thx for the replys
taught it would help me with an error im getting but no luck there
see here for my error
Oops. You're right, it should be _MBCS .
Was wondering about that since you wrote it twice.
Nibu thomas
Software Developer
A text book example of a cut and paste error (the second one).
Is there any way to disable the default error messages using ADO & MFC in the try catch structure ? Because now i receive two (2) error dialog messages. One from the OLEDB and one that belongs to the application custom error.
How to get the number of instances of an application is running presently.
Is anyway FindWindow function is useful in this regard?
snprani@yahoo.com wrote: Is anyway FindWindow function is useful in this regard?
But there are drawbacks[^] too...
Nibu thomas
Software Developer
#pragma data_seg("Shared")
volatile LONG g_lApplicationInstances = 0;
#pragma data_seg()
This will help you in creating a shared section . This variable will be shared by all the instances . So what you have to do now is to have control of the variable g_lApplicationInstances that is shared
You can use interlockexchangeAdd
InterlockedExchangeAdd((PLONG) &g_lApplicationInstances, -1);
Vision is Always important and so is your ATTITUDE.
Anshuman Dandekar
You also need the following line:
#pragma comment(linker, "/SECTION:Shared,RWS")
Without it I believe the segment will not actually be shared.
Yes you are right.
This will enable you to modify the variable and make the shared variable read write etc,
Vision is Always important and so is your ATTITUDE.
Anshuman Dandekar
Hi to all,
how to get the Main window handle. My application is MDI. So what will be the main window? Is Application window or Frame window?
Please help me in this regard.
Thanks in advance.
Nibu thomas
Software Developer
I'am searching a tool for Profiling and Error Detection.
Can anyone suggest an good but not expensive tool?
#define expensive >1000$
I want to open file which is already exclusively opened by other process
any way i want the solution.If there is any way to do this,then give me
solution. pls help me.
thanks in advance
-- modified at 6:50 Friday 3rd March, 2006
if u use cfile class to open a file. some options are available on the Open function of openflag parameter. like that CFile::shareDenyRead, CFile::shareDenyWrite and CFile::shareExclusive. for more details review msdn cfile constructor help.
Have A Nice Day!
but it is already opened by another program in CFile::shareExclusive mode,that is currently running in the system.so is there any way to open
that perticular file in my program at the same time?
yes it is possible...but only from kernel-mode with a device-driver. You must use the IoCreateFile call to open a handle to the file - this bypasses the security/access checks so you must never use this technique on a 'real' system!
I wanna how to develop window app with c. petzold book programming windows also use vc resource editor .
corresponding question:Is the resource compiler a must for window programming? that is ,to develop window app, must I have c compiler, linker, resource compiler?
i don't think you need the resource compier as a "must" for windoww programming.
you can always create your windows at runtime, but that's very expensive efforts
i have to use CXimage class in my project.
Bankey Khandelwal
Software Engineer
i think that this question relates more to the CxImage article, so you should ask this in the article's message board[^] at the bottom of the article...
1.i want hook some windows get them message and management.
... ...()
// one window hWnd created
CMyWnd *pWnd = new CMyWnd;
if (pWnd) pWnd->SubclassWindow(hWnd);
one window created then new a CMyWnd to subclass the window, but more windows that need more memory. how to fix?
do you have some good idea?
2. SubclassWindow one window,final must need UnSubclassWindow?
U don't have to subclass a window to get all the messages to that window.
There r two ways
1) Replace the window proc of that window with one of yours( don't forget to call the original one in your window proc )
2) Install a hook using SetWindowsHookEx()
1. Replace the window proc and SubclassWindow is different?
2. if i use SetWindowsHookEx get all message maybe the will slow.
i want high efficiency management SOME WINDOWS, and same classname window do same something. (if can only use C that is good).
Even though while subclassing the proc is repaced, u have to new a CWnd class for subclassing. isn't? But if we are repacing the proc we don't have to new any pointers