Does anyone know why Intellisense would not work inside of the Command/Immediate window?
Intellisense works when I am coding but when I am debugging and try to look at the values using the Immediate Window, Intellisense doesn't work. Is there an option somewhere for this? I have tried creating a brand new solution with a brand new project and this did not help.
Which VS.NET version ur using???
If you are using VS.NET 2002 than u will not get Intellisense in command/immediate window...
Also, I did type "immed" and am running the Command Window in Immediate mode.
I'm trying to attach some files. For this I'm using Show Open common dialogue control. But with this I could only be able to open/select one file at a time.
Is there any property of common dialogue control with which i could be able to select multiple files at a time by pressing shift key.
my code is as follows
Private Sub fOpen_Click()
cdlg1.CancelError = True
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
cdlg1.filename = ""
cdlg1.DialogTitle = "Open Image File"
cdlg1.Filter = "Image File(*.jpeg,*.jpg)|*.jpeg;*.jpg"
cdlg1.FilterIndex = 1
Exit Sub
End Sub
Noshaba Mariam
cdlg1.Multiselect = True
if i use this, following error encounters
Method or Data Member not found
'I am using VB.NET Not VB 6
Dim op As New OpenFileDialog
op.Multiselect = True
If op.ShowDialog(Me) = DialogResult.OK Then
Dim files() As String=op.FileNames
End If
oh sorry it was by mistake that i didn't mentioned that i'm using vb 6 sorry
VB6, huh? OK. It's almost as easy, but surely not obvious how to do it. You have to set the Flags property of the CommonDialog before you show it.
Private Sub fOpen_Click()
cdlg1.CancelError = True
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
cdlg1.filename = ""
cdlg1.DialogTitle = "Open Image File"
cdlg1.Filter = "Image File(*.jpeg,*.jpg)|*.jpeg;*.jpg"
cdlg1.FilterIndex = 1
cdlg1.Flags = &H200
Exit Sub
End Sub
You can find more information about that, and other options, here[^].
"...a pungent, ghastly, stinky piece of cheese!" -- The Roaming Gnome
-- modified at 13:28 Monday 27th February, 2006
Thnx Dave u have solved my problem it really works
can this graph load all the data from database and present the graph by its own by by clicking a button?
Can you use the ZedGraph control in VB.NET?
Yes! Absolutely! In fact, it comes with VB.NET sample code.
Will it magically know how to read data from your database and plot it for you?
Of course not. It's your job to fill the gap. You have to query the data from the database. You have to tell the graph how you want the data plotted. Like how many plots, x/y axes setup, legend names, etc. Just look at the examples.
hi.. i have a problem about vb. how to link vb to other software, for example, if i press one button in vb, other software will appear, like icprog or else??
Someone please help me....
Call Shell (Path of the Software Exe)
Good old BASIC from years ago had a sound function, where you specify the frequency, duration, and maybe volume of a tone to play. Is there such a thing in Visual Basic? Or any other way to generate a tone of specified freq., duration and volume using the standard Windows sound device? I could only find info for PlaySound, which plays .wav files, but I need to dynamically vary a simple tone.
Thanks- this is my first post.
Yup- that works. Hopefully I can modify it to allow dynamic adjustment of freq, duration and volume.
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetMem8 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByRef src As Any, ByRef Dst As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function GetMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" (ByRef src As Any, ByRef Dst As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function PlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "PlaySoundW" (ByRef pData As Any, ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long
Private Const SND_MEMORY = &H4
Dim x As Integer
Private Function PlayTone(ByVal fFrequency As Single, ByVal fDurationMS As Single) As Boolean
Dim bData() As Byte
Dim lSize As Long
Dim lSamples As Long
Dim lIndex As Long
Dim fPhase As Single
Dim fDelta As Single
lSamples = 44.1 * fDurationMS
lSize = lSamples + 44
fDelta = fFrequency / 44100 * 6.28318530717959
ReDim bData(lSize - 1)
GetMem4 &H46464952, bData(0): GetMem4 CLng(lSize - 8), bData(4)
GetMem8 233861439252950.2551@, bData(8)
GetMem8 28147927167.7968@, bData(16)
GetMem8 18940805779.77@, bData(24)
GetMem8 702234480110259.4049@, bData(32)
GetMem4 lSamples, bData(40)
For lIndex = 0 To lSamples - 1
bData(lIndex + 44) = Sin(fPhase) * 127 + 128
fPhase = fPhase + fDelta
If fPhase > 6.28318530717959 Then fPhase = fPhase - 6.28318530717959
PlaySound bData(0), 0, SND_MEMORY
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
For x = 300 To 1100 Step 9
PlayTone x, 8
For x = 900 To 300 Step -9
PlayTone x, 7
End Sub
I'm developing a MDI application. There are few search buttons respectively in child forms. When I clicked the search button, the results shall be displayed in search form which uses list view to display results.
I want to make the search form as a common form to be called by all the search button? And how do I capture the results to text boxes in active child forms from the search form? Below is the code snippet for search btn:
Private Sub btnSearchName_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearchName.Click
Dim oSearch As New frmSearch
Dim sSQL As String
sSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl_user"
End Try
End Sub
Please guide and assist me. Your help is much apprecited.
Thank you,
I have created a report that when the customers number is selected from a combobox, it displays the individual items for that cust fine. I have another combobox that displays the states for each customer, so if I selected NY, I would like to see all the Customers for that region in the report.
I have put a break point right where my table adapter fills my dataset item, and I see exactly the results that I'm looking for...
After that line of code is this: Me.ReportViewer1.RefreshReport()
When I execute the code, I get a blank report. Is there anywhere in my reportviewer that I need to specify multiple records?
-- modified at 20:48 Sunday 26th February, 2006
i want to create a multiple datasets and bind it seperately. the query will look like
select * from table where id=ID
if id = 1,
i want to generate dataset1 just for records with id=1 and
if id = 2,
i want to generate dataset2 just for records with id=2 and so forth
so that i can bind those datasets to different web control say for webchart component or a datagrid.
Please note id can be any value from null to 100 and the select statement can return 0 to n records based upon id.
hope my question makes sense.
please help!!!
Hi all,
I want to get the grammar suggestions from Microsoft Word 2003 Pro. I can get the problems but not the correction offerings, has anybody done this and if so could you possibly point me in the right direction.
This is what i have so far
Dim oWord As New Word.Application
Dim oDoc As New Word.Document
Dim oRng As Word.Range
Dim i As Long
Dim oGrErrors As Word.ProofreadingErrors
oWord.Visible = False
oWord.WindowState = 0
oWord.Top = -3500
oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add
oRng = oDoc.Range
oRng.Text = strPhrase
oGrErrors = oRng.GrammaticalErrors
For i = 1 To oGrErrors.Count
oRng = oGrErrors.Item(i)
oWord = Nothing
The above example just picks out the problems and shows you them which is useless unless i write my own grammar dictionary. I have managed to get the spelling suggestions but there seems to be no way of getting the grammar suggestions.
Note: Calling CheckGrammar provides the grammar check interface which i don't want the user to see or use, this needs to be an internal check.
I have been looking everywhere and found that no-one seems to have an example of this, please help.
"If i was king cigarettes would be free."
I am checking out the BindingNavigator control and might use it if I can solve one last issue. I am using this control to navigate a dataset table displayed in a group of textboxes. I would like to allow the user to select a record to jump to. Is there a way to tell the BindingNavigator to go to a particular record or position number?
Thank you
I have programme who strone html shows me in axwebbrowser. How do replenish field login and password automatically ??
IF somebody give me a simple code how to do IT ??