: disable auto-complete in dropdown [modified] Pin
valikac30-May-06 15:36
valikac30-May-06 15:36 
QuestionPrevent CListCtrl from hiding scrollbar Pin
stefisko30-May-06 6:08
stefisko30-May-06 6:08 
QuestionHelp Pls - C++ and ADO problem Pin
antonaras30-May-06 5:39
antonaras30-May-06 5:39 
AnswerRe: Help Pls - C++ and ADO problem Pin
Steve S30-May-06 6:10
Steve S30-May-06 6:10 
GeneralRe: Help Pls - C++ and ADO problem Pin
antonaras30-May-06 6:25
antonaras30-May-06 6:25 
GeneralRe: Help Pls - C++ and ADO problem Pin
Steve S30-May-06 6:37
Steve S30-May-06 6:37 
GeneralRe: Help Pls - C++ and ADO problem Pin
antonaras30-May-06 6:50
antonaras30-May-06 6:50 
GeneralRe: Help Pls - C++ and ADO problem Pin
Jörgen Sigvardsson30-May-06 13:32
Jörgen Sigvardsson30-May-06 13:32 
GeneralRe: Help Pls - C++ and ADO problem Pin
Steve S30-May-06 22:24
Steve S30-May-06 22:24 
QuestionBeginner MFC Dialog Problems Pin
aei_totten30-May-06 5:32
aei_totten30-May-06 5:32 
AnswerRe: Beginner MFC Dialog Problems Pin
Zac Howland30-May-06 5:48
Zac Howland30-May-06 5:48 
GeneralRe: Beginner MFC Dialog Problems Pin
aei_totten30-May-06 8:13
aei_totten30-May-06 8:13 
QuestionRe: Beginner MFC Dialog Problems Pin
Hamid_RT30-May-06 8:44
Hamid_RT30-May-06 8:44 

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