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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Grid Control Pin
toxcct25-Feb-06 8:54
toxcct25-Feb-06 8:54 
GeneralRe: Grid Control Pin
Tier525-Feb-06 10:34
Tier525-Feb-06 10:34 
Questioncall of .so file by java under linux Pin
ss200625-Feb-06 6:51
ss200625-Feb-06 6:51 
AnswerRe: call of .so file by java under linux Pin
Nemanja Trifunovic25-Feb-06 7:00
Nemanja Trifunovic25-Feb-06 7:00 
Questiondll under linux Pin
ss200625-Feb-06 6:19
ss200625-Feb-06 6:19 
AnswerRe: dll under linux Pin
Boris van de Laarschot25-Feb-06 6:29
Boris van de Laarschot25-Feb-06 6:29 
AnswerRe: dll under linux Pin
ThatsAlok26-Feb-06 22:31
ThatsAlok26-Feb-06 22:31 
Questionabout HotKey Pin
HOW WHAT25-Feb-06 4:45
HOW WHAT25-Feb-06 4:45 
more ExeFile load A.DLL(win32 DLL)
now i want key down a hotkey ,each A.dll can process this message( all exe's A.DLL can know you key down hotkey and in the DLL do something).

how to do?

and how let win32 dll can process windows message(WM_???)

QuestionBackup-programm for drivers Pin
Boris van de Laarschot25-Feb-06 4:27
Boris van de Laarschot25-Feb-06 4:27 
AnswerRe: Backup-programm for drivers Pin
Maximilien25-Feb-06 4:55
Maximilien25-Feb-06 4:55 
GeneralRe: Backup-programm for drivers Pin
Boris van de Laarschot25-Feb-06 5:28
Boris van de Laarschot25-Feb-06 5:28 
QuestionClassic question: dynamic 2D arrays in standard C Pin
bouli25-Feb-06 2:41
bouli25-Feb-06 2:41 
AnswerRe: Classic question: dynamic 2D arrays in standard C Pin
Stephen Hewitt25-Feb-06 2:45
Stephen Hewitt25-Feb-06 2:45 
GeneralRe: Classic question: dynamic 2D arrays in standard C Pin
bouli25-Feb-06 2:54
bouli25-Feb-06 2:54 
GeneralRe: Classic question: dynamic 2D arrays in standard C Pin
bouli25-Feb-06 5:06
bouli25-Feb-06 5:06 
AnswerRe: Classic question: dynamic 2D arrays in standard C Pin
David Crow25-Feb-06 3:58
David Crow25-Feb-06 3:58 
GeneralRe: Classic question: dynamic 2D arrays in standard C Pin
bouli25-Feb-06 5:06
bouli25-Feb-06 5:06 
Questiona question that did not get any true answer :(( Pin
Hamed Musavi25-Feb-06 0:16
Hamed Musavi25-Feb-06 0:16 
AnswerRe: a question that did not get any true answer :(( Pin
Stephen Hewitt25-Feb-06 0:29
Stephen Hewitt25-Feb-06 0:29 
GeneralRe: a question that did not get any true answer :(( Pin
Hamed Musavi25-Feb-06 0:42
Hamed Musavi25-Feb-06 0:42 
GeneralRe: a question that did not get any true answer :(( Pin
Stephen Hewitt25-Feb-06 0:56
Stephen Hewitt25-Feb-06 0:56 
GeneralRe: a question that did not get any true answer :(( Pin
Hamed Musavi25-Feb-06 1:07
Hamed Musavi25-Feb-06 1:07 
GeneralRe: a question that did not get any true answer :(( Pin
Stephen Hewitt25-Feb-06 1:19
Stephen Hewitt25-Feb-06 1:19 
GeneralRe: a question that did not get any true answer :(( Pin
Hamed Musavi25-Feb-06 1:29
Hamed Musavi25-Feb-06 1:29 
GeneralRe: a question that did not get any true answer :(( Pin
Stephen Hewitt25-Feb-06 2:37
Stephen Hewitt25-Feb-06 2:37 

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