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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralHow about WSAEventSelect? Pin
milkyhonglee4-Mar-06 14:30
milkyhonglee4-Mar-06 14:30 
Question$(ConfigurationName) Pin
derek73-Mar-06 21:40
derek73-Mar-06 21:40 
AnswerRe: $(ConfigurationName) Pin
Gary R. Wheeler4-Mar-06 2:19
Gary R. Wheeler4-Mar-06 2:19 
GeneralRe: $(ConfigurationName) Pin
derek74-Mar-06 3:19
derek74-Mar-06 3:19 
GeneralRe: $(ConfigurationName) Pin
Gary R. Wheeler4-Mar-06 4:06
Gary R. Wheeler4-Mar-06 4:06 
GeneralRe: $(ConfigurationName) Pin
derek75-Mar-06 17:42
derek75-Mar-06 17:42 
Questiondebug function in dll Pin
derek73-Mar-06 21:11
derek73-Mar-06 21:11 
AnswerRe: debug function in dll Pin
Malli_S3-Mar-06 21:37
Malli_S3-Mar-06 21:37 
Hi Derek7 !
It's a long process to debug the dll. First you need to have an exe(process), that will call the dll. If you don't have it, build the exe that will call dll functions. I'm goin to put some steps for you to debug the dll.
1. goto Project Settings -> Debug
a. select 'General' for category.
b. put the exe filename(with path) that is using the dll.
2. build the dll and copy it to the path from where the exe file is refering it. (probably register it once agian).
3. run the dll project
that will call the exe inturn. by putting the breakpoints in the functions you can just debug the dll.
4. let me know if you stuck somewhere or it worked for you...

GeneralRe: debug function in dll Pin
derek73-Mar-06 21:58
derek73-Mar-06 21:58 
Questionc++ Pin
yaaqub3-Mar-06 21:09
yaaqub3-Mar-06 21:09 
AnswerRe: c++ Pin
Gary R. Wheeler4-Mar-06 4:33
Gary R. Wheeler4-Mar-06 4:33 
QuestionTAPI Pin
_tasleem3-Mar-06 19:55
_tasleem3-Mar-06 19:55 
QuestionProblem with Active X control Pin
Adeel6883-Mar-06 18:05
Adeel6883-Mar-06 18:05 
Questionbinary code and source code and debug Pin
derek73-Mar-06 16:40
derek73-Mar-06 16:40 
AnswerRe: binary code and source code and debug Pin
Stephen Hewitt3-Mar-06 20:04
Stephen Hewitt3-Mar-06 20:04 
Larry Mills Sr3-Mar-06 16:02
Larry Mills Sr3-Mar-06 16:02 
Michael Dunn3-Mar-06 17:07
sitebuilderMichael Dunn3-Mar-06 17:07 
Larry Mills Sr4-Mar-06 0:56
Larry Mills Sr4-Mar-06 0:56 
Gary R. Wheeler4-Mar-06 2:49
Gary R. Wheeler4-Mar-06 2:49 
Malli_S3-Mar-06 21:40
Malli_S3-Mar-06 21:40 
Larry Mills Sr4-Mar-06 0:51
Larry Mills Sr4-Mar-06 0:51 
Larry Mills Sr4-Mar-06 14:12
Larry Mills Sr4-Mar-06 14:12 
Questionwhat is the tech. of MouseKeys Pin
leenmie3-Mar-06 15:33
leenmie3-Mar-06 15:33 
QuestionRunning another application within a window Pin
TuPacMansur3-Mar-06 15:02
TuPacMansur3-Mar-06 15:02 
AnswerRe: Running another application within a window Pin
Naveen3-Mar-06 18:00
Naveen3-Mar-06 18:00 

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