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AnswerRe: Application Focus Pin
Shajeel26-Apr-06 19:11
Shajeel26-Apr-06 19:11 
GeneralRe: Application Focus Pin
Kayess Tech28-Apr-06 0:26
professionalKayess Tech28-Apr-06 0:26 
Questionspeech marks in the registry key Pin
IAmChris26-Apr-06 11:10
IAmChris26-Apr-06 11:10 
AnswerRe: speech marks in the registry key Pin
likefood26-Apr-06 11:16
likefood26-Apr-06 11:16 
GeneralRe: speech marks in the registry key Pin
IAmChris26-Apr-06 11:42
IAmChris26-Apr-06 11:42 
QuestionClip Rectangle - Cursor Pin
codebala26-Apr-06 10:57
codebala26-Apr-06 10:57 
AnswerRe: Clip Rectangle - Cursor Pin
Ed.Poore26-Apr-06 11:53
Ed.Poore26-Apr-06 11:53 
QuestionHelp require on transfering sms and video(MMS) from pc to mobile using SIP protocol Pin
kashif.qau26-Apr-06 10:41
kashif.qau26-Apr-06 10:41 
i am working on my project which is related to transfer video clips i.e. video files from pc to mobile devies over session initiation protocol (sip)in the context of sms i.e. without using GPRS and needs help on it. if any one have any knowledge about this please guide me.

Muhammad Kashif
QuestionHtmlElement.OuterHtml.Replace(­) fails with COM exception Pin
cweeks7868126-Apr-06 10:28
cweeks7868126-Apr-06 10:28 
GeneralRe: HtmlElement.OuterHtml.Replace(­) fails with COM exception Pin
Guffa26-Apr-06 10:39
Guffa26-Apr-06 10:39 
GeneralRe: HtmlElement.OuterHtml.Replace(­) fails with COM exception Pin
cweeks7868126-Apr-06 10:49
cweeks7868126-Apr-06 10:49 
QuestionHow to read a file that is always written to? Pin
pistolenpaultje26-Apr-06 10:17
pistolenpaultje26-Apr-06 10:17 
AnswerRe: How to read a file that is continuedly written to? Pin
Guffa26-Apr-06 10:32
Guffa26-Apr-06 10:32 
GeneralRe: How to read a file that is continuedly written to? Pin
pistolenpaultje26-Apr-06 10:43
pistolenpaultje26-Apr-06 10:43 
GeneralRe: How to read a file that is continuedly written to? Pin
Ed.Poore26-Apr-06 12:30
Ed.Poore26-Apr-06 12:30 
AnswerRe: How to read a file that is continuedly written to? Pin
Office Lineman26-Apr-06 10:39
Office Lineman26-Apr-06 10:39 
GeneralRe: How to read a file that is continuedly written to? Pin
pistolenpaultje26-Apr-06 10:58
pistolenpaultje26-Apr-06 10:58 
GeneralRe: How to read a file that is continuedly written to? Pin
likefood26-Apr-06 11:31
likefood26-Apr-06 11:31 
GeneralRe: How to read a file that is continuedly written to? Pin
pistolenpaultje26-Apr-06 11:39
pistolenpaultje26-Apr-06 11:39 
GeneralRe: How to read a file that is continuedly written to? Pin
likefood26-Apr-06 11:54
likefood26-Apr-06 11:54 
AnswerRe: How to read a file that is always written to? Pin
CiNN26-Apr-06 16:33
CiNN26-Apr-06 16:33 
GeneralRe: How to read a file that is always written to? Pin
pistolenpaultje27-Apr-06 12:46
pistolenpaultje27-Apr-06 12:46 
QuestionC# Express Edition - Deployment Pin
econner26-Apr-06 10:05
econner26-Apr-06 10:05 
AnswerRe: C# Express Edition - Deployment Pin
Ed.Poore26-Apr-06 11:59
Ed.Poore26-Apr-06 11:59 
GeneralRe: C# Express Edition - Deployment Pin
econner26-Apr-06 12:08
econner26-Apr-06 12:08 

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