I have dialog (window/form) that inherits from the CDialog class. This dialog has various controls on it including a few buttons and textboxes.
I am trying to get some keyboard events (key presses) to fire some events but its not working.
In the Header file for the dialog i have this as a protected declaration
afx_msg void OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags);
I have an ON_WM_KEYDOWN() event created and its corresponding method in the .cpp file
void COpenGLMFCDlg::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
Within this method i have written some test code to change the text in a textbox just to see whether the event is fired correctly, but the text is never changed. I also tried changing the dialog's name and also firing some Message Boxes ... but nothing worked.
The code in the "OnKeyDown" method is as follows:
void COpenGLMFCDlg::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags){
SetWindowText("You pressed Enter");
case VK_F1:
SetWindowText("Help is not available at the moment");
//SetWindowText("Can't Delete This");
m_Txt_Test.SetWindowText("The Event was fired");
m_Txt_Test.SetWindowText("Another Event fired");
Could someone please (pretty please) tell me why this isn't working and whether i have done all that is needed for a keyboard event to fired & a result to be seen on screen.
Thanks in advance.
Hello braveheartkenya ,
If you have each control's in the form then WM_KEYDOWN and UP isn't work and All Event's(WM_KEYDOWN and Up) send
to controls unless in the form non controls
So how do i put the focus on the Dialog itself rather than on a control. The focus is currently on a button and i would like to put it on the dialog so that the events will be sent there.
I think It's not possible.
I suggestion for example:
delete all controls in the from(the form is empty) I think now WM_KEYDOWN is work.
if you need to controls in the form you can create controls in the application
Like this for each control
//////////////in the Header file//////////////////////
#define IDC_BUTTON1 1000
class CMyCpp: public CDialog
CButton m_Button;
afx_msg void OnBnClickedButton();
/////////In the cpp file/////////
void CMyCpp::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_BUTTON1, m_Button);
BOOL CMyCpp::OnInitDialog()
void CMyCpp::OnBnClickedButton()
Thanks for the idea ... i'll try it out
I know how to load and save info to files but I'm having trouble loading info from a file into multiple strings. This is the data that I am saving and it works just as I want it to.
ofstream fp;
fp.open("C:\\war\\stringdata.DAT", ios::out);
for (count = partytotal -1; count >= 0; count--)
for (count2 = 16; count2 >= 0; count2--)
fp << party[count][count2];
fp << "\n";
Party is defined as: CString party[4][17];
I'm not a vary good programmer , so could anyone give me an example of code that will load the data back into the strings . (nothing I tried worked)
Thank you.
"To an optimist the glass is half full.
To the pessimist the glass is half empty.
To the programmer the glass is twice as big as it needs to be."
GC13: "Mature-Ages 16 and up. 'your mature, right?'"
FARGORE: "no, but I am over 16."
I'm experiencing some problems with writing data to a driver of mine and I was wondering if it is caused by the following:
I open a single handle to the driver with CreateFile(). I use the handle in both ReadFile() and WriteFile() which are called in separate threads.
Now, what I'm wondering is if this approach has some multithreading issues (because both threads use the same handle) and if I should instead open two handles to the driver.
Sorry I'm probably roung here but have you tried using the /FORCE command line for the multithreading?
"To an optimist the glass is half full.
To the pessimist the glass is half empty.
To the programmer the glass is twice as big as it needs to be."
GC13: "Mature-Ages 16 and up. 'your mature, right?'"
FARGORE: "no, but I am over 16."
I am not quite sure what that has to do with the question, though..
Halloko wrote: I use the handle in both ReadFile() and WriteFile() which are called in separate threads.
A file handle only has 1 'current offset' value which is the location that the next read or write will take place at in the file. You will likely trash your file using the same handle in more than 1 thread unless you guard the handle (e.g. critical section) and always set the offset before a read/write.
Halloko wrote: I should instead open two handles to the driver.
That is one solution.
Save the whales - collect the whole set
cmk wrote: A file handle only has 1 'current offset' value which is the location that the next read or write will take place at in the file. You will likely trash your file using the same handle in more than 1 thread unless you guard the handle (e.g. critical section) and always set the offset before a read/write.
Yeah, that's what I figured.
So either a critical section of some sort or two open handles.
Halloko wrote: So either a critical section of some sort or two open handles.
Lets discuss the pros and cons of each method :-
#1: Using Syncronization Object to control reading and writing :-
Very Native Solution.. almost every big project use same.. but let consider the example.. when you am reading the particular file and request for the writing
come then writing operation have to wait till the reading operation complete and viceversa.
#2 Using Two Handle.... you have to open file in sharedenynone mode.. this will increase memory overhead.. each handle is to maintian it postion in the file.. also you have to do espeacial handlling of the updation of file..
so i believe Critical section Method is more suitable for you!
"Opinions are neither right nor wrong. I cannot change your opinion. I can, however, change what influences your opinion." - David Crow
Alok Gupta
VC Forum Q&A :- I/ IV
Yeah, but I believe it will be faster to use two handles in my case as I am communicating with my own driver which can process both a read and write operation at the same time.
I would like to know, how to do the data string parsing
this doesn't mean much things...
to parse a string, you have to know its content, how it may be formatted, etc... if you want to have a look at VisualCalc source, i hope you could find some interrests there...
please tell us more infos about what you have to parse...
TOXCCT >>> GEII power [toxcct][VisualCalc 2.24][3.0 soon...]
Actually, am getting data from the machine as 0x03 0x10 0x82 0x10..... nad length of the buffer is varying, as Length:108 or 256 or....so how to proceed further. do we have any Active X control for parsing the data?
srija wrote: how to do the data string parsing
try Class COleDateTime!
"Opinions are neither right nor wrong. I cannot change your opinion. I can, however, change what influences your opinion." - David Crow
Alok Gupta
VC Forum Q&A :- I/ IV
We are in the process of developing what we hope will be a commercial product using you grid control in a part of the porduct. We like what it is doing for use.
We would like to place a slider into a cell. We did not see this in the current version. Does there this capability exists?
If so can we get a copy of it.
Joel Thornton
Teir5 Inc.
what are you talking about ?
which grid are you talking about ? Chris Maunder's ?
why don't you ask this on the message board at the bottom of the article where you saw the grid ?
TOXCCT >>> GEII power [toxcct][VisualCalc 2.24][3.0 soon...]
Yes I am talking about Chris Maunder's Grid control.
why don't you ask this on the message board at the bottom of the article where you saw the grid ?
I do not know I asked it here and will as you suggested.
how i can make dynamic file library under linux (.so) which i can call them with java programme
i have somme DLL 's file compiled by visual c++ and called by java of windows
i want to know if i can call them with java of linux
if yes how ?
if not what is the solutions
Sorry, Software for Linux and Windows is NOT interchangeable.
1) Host the site on a windows PC and connect via the Internet from your Linux PC.
2) Recompile with a Linux C++ version. This means changing the code if you have used Microsoft or Windows specific stuff.
ss2006 wrote: want to know if i can call them with java of linux
try to compile same dll in MiniGw paltform.. that can give you Linux equivalent code of same
"Opinions are neither right nor wrong. I cannot change your opinion. I can, however, change what influences your opinion." - David Crow
Alok Gupta
VC Forum Q&A :- I/ IV