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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: How many rows (maximum) we can enter in a list countrl? Pin
toxcct27-Feb-06 4:57
toxcct27-Feb-06 4:57 
GeneralAre you all... Pin
Eytukan27-Feb-06 5:23
Eytukan27-Feb-06 5:23 
GeneralRe: Are you all... Pin
toxcct27-Feb-06 5:25
toxcct27-Feb-06 5:25 
GeneralRe: Are you all... Pin
Eytukan27-Feb-06 5:31
Eytukan27-Feb-06 5:31 
GeneralRe: Are you all... Pin
toxcct27-Feb-06 5:37
toxcct27-Feb-06 5:37 
GeneralRe: Are you all... Pin
Eytukan27-Feb-06 5:43
Eytukan27-Feb-06 5:43 
GeneralRe: Are you all... Pin
toxcct27-Feb-06 5:44
toxcct27-Feb-06 5:44 
QuestionSerialize a double floating point number Pin
Federico Milano27-Feb-06 3:09
Federico Milano27-Feb-06 3:09 

I'm implementing a binary protocol and I need to serialize a C++ double type value. I know that the VS compiler implements doubles with IEEE 754 format, but I need to ensure the portability of my code throught different compilers (and the floating point format is implementation defined). The question is if do you know any library or some function to convert a double into a stream of bytes encoded with the IEEE format. Another question is, will I have any endianess problems with IEEE floating point formats, or different endianess machines order floating point numbers the same?


AnswerRe: Serialize a double floating point number Pin
Nick_Kisialiou27-Feb-06 19:36
Nick_Kisialiou27-Feb-06 19:36 
Questioncontrol over system Pin
rajeevktripathi27-Feb-06 1:31
rajeevktripathi27-Feb-06 1:31 
AnswerRe: control over system Pin
David Crow27-Feb-06 2:44
David Crow27-Feb-06 2:44 
AnswerRe: control over system Pin
Maximilien27-Feb-06 2:44
Maximilien27-Feb-06 2:44 
JokeRe: control over system Pin
Dennis Gourjii27-Feb-06 3:01
Dennis Gourjii27-Feb-06 3:01 
GeneralRe: control over system Pin
Blake Miller1-Mar-06 9:44
Blake Miller1-Mar-06 9:44 
QuestionYet another list view problem Pin
Waldermort27-Feb-06 1:27
Waldermort27-Feb-06 1:27 
AnswerRe: Yet another list view problem Pin
Naveen27-Feb-06 1:53
Naveen27-Feb-06 1:53 
GeneralRe: Yet another list view problem Pin
Waldermort27-Feb-06 2:05
Waldermort27-Feb-06 2:05 
GeneralRe: Yet another list view problem Pin
Waldermort27-Feb-06 3:11
Waldermort27-Feb-06 3:11 
QuestionImage in arc file Pin
rajeevktripathi27-Feb-06 1:24
rajeevktripathi27-Feb-06 1:24 
QuestionHow to check valid internet connection? Pin
Aryan S27-Feb-06 0:15
Aryan S27-Feb-06 0:15 
AnswerRe: How to check valid internet connection? Pin
Nibu babu thomas27-Feb-06 0:44
Nibu babu thomas27-Feb-06 0:44 
AnswerRe: How to check valid internet connection? Pin
David Crow27-Feb-06 2:46
David Crow27-Feb-06 2:46 
QuestionLaunching EXE Pin
Subramaniam s.V.27-Feb-06 0:14
Subramaniam s.V.27-Feb-06 0:14 
AnswerRe: Launching EXE Pin
Rage27-Feb-06 0:21
professionalRage27-Feb-06 0:21 
AnswerRe: Launching EXE Pin
David Crow27-Feb-06 2:47
David Crow27-Feb-06 2:47 

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