Is it possible to declare namespace and class properties in a custom control? I have a control that loads a dropdownlist which referances a classlibrary that in-turn calls a stored procedure (DataLayer). I would like to make this control dynamic so that I can load differant data into the dropdownlist by setting the properties of the control for the namespace, class and method which will retrieve the data and return a dataset to the control to load the dropdownlist.
DataSet ds = New DataSet();
CCNameSpaceProperty.CCClassProperty DataLayerRef = CCNameSpaceProperty.CCClassProperty();
ds = DataLayerRef.CCMethodProperty(ds);
Paul Dietz
Would a better solution be to pass the dataset as a property into the control to load the dropdownlist?
hi all
i want to place a search button which searches employee details when i give the employee name in the search text box.I am using Grid view for displaying employee details.
please help me to get search button.
thanks in advance
1: add a field and a button + eventhandler
in the eventhandler do the following:
2: get the data (employee name) out of the field
3: create a sql statement and pass it to the database
4: bind the dataset to the grid
hope this helps
Coulda, woulda, shoulda doesn't matter if you don't.
Create a button named i.e SearchButton and a textfield for holding the employee name.
Create a button_click event handler much like below:
private void SearchButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//Retrieve the name of the employee to search for
string name = this.textBoxName.Text;
//Searchstatement, much like SQL. I.e search for "Name like 'sangeet'".
//You can also add wildcards '%' to catch different versions of your
//searchtext. I.e 'searchstring = 'ColumnNameHere like '%" + name + "%'";
string searchStatement = "Name like '" + name + "'";
//Sort your hits, descending or ascending
string sorting = "Name DESC";
//Search for a row with matching name in column 'Name'
DataRow []rows = this.ds.Tables["TableNameHere"].Select(searchStatement, sorting);
foreach(DataRow row in rows)
for(int i=0; i < row.ItemArray.Length; i++)
//Do something with the data in each column of your datarow
-- modified at 15:00 Friday 28th April, 2006
Hi all,
Could anyone recommend a good article on how to design ADO.Net in an OOP design in C#? I'm having trouble understanding the subject, as although it's easy to drop data adapters and binders on to a form, this strikes me as being much akin to traditional VB 6 methods of handling data access, and putting lots of logic in the form itself.
Create a DAL component (Data Access Layer).
Implement methods like ExecuteSelect, ExecuteInsert and stuff like that .
this component should handle the connections and other objects .
Coulda, woulda, shoulda doesn't matter if you don't.
or use Microsoft Enterprise Library's Data Access Block
Maqsood Ahmed - MCAD.net
Kolachi Advanced Technologies
Hi all!
I am coding an application, which will allow the user to pick a font for their text, in an MS Word fashion (A combobox in the toolstrip). I have managed to create the ToolStripComboBox and populate it with the fonts, but I also want the items in the combobox show their respective fonts, eg Arial would be written in the font Arial.
I think that you must do some custom painting for what I want, but how? If I override the Paint() function it draws everything under the combobox. If anyone could provide me with an example/point me in the right direction I would be grateful!
- Martin
-- modified at 5:49 Friday 28th April, 2006
That's in VB and I'm using C#, could you point me to something which is written in C#?
Read here about ComboBox using.
Best regards, Alexey.
Look here.
Enjoy !
Best regards, Alexey.
Hmm... The problem is that that is a regular ComboBox, and mine is a ToolStripComboBox, I think that's the problem. Because when I try to override the DrawItem method it says 'No suitable method found to override', even though I have defined my own.
There doesn't seem to exist a DrawItem event in a ToolStripComboBox. That means that there is no way to do what I want to.
i have serial jpeg codes, how to convert to bmp file?
And display bmp file?
Load them into a Bitmap object and then use the Save method. Yes it is as simple as that.
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Q:What does the derived class in C# tell to it's parent?
A:All your base are belong to us!
I don't understand that how to load jpeg code into a bimap object.
can you instantiate?;P
Everything you need is inside the Bitmap class.
Look it up on MSDN to see what methods are there for you.
My development blog
Q:What does the derived class in C# tell to it's parent?
A:All your base are belong to us!
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
Image img=Image.FromFile(@"C:\image.jpeg");
Can you convert this c# asp.net 2.0 html source code to vb.net please?
CssClass='<%# Eval("DepartmentID").ToString() == Request.QueryString["DepartmentID"] ? "DepartmentSelected" : "DepartmentUnselected" %>'>
it should be pretty similar
CssClass='<%# (DepartmentID.ToString() == Request.QueryString["DepartmentID"]) ? "DepartmentSelected" : "DepartmentUnselected" %>'>
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This does not work in vb.net.
May be there should be iif