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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: How does the using the address of operator work in Visual C++? Pin
Gary R. Wheeler26-Feb-06 5:22
Gary R. Wheeler26-Feb-06 5:22 
AnswerRe: How does the using the address of operator work in Visual C++? Pin
includeh1026-Feb-06 3:19
includeh1026-Feb-06 3:19 
GeneralRe: How does the using the address of operator work in Visual C++? Pin
Tom Moore26-Feb-06 3:34
Tom Moore26-Feb-06 3:34 
AnswerRe: How does the using the address of operator work in Visual C++? Pin
Hamid_RT26-Feb-06 3:48
Hamid_RT26-Feb-06 3:48 
AnswerRe: How does the using the address of operator work in Visual C++? Pin
Tom Moore26-Feb-06 6:10
Tom Moore26-Feb-06 6:10 
AnswerRe: How does the using the address of operator work in Visual C++? Pin
PJ Arends26-Feb-06 11:08
professionalPJ Arends26-Feb-06 11:08 
AnswerRe: How does the using the address of operator work in Visual C++? Pin
David Crow27-Feb-06 3:37
David Crow27-Feb-06 3:37 
QuestionMessage Box being hidden Pin
braveheartkenya26-Feb-06 2:04
braveheartkenya26-Feb-06 2:04 
Hi all,
I have some message boxes that are triggered from some buttons on a dialog. The dialog is set to open in full screen mode. The funny thing is that when the message boxes are triggered they get focus but they go behind my dialog.

Any idea why this is happening and how to get the message box on top of the dialog?

Thanks in advance.
AnswerRe: Message Box being hidden Pin
includeh1026-Feb-06 3:21
includeh1026-Feb-06 3:21 
GeneralRe: Message Box being hidden Pin
braveheartkenya26-Feb-06 4:52
braveheartkenya26-Feb-06 4:52 
AnswerRe: Message Box being hidden Pin
FarPointer26-Feb-06 3:37
FarPointer26-Feb-06 3:37 
GeneralRe: Message Box being hidden Pin
braveheartkenya26-Feb-06 4:56
braveheartkenya26-Feb-06 4:56 
GeneralRe: Message Box being hidden Pin
FarPointer26-Feb-06 5:11
FarPointer26-Feb-06 5:11 
GeneralRe: Message Box being hidden Pin
Gary R. Wheeler26-Feb-06 5:31
Gary R. Wheeler26-Feb-06 5:31 
GeneralRe: Message Box being hidden Pin
braveheartkenya26-Feb-06 6:05
braveheartkenya26-Feb-06 6:05 
GeneralRe: Message Box being hidden Pin
Ryan Binns26-Feb-06 17:19
Ryan Binns26-Feb-06 17:19 
GeneralRe: Message Box being hidden Pin
braveheartkenya27-Feb-06 7:21
braveheartkenya27-Feb-06 7:21 
GeneralRe: Message Box being hidden Pin
Nibu babu thomas26-Feb-06 18:27
Nibu babu thomas26-Feb-06 18:27 
GeneralRe: Message Box being hidden Pin
braveheartkenya27-Feb-06 7:25
braveheartkenya27-Feb-06 7:25 
QuestionHow to use LB_SETCOUNT message for MFC CListBox class? Pin
oleetron26-Feb-06 2:01
oleetron26-Feb-06 2:01 
AnswerRe: How to use LB_SETCOUNT message for MFC CListBox class? Pin
Ryan Binns26-Feb-06 17:20
Ryan Binns26-Feb-06 17:20 
AnswerRe: How to use LB_SETCOUNT message for MFC CListBox class? Pin
ashesh deep31-Aug-09 2:03
ashesh deep31-Aug-09 2:03 
QuestionProblem about IHTMLDocument2->wirte() , plz ! Pin
Leesen25-Feb-06 21:31
Leesen25-Feb-06 21:31 
AnswerRe: Problem about IHTMLDocument2->wirte() , plz ! Pin
Leesen27-Feb-06 1:53
Leesen27-Feb-06 1:53 
Questionhard ware serial number Pin
ss200625-Feb-06 21:29
ss200625-Feb-06 21:29 

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