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QuestionRe: IE HTTP headers Pin
acroitor24-Feb-06 4:23
acroitor24-Feb-06 4:23 
AnswerRe: IE HTTP headers Pin
llp00na24-Feb-06 4:45
llp00na24-Feb-06 4:45 
GeneralRe: IE HTTP headers Pin
ThatsAlok26-Feb-06 20:57
ThatsAlok26-Feb-06 20:57 
GeneralRe: IE HTTP headers Pin
acroitor27-Feb-06 20:43
acroitor27-Feb-06 20:43 
AnswerRe: IE HTTP headers Pin
llp00na24-Feb-06 4:52
llp00na24-Feb-06 4:52 
GeneralRe: IE HTTP headers Pin
acroitor24-Feb-06 4:58
acroitor24-Feb-06 4:58 
GeneralRe: IE HTTP headers Pin
llp00na24-Feb-06 6:15
llp00na24-Feb-06 6:15 
QuestionRe: IE HTTP headers Pin
acroitor26-Feb-06 20:10
acroitor26-Feb-06 20:10 
I get the URLs from IE Address Bar so it is actually what user printed. But I really don't know how to get to the HTTP headers received by the browser, the only thing that comes right now to my mind is to do the same request that browser does through my own method that will give me back the response headers, but I know this is not really the best idea, and there should be a way to receive these http headers from the browser itself through some interface, I just don't know what is that interface.

Thanks for helping.
AnswerRe: IE HTTP headers Pin
goggles827-Feb-06 10:47
goggles827-Feb-06 10:47 
QuestionRe: IE HTTP headers Pin
acroitor28-Feb-06 4:24
acroitor28-Feb-06 4:24 
Questionhow can split window like reuters trade? Pin
vicstart23-Feb-06 20:41
vicstart23-Feb-06 20:41 
AnswerRe: how can split window like reuters trade? Pin
Nibu babu thomas23-Feb-06 20:54
Nibu babu thomas23-Feb-06 20:54 
GeneralRe: how can split window like reuters trade? Pin
vicstart23-Feb-06 21:25
vicstart23-Feb-06 21:25 
GeneralRe: how can split window like reuters trade? Pin
jhwurmbach23-Feb-06 21:57
jhwurmbach23-Feb-06 21:57 
GeneralRe: how can split window like reuters trade? Pin
Nibu babu thomas23-Feb-06 21:59
Nibu babu thomas23-Feb-06 21:59 
QuestionCHttpConnection : Post Method Pin
vivek.s.vivek23-Feb-06 19:39
vivek.s.vivek23-Feb-06 19:39 
QuestionCreate Excel spreadsheet in VC++ 6.0 Pin
bettybei23-Feb-06 19:06
bettybei23-Feb-06 19:06 
AnswerRe: Create Excel spreadsheet in VC++ 6.0 Pin
Vinaya23-Feb-06 19:35
Vinaya23-Feb-06 19:35 
QuestionHow to catch ActiveX Install or Excute using BHO? Pin
Blue-Bird23-Feb-06 19:00
Blue-Bird23-Feb-06 19:00 
QuestionHelp! WAB API problem, searched all the webspace but no results! Pin
Atony Chen23-Feb-06 18:58
Atony Chen23-Feb-06 18:58 
AnswerRe: Help! WAB API problem, searched all the webspace but no results! Pin
Atony Chen24-Feb-06 23:43
Atony Chen24-Feb-06 23:43 
GeneralRe: Help! WAB API problem, searched all the webspace but no results! Pin
ThatsAlok26-Feb-06 19:10
ThatsAlok26-Feb-06 19:10 
Questionabout Solution habit Pin
FlyWithYou23-Feb-06 18:08
FlyWithYou23-Feb-06 18:08 
AnswerRe: about Solution habit Pin
Blake Miller24-Feb-06 5:19
Blake Miller24-Feb-06 5:19 
QuestionCAsyncSocket::OnReceive not getting called Pin
nsrsetty23-Feb-06 18:07
nsrsetty23-Feb-06 18:07 

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