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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: vc6 source to vc7 Pin
toxcct5-Mar-06 21:55
toxcct5-Mar-06 21:55 
GeneralRe: vc6 source to vc7 Pin
derek75-Mar-06 22:21
derek75-Mar-06 22:21 
Questiondrag and drop images Pin
baldha rakesh5-Mar-06 20:49
baldha rakesh5-Mar-06 20:49 
AnswerRe: drag and drop images Pin
Nibu babu thomas5-Mar-06 20:58
Nibu babu thomas5-Mar-06 20:58 
GeneralRe: drag and drop images Pin
baldha rakesh5-Mar-06 21:38
baldha rakesh5-Mar-06 21:38 
Questionwhy was my dllmain() not called? Pin
derek75-Mar-06 20:42
derek75-Mar-06 20:42 
AnswerRe: why was my dllmain() not called? Pin
Nibu babu thomas5-Mar-06 21:01
Nibu babu thomas5-Mar-06 21:01 
Questionhow to insert static controls into the listbox Pin
kotiramkoteswararao5-Mar-06 20:14
kotiramkoteswararao5-Mar-06 20:14 

Here i need small information. That i need to insert the static control as item in to the list view control. And assign the resource id to those static controls. how can i do that. Here i have to do it ,by using win32.

Plz suggest me any solution?

spend every mintue for success
QuestionMFC - exchange data between two CFormView form Pin
pjmvn5-Mar-06 20:08
pjmvn5-Mar-06 20:08 
AnswerRe: MFC - exchange data between two CFormView form Pin
Nibu babu thomas5-Mar-06 20:27
Nibu babu thomas5-Mar-06 20:27 
GeneralRe: MFC - exchange data between two CFormView form Pin
pjmvn5-Mar-06 20:39
pjmvn5-Mar-06 20:39 
AnswerRe: MFC - exchange data between two CFormView form Pin
pjmvn6-Mar-06 13:54
pjmvn6-Mar-06 13:54 
QuestionHow to trap IE refresh in Activex Control Pin
tenali_gowda5-Mar-06 20:07
tenali_gowda5-Mar-06 20:07 
QuestionIs it error? why Pin
derek75-Mar-06 19:57
derek75-Mar-06 19:57 
AnswerRe: Is it error? why Pin
PJ Arends5-Mar-06 20:17
professionalPJ Arends5-Mar-06 20:17 
Questionhandle mouse input problem ???? Pin
leenmie5-Mar-06 19:45
leenmie5-Mar-06 19:45 
QuestionHow to know a app linke what libary? Pin
derek75-Mar-06 19:38
derek75-Mar-06 19:38 
QuestionDVD Database Pin
rhys1005-Mar-06 19:33
rhys1005-Mar-06 19:33 
QuestionCalculate network bandwidth Pin
sectumsempra5-Mar-06 19:14
sectumsempra5-Mar-06 19:14 
AnswerRe: Calculate network bandwidth Pin
Nibu babu thomas5-Mar-06 19:22
Nibu babu thomas5-Mar-06 19:22 
QuestionDebug in Itanium machnes. Pin
e_prabhu5-Mar-06 19:09
e_prabhu5-Mar-06 19:09 
AnswerRe: Debug in Itanium machnes. Pin
Maxwell Chen5-Mar-06 20:30
Maxwell Chen5-Mar-06 20:30 
Questionhow to show gif image on picture box Pin
baldha rakesh5-Mar-06 19:01
baldha rakesh5-Mar-06 19:01 
AnswerRe: how to show gif image on picture box Pin
baldha rakesh5-Mar-06 19:40
baldha rakesh5-Mar-06 19:40 
QuestionTabCtrl problem Pin
Ganesh_T5-Mar-06 18:17
Ganesh_T5-Mar-06 18:17 

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