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AnswerRe: IE HTTP headers Pin
goggles827-Feb-06 10:47
goggles827-Feb-06 10:47 
QuestionRe: IE HTTP headers Pin
acroitor28-Feb-06 4:24
acroitor28-Feb-06 4:24 
Questionhow can split window like reuters trade? Pin
vicstart23-Feb-06 20:41
vicstart23-Feb-06 20:41 
AnswerRe: how can split window like reuters trade? Pin
Nibu babu thomas23-Feb-06 20:54
Nibu babu thomas23-Feb-06 20:54 
GeneralRe: how can split window like reuters trade? Pin
vicstart23-Feb-06 21:25
vicstart23-Feb-06 21:25 
GeneralRe: how can split window like reuters trade? Pin
jhwurmbach23-Feb-06 21:57
jhwurmbach23-Feb-06 21:57 
GeneralRe: how can split window like reuters trade? Pin
Nibu babu thomas23-Feb-06 21:59
Nibu babu thomas23-Feb-06 21:59 
QuestionCHttpConnection : Post Method Pin
vivek.s.vivek23-Feb-06 19:39
vivek.s.vivek23-Feb-06 19:39 
Dear jigneshrpatel ,
Thanks for ur quick reply. Ya I make an attempt thru
CHttpFile: SendRequest(). still not working.

code is!..
pStrVerb = POST;

pServer = session.GetHttpConnection(lpstrServer, usPort,
pstrUserName, pstrPassword);
pFile = pServer->OpenRequest(pstrVerb, strFile, pstrReferer);

CString strFile= "\mypage\getdata.asp ";
pFile = pServer->OpenRequest(pstrVerb, strFile, pstrReferer);
//,1, &pstrAcceptTypes, pstrVersion, dwHttpRequestFlags);
pFile->AddRequestHeaders("User-Agent: GetWebFile/1.0\r\n", HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD_IF_NEW);
CString CStrTempQueryString = _T("txtpname=Winrunner&txtptype=Testing");
pFile->SendRequest(NULL, 0,(LPVOID)(LPCTSTR)CStrTempQueryString,CStrTempQueryString.GetLength());

I want these data (txtpname=Winrunner&txtptype=Testing") in ASP page

I also change the code to

CString CStrTempQueryString = _T("?txtpname=Winrunner&txtptype=Testing"); still not working.

Kindly do it ASAP. Thanks for ur effort.

QuestionCreate Excel spreadsheet in VC++ 6.0 Pin
bettybei23-Feb-06 19:06
bettybei23-Feb-06 19:06 
AnswerRe: Create Excel spreadsheet in VC++ 6.0 Pin
Vinaya23-Feb-06 19:35
Vinaya23-Feb-06 19:35 
QuestionHow to catch ActiveX Install or Excute using BHO? Pin
Blue-Bird23-Feb-06 19:00
Blue-Bird23-Feb-06 19:00 
QuestionHelp! WAB API problem, searched all the webspace but no results! Pin
Atony Chen23-Feb-06 18:58
Atony Chen23-Feb-06 18:58 
AnswerRe: Help! WAB API problem, searched all the webspace but no results! Pin
Atony Chen24-Feb-06 23:43
Atony Chen24-Feb-06 23:43 
GeneralRe: Help! WAB API problem, searched all the webspace but no results! Pin
ThatsAlok26-Feb-06 19:10
ThatsAlok26-Feb-06 19:10 
Questionabout Solution habit Pin
FlyWithYou23-Feb-06 18:08
FlyWithYou23-Feb-06 18:08 
AnswerRe: about Solution habit Pin
Blake Miller24-Feb-06 5:19
Blake Miller24-Feb-06 5:19 
QuestionCAsyncSocket::OnReceive not getting called Pin
nsrsetty23-Feb-06 18:07
nsrsetty23-Feb-06 18:07 
QuestionCHttpConnection - Post method Pin
vivek.s.vivek23-Feb-06 17:56
vivek.s.vivek23-Feb-06 17:56 
AnswerRe: CHttpConnection - Post method Pin
jigneshrpatel23-Feb-06 18:46
jigneshrpatel23-Feb-06 18:46 
GeneralRe: CHttpConnection - Post method Pin
vivek.s.vivek23-Feb-06 21:36
vivek.s.vivek23-Feb-06 21:36 
GeneralRe: CHttpConnection - Post method Pin
ThatsAlok26-Feb-06 18:48
ThatsAlok26-Feb-06 18:48 
QuestionCHttpConnection web request for post method Pin
murali_utr23-Feb-06 17:40
murali_utr23-Feb-06 17:40 
AnswerRe: CHttpConnection web request for post method Pin
murali_utr23-Feb-06 23:02
murali_utr23-Feb-06 23:02 
QuestionA Question On GDI+ Pin
Shuang. Wu23-Feb-06 17:39
Shuang. Wu23-Feb-06 17:39 
QuestionQuestion regarding SafeArrays Pin
godspeed12323-Feb-06 17:39
godspeed12323-Feb-06 17:39 

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