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GeneralRe: Trigger Pin
Adarsh Shah22-Feb-06 17:43
Adarsh Shah22-Feb-06 17:43 
GeneralRe: Trigger Pin
Adarsh Shah22-Feb-06 21:58
Adarsh Shah22-Feb-06 21:58 
QuestionNeed help on creating ENDPOINT to define a Web Service in SQL Server 2005 Pin
Slow Learner22-Feb-06 2:54
Slow Learner22-Feb-06 2:54 
QuestionUPDATE trigger problem Pin
Adarsh Shah22-Feb-06 1:56
Adarsh Shah22-Feb-06 1:56 
AnswerRe: UPDATE trigger problem Pin
Le centriste22-Feb-06 6:40
Le centriste22-Feb-06 6:40 
GeneralRe: UPDATE trigger problem Pin
Adarsh Shah22-Feb-06 17:39
Adarsh Shah22-Feb-06 17:39 
GeneralRe: UPDATE trigger problem Pin
Adarsh Shah22-Feb-06 21:59
Adarsh Shah22-Feb-06 21:59 
QuestionProblem Connecting to MS SQL Server 2000 Over TCP/IP Pin
cbhkenshin22-Feb-06 1:50
cbhkenshin22-Feb-06 1:50 

I am connecting to my SQL server from my windows application localy using either SQLConnection or ODBCConnection and they are working fine but when i try to connect to the server from another PC in the Lan i cannot connect through SQLConnection from my application.

but what have i tried is to connect using odbcConnection and ODBCComand and it connected normally.

What Do i need to setup in the client computer So it Can connect from the Windows Application Normally By using SQL Connection and SQLCommands?

Do I need to setup:
1- A new ODBC System DSN with a SQL Server Driver!!
2- SQL Service Manager (How Do I Get It)
3- Define a new DB user for Clients (I am using it with ODBC Already)
4- Connection string in my application (I am using "Data Source=jedfin-nb0077;Initial Catalog=inventory;User ID=sharifin")
5-In the FORM in QUERY ("SELECT Count(*) FROM [jedfin-nb0077].inventory.sharifin.inventory_item")

Please Help and Thanks in Advance.
QuestionTrim a sqlparameter in store procedure Pin
Praveen_S21-Feb-06 18:49
Praveen_S21-Feb-06 18:49 
AnswerRe: Trim a sqlparameter in store procedure Pin
Jon Sagara21-Feb-06 18:51
Jon Sagara21-Feb-06 18:51 
GeneralRe: Trim a sqlparameter in store procedure (Solved) Pin
Praveen_S21-Feb-06 19:02
Praveen_S21-Feb-06 19:02 
QuestionGetting Data From Two Databases Pin
dptalt21-Feb-06 8:36
dptalt21-Feb-06 8:36 
AnswerRe: Getting Data From Two Databases Pin
Mike Ellison21-Feb-06 9:14
Mike Ellison21-Feb-06 9:14 
GeneralRe: Getting Data From Two Databases Pin
dptalt21-Feb-06 9:24
dptalt21-Feb-06 9:24 
GeneralRe: Getting Data From Two Databases Pin
Mike Ellison21-Feb-06 10:33
Mike Ellison21-Feb-06 10:33 
QuestionNeed help do connecting sql server together in local area network! Pin
ah Chung21-Feb-06 3:23
ah Chung21-Feb-06 3:23 
AnswerRe: Need help do connecting sql server together in local area network! Pin
japel21-Feb-06 13:17
japel21-Feb-06 13:17 
GeneralRe: Need help do connecting sql server together in local area network! Pin
ah Chung22-Feb-06 3:29
ah Chung22-Feb-06 3:29 
GeneralRe: Need help do connecting sql server together in local area network! Pin
japel22-Feb-06 8:51
japel22-Feb-06 8:51 
QuestionHow to storage the records of DataSet to MSSQL table? Pin
jingya_feng21-Feb-06 3:07
jingya_feng21-Feb-06 3:07 
AnswerRe: How to storage the records of DataSet to MSSQL table? Pin
Alomgir Miah22-Feb-06 7:34
Alomgir Miah22-Feb-06 7:34 
QuestionReplace SELECT result before datagrid. Pin
japel21-Feb-06 1:20
japel21-Feb-06 1:20 
AnswerRe: Replace SELECT result before datagrid. Pin
Michael Potter21-Feb-06 3:27
Michael Potter21-Feb-06 3:27 
GeneralRe: Replace SELECT result before datagrid. Pin
Alomgir Miah22-Feb-06 7:38
Alomgir Miah22-Feb-06 7:38 
Questionhow to connect with Oracle with c# Pin
nauty20-Feb-06 18:57
nauty20-Feb-06 18:57 

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