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GeneralRe: urgent----how to get date format like dd/mm/yy Pin
leppie8-Apr-06 5:53
leppie8-Apr-06 5:53 
Questionhandling Stack overflow Exception Pin
abhinish7-Apr-06 19:50
abhinish7-Apr-06 19:50 
AnswerRe: handling Stack overflow Exception Pin
Werdna9-Apr-06 16:43
Werdna9-Apr-06 16:43 
QuestionComplicated question Pin
DeathJester_7-Apr-06 19:31
DeathJester_7-Apr-06 19:31 
GeneralRe: Complicated question Pin
Guffa7-Apr-06 22:17
Guffa7-Apr-06 22:17 
AnswerRe: Complicated question Pin
Robert Rohde7-Apr-06 23:33
Robert Rohde7-Apr-06 23:33 
AnswerRe: Complicated question Pin
DeathJester_8-Apr-06 20:31
DeathJester_8-Apr-06 20:31 
GeneralRe: Complicated question Pin
Kuira9-Apr-06 13:43
Kuira9-Apr-06 13:43 
I dont think it would work, there could be some Modules that would do this or some COM objects and all, but that could mean data marshalling and other types of issues...

IMO if you can make a vb script as an exe that calls those subs for you and use C# to externall call them as a shell that might work out for you.

Depends on how "secure" you want this to be....

I'm sure that either way they are not going to be "secure" as you might think..

QuestionNotifyIcon Program ? Pin
Skoder7-Apr-06 18:05
Skoder7-Apr-06 18:05 
AnswerRe: NotifyIcon Program ? Pin
S. Senthil Kumar7-Apr-06 18:22
S. Senthil Kumar7-Apr-06 18:22 
AnswerRe: NotifyIcon Program ? Pin
kasik8-Apr-06 4:22
kasik8-Apr-06 4:22 
GeneralRe: NotifyIcon Program ? Pin
Skoder8-Apr-06 11:41
Skoder8-Apr-06 11:41 
Questionsaving remoting state to file Pin
blucas20057-Apr-06 17:46
blucas20057-Apr-06 17:46 
AnswerRe: saving remoting state to file Pin
S. Senthil Kumar7-Apr-06 18:27
S. Senthil Kumar7-Apr-06 18:27 
GeneralRe: saving remoting state to file Pin
blucas20057-Apr-06 21:24
blucas20057-Apr-06 21:24 
GeneralRe: saving remoting state to file Pin
S. Senthil Kumar8-Apr-06 18:55
S. Senthil Kumar8-Apr-06 18:55 
AnswerRe: Windows service memory utilization Pin
S. Senthil Kumar7-Apr-06 18:31
S. Senthil Kumar7-Apr-06 18:31 
QuestionExcel Spreadsheet Pin
Monin D.7-Apr-06 9:48
Monin D.7-Apr-06 9:48 
AnswerRe: Excel Spreadsheet Pin
Braulio Dez7-Apr-06 10:03
Braulio Dez7-Apr-06 10:03 
GeneralRe: Excel Spreadsheet Pin
Monin D.7-Apr-06 23:23
Monin D.7-Apr-06 23:23 
AnswerRe: Excel Spreadsheet Pin
Graham Nimbley9-Apr-06 15:02
Graham Nimbley9-Apr-06 15:02 
QuestionTreeListView Pin
Robert M Greene7-Apr-06 9:39
Robert M Greene7-Apr-06 9:39 
AnswerRe: TreeListView Pin
Josh Smith10-Apr-06 3:41
Josh Smith10-Apr-06 3:41 
QuestionProblem with p/invoke in c# Pin
t4ure4n7-Apr-06 8:11
t4ure4n7-Apr-06 8:11 
AnswerRe: Problem with p/invoke in c# Pin
Steve Maier7-Apr-06 8:31
professionalSteve Maier7-Apr-06 8:31 

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