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GeneralRe: Problem with Designer Serialization Pin
kamran655362-May-06 3:33
kamran655362-May-06 3:33 
QuestionSelect Section of Image Pin
smarttom9930-Apr-06 15:37
smarttom9930-Apr-06 15:37 
AnswerRe: Select Section of Image Pin
Robert Rohde30-Apr-06 22:04
Robert Rohde30-Apr-06 22:04 
GeneralRe: Select Section of Image Pin
smarttom991-May-06 4:31
smarttom991-May-06 4:31 
QuestionList Box Pin
Sean8930-Apr-06 14:58
Sean8930-Apr-06 14:58 
AnswerRe: List Box Pin
Kuira30-Apr-06 16:56
Kuira30-Apr-06 16:56 
GeneralRe: List Box Pin
Sean891-May-06 9:10
Sean891-May-06 9:10 
GeneralRe: List Box Pin
Kuira1-May-06 13:33
Kuira1-May-06 13:33 
Well, more of the case of Web Forms how you need to check if your reloading those Listboxes again, and if so that whenever you reload the page again, it might reload those items again and reset whatever changes you want in the first place.

Another issue becomes if its stateless or not (meaning does it retain the data when you press on buttons, that go back to the server to process things and spit back out the result on the WebForm that you asked for).

Web Forms are really difficult to determine where your problem is. You need to check how the flow of the web form works, but from hazarding a guess of why nothing is happening is most possibly that you are resetting those listboxes to that nothing is happening.

But this is just guessing, it'd be better with a full code rather than a specific method, but thats your call.

QuestionPersistent Button Pin
IceWater4230-Apr-06 13:35
IceWater4230-Apr-06 13:35 
AnswerRe: Persistent Button Pin
Stanciu Vlad30-Apr-06 21:54
Stanciu Vlad30-Apr-06 21:54 
GeneralRe: Persistent Button Pin
IceWater421-May-06 5:02
IceWater421-May-06 5:02 
GeneralRe: Persistent Button Pin
Stanciu Vlad1-May-06 7:13
Stanciu Vlad1-May-06 7:13 
GeneralRe: Persistent Button Pin
IceWater421-May-06 8:08
IceWater421-May-06 8:08 
GeneralRe: Persistent Button Pin
Stanciu Vlad1-May-06 8:25
Stanciu Vlad1-May-06 8:25 
GeneralRe: Persistent Button Pin
IceWater421-May-06 18:17
IceWater421-May-06 18:17 
Questionopen a word document Pin
deepak130-Apr-06 11:26
deepak130-Apr-06 11:26 
GeneralRe: open a word document Pin
Guffa30-Apr-06 11:57
Guffa30-Apr-06 11:57 
Questionhyperlink in MessageBox? Pin
manusse30-Apr-06 10:03
manusse30-Apr-06 10:03 
AnswerRe: hyperlink in MessageBox? Pin
Graham Nimbley30-Apr-06 10:40
Graham Nimbley30-Apr-06 10:40 
AnswerRe: hyperlink in MessageBox? Pin
Christian Graus30-Apr-06 11:17
protectorChristian Graus30-Apr-06 11:17 
QuestionI want to installed product.. but.... Pin
Real Coder30-Apr-06 8:00
Real Coder30-Apr-06 8:00 
GeneralRe: I want to installed product.. but.... Pin
Guffa30-Apr-06 9:37
Guffa30-Apr-06 9:37 
AnswerRe: I want to installed product.. but.... Pin
Robin Panther30-Apr-06 10:23
Robin Panther30-Apr-06 10:23 
GeneralRe: I want to installed product.. but.... Pin
Real Coder1-May-06 7:03
Real Coder1-May-06 7:03 
QuestionHow to count number of word in text Pin
eyalso30-Apr-06 7:57
eyalso30-Apr-06 7:57 

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