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AnswerRe: C# exercise Pin
J4amieC27-Apr-06 22:17
J4amieC27-Apr-06 22:17 
AnswerRe: C# exercise Pin
Guffa27-Apr-06 23:29
Guffa27-Apr-06 23:29 
AnswerRe: C# exercise Pin
alexey N27-Apr-06 23:50
alexey N27-Apr-06 23:50 
AnswerRe: C# exercise Pin
Colin Angus Mackay28-Apr-06 1:21
Colin Angus Mackay28-Apr-06 1:21 
AnswerRe: C# exercise Pin
Dan Neely28-Apr-06 2:09
Dan Neely28-Apr-06 2:09 
QuestionHi... Pin
KORCARI27-Apr-06 19:30
KORCARI27-Apr-06 19:30 
AnswerRe: Hi... Pin
CWIZO27-Apr-06 21:51
CWIZO27-Apr-06 21:51 
QuestionWindows Forms Error Pin
ranandbe27-Apr-06 19:07
ranandbe27-Apr-06 19:07 
I am working with DirectX.Capture application in visual studio .NET 2003 IDE and coding in c#, now i have error and the can't load form but no other error in build project(coding).

The Error is:
Unhandled Exception: OutOfMemoryException.
The program '[1812] CaptureTest.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0


-- modified at 1:08 Friday 28th April, 2006
AnswerRe: Windows Forms Error Pin
spaceus27-Apr-06 23:50
spaceus27-Apr-06 23:50 
QuestionReading XML into a Hashtable Pin
Wolfram Steinke27-Apr-06 18:50
Wolfram Steinke27-Apr-06 18:50 
AnswerRe: Reading XML into a Hashtable Pin
Guffa27-Apr-06 23:32
Guffa27-Apr-06 23:32 
QuestionHow to know about the author/owner of a file/folder? Pin
renata yasa putra27-Apr-06 17:24
renata yasa putra27-Apr-06 17:24 
AnswerRe: How to know about the author/owner of a file/folder? Pin
Christian Graus27-Apr-06 17:39
protectorChristian Graus27-Apr-06 17:39 
QuestionHow to get index/indices of a row in a DataTable Pin
AesopTurtle27-Apr-06 17:12
AesopTurtle27-Apr-06 17:12 
AnswerRe: How to get index/indices of a row in a DataTable Pin
esjq27-Apr-06 20:27
esjq27-Apr-06 20:27 
Questionhttp chunked response Pin
lagumaster27-Apr-06 17:11
lagumaster27-Apr-06 17:11 
QuestionAccess97 connection Pin
panalprasad27-Apr-06 17:11
panalprasad27-Apr-06 17:11 
AnswerRe: Access97 connection Pin
Kayess Tech28-Apr-06 2:00
professionalKayess Tech28-Apr-06 2:00 
QuestionNeed help converting a code snipper from C# to VB.NET. Pin
Slow Learner27-Apr-06 15:48
Slow Learner27-Apr-06 15:48 
AnswerRe: Need help converting a code snipper from C# to VB.NET. Pin
Christian Graus27-Apr-06 17:43
protectorChristian Graus27-Apr-06 17:43 
AnswerRe: Need help converting a code snipper from C# to VB.NET. Pin
Dave Doknjas28-Apr-06 16:31
Dave Doknjas28-Apr-06 16:31 
GeneralRe: Need help converting a code snipper from C# to VB.NET. Pin
Dave Doknjas29-Apr-06 3:16
Dave Doknjas29-Apr-06 3:16 
GeneralRe: Need help converting a code snipper from C# to VB.NET. Pin
Dave Doknjas29-Apr-06 3:17
Dave Doknjas29-Apr-06 3:17 
QuestionConvert string to boolean Pin
teejayem27-Apr-06 15:03
teejayem27-Apr-06 15:03 
AnswerRe: Convert string to boolean Pin
Sean8927-Apr-06 15:24
Sean8927-Apr-06 15:24 

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