right click on the edit box -> take style tab
There u can find the a check box named Number
on the resource editor, there is a "decimal" property which make the editBox accept only the 10 decimal digits...
if you'd like to allow the . character, or a sign character like + or - , you'll have to overload the WM_CHAR event...
TOXCCT >>> GEII power [toxcct][VisualCalc 2.24][3.0 soon...]
Hello i have a menu resource that i want to attach to a Window and i don't know how to do it
Thank you very much for your help
A C++ illiterate...
First Load menu resource using LoadMenu(...)
Second Set menu for the frame using SetMenu(...)
For eg:
CFrameWnd *pFrameWnd = (CFrameWnd *)AfxGetMainWnd();
CMenu cmenu;
pFrameWnd->DrawMenuBar(); Nibu thomas
Software Developer
Mahhouraaaaaa wrote: dlg.SetMenu(&Menuone.m_hMenu);
Nibu thomas
Software Developer
CTest1Dlg dlg;
CMenu Mymenu;
m_pMainWnd = &dlg;
int nResponse = dlg.DoModal();
if (nResponse == IDOK)
//------------- Blablabla
this code is located in the main class of the program so that it shows NO ERRORS ..and NO MENU ... i'm sorry for buggin' you but i need help thank you
-- modified at 4:30 Tuesday 28th February, 2006
Mahhouraaaaaa wrote: CMenu Mymenu;
Transfer the above code to OnInitDialog .
Nibu thomas
Software Developer
on the resource design editor, open your dialog/frame and check its properties ; you'll find a "menu " option... there, change it for you IDR_MYMENU
please, don't leave it as IDR_MENU1 as the wizard autogenerate ; give it a more significant name
TOXCCT >>> GEII power [toxcct][VisualCalc 2.24][3.0 soon...]
Thank you Nobi thomas and thank you txcct
Thank you very much
as i said i don't know anythin' in C++ :> :p
i call "waveinopen" when another program using sound blaster, it can work ok on winxp,but can not work on w2k ,it returns MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED ,why?
and what can i do?
hi, I am student and am actually doing a project on landscape generator... its quite tough.. my problem is that am nt being able to load a bitmap image from files to my picture box when the user click on a specific button.. plz help me...
Try the code below
HBITMAP hBitmap = (HBITMAP)LoadImage( 0, csFileName,IMAGE_BITMAP,
// m_static is the control variable for the picture box
m_static.SetBitmap( hBitmap );
#include <atlimage.h>
CImage m_image;
m_image.Load(m_FileName);//For Load Graphic Files
if draw Picture inthe Screen you use Event WM_PAINT and function BitBlt
For Static Control //CStatic
for Buttons
you need OWNERDRAW in the property butoon
You use CbitmapButton
For ListCtrl
you should use CImageList
in the Site CodeProject Directory Bitmap is good
Have a nice day
-- modified at 3:05 Tuesday 28th February, 2006
Here's one way (I assume you want to load from a file):
1. Add a picture control to the dialog, be sure to set its type to "bitmap". Change to ID to something meaningful.
2. Using the ClassWizard add a member variable of type CStatic for the control, call it m_Picture .
3. Add the following to your class declaration:
4. Add the following code to the dialog's OnInitDialog handler:
HBITMAP m_hBM = reinterpret_cast<HBITMAP>(
5. Add the following in a WM_DESTROY handler:
Hi Guys,
In "File View" of my visual studio's work space when i "Right Click->Add Files to Folder" its giving me one error like "Microsoft Developer(R) Studio has encounted a problem and you need to close it..............." When i am closing it then its not even closing rather the hour glass comes and it's taking too much time. For your information i am working on a visual c++ project.I will appreciate if any one can tell what is the cause and how to fix it.
This seems to be a application bug. Try this: open the file in your Visual Studio and rightclick in the file window. There is also a menuitem 'Add to project' (or similar). If this doesn't work you have possible to reinstall your DevStudio.
Thanks a lot. Have a nice day.
I want to use my exe (installed in someone's computor) to forbid someone printing by his local printer or network printer!
how to implement?
I have an MFC application in which I take records from a table in one database (Let's say database A, table A), and insert them into a table in another database (Let's say database B, table B). This is a sort of "database conversion".
The thing is, that in database A the record numbers are not necessarily consecutive (for instance there could be records #1,2 and 4), But in database B the records are inserted to table B with an automatic record number.
For instance:
Table A (Database A) Table B (Database B)
-------------------- --------------------
record #1 ------------> record #1
record #2 ------------> record #2
record #4 ------------> record #3
My problem is that I need to save the record numbers of the records in database/table A, in order to use them later (for database relationship purposes).
(For instance - i need to know that record #3 in database B was actually record #4 in database A).
I used a CArray object to keep the indexes of the records of database/table A, but after I do the "database conversion" I need to use the indexes (of database A) in another application. how can I do this?
By the way, I am using C++ (and MFC) in .Net 2003.
May be you can add an extra field in the table in database B to save the index?
yeah - that's the solution I wanted to avoid..
Can you not turn off the "auto increment" property of the one column in table B, and just make it a number-type column?
"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed." - Mark Twain
"There is no death, only a change of worlds." - Native American Proverb