You need to register with Crystal Reports first. Then in your setup directory include the proper DLLs as mentioned in CR's documentations.
- Malhar
I want to place my application on server and place short cut on client to run the application.
That'll work fine "provided" that all of the app's dependencies are installed on the client system.
Dependencies such as the vb runtime, any ActiveX's used, etc.
In addition to what Joshua said, in a .NET Framework environment, this also means (in most cases) changing the trust level for your application on each client machine. Code running from a network source runs in a more restrictive "sandbox". The affects of which will not be known until you test your code running from the network.
"...a pungent, ghastly, stinky piece of cheese!" -- The Roaming Gnome
Our shop has a good many applications setup this way. You need to make sure the correct version of the framework is installed on each client.
Also, if you decide to use Crystal Reports in the application, there are merge modules that need to be installed on the client's machine. I believe VS 2005 addresses this problem, but we were using 2003 at the time.
As Dave already mentioned, security is a big factor. You have to adjust the trusts on the client's machine to execute an application on the server. We used a MSDN support call on the security issue and below are the links he gave us. Maybe this info can help with the security issues.
Because of some of these issues our shop is looking into clickonce deployment in VS 2005 to be a better solution for us in the future. We just installed VS 2005 this week so we're just starting to figure out the new features.
Good luck!
No-Touch deployment - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dv_vstechart/html/vbtchNo-TouchDeploymentInNETFramework.asp
.NET Security Samples - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnvssamp/html/vbcs_RoleBasedSecurity.asp
URL Security Zones: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/security/szone/urlzones.asp
Configuring Permission Sets Using the .NET Framework Configuration Tool - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconusingnetconfigurationtooltoworkwithpermissionsets.asp
Project Folder Not Secure Dialog Box - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vsintro7/html/vxurfprojectfoldernotsecuredialogbox.asp
Performing Common Security Policy Tasks Using the .NET Framework Configuration Tool - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconperformingcommonsecuritypolicytasksusingnetframeworkconfigurationtool.asp
Deploying Security Policy - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpcondeployingsecuritypolicy.asp
Security Permssions - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfsystemsecuritypermissions.asp
Name Permission Sets - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconnamedpermissionsets.asp (This has the definition for "Local Intranet", as I mentioned before this should be every computer within the domain)
Security Zones: - http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/workshop/security/szone/overview/overview.asp
Lost in the vast sea of .NET
I need my program to wait for 100 milli seconds before proceeding to a particular statement from the previous one. I can use Sleep() command in VC++ but i do not know anything about vb.NET please tell me how can I do this.
Rajesh R. Subramanian
You have an apple and me too. We exchange those and We have an apple each.
You have an idea and me too. We exchange those and We have two ideas each.
Hi, I need to export data from a dataset (datatable) into Excel or csv format. Can anyone help me out with this.
With Best Regards,
-- modified at 0:02 Thursday 16th February, 2006
Are there any examples for vb.net
With Best Regards,
You need to add a reference to Microsoft Excel 10 Object Library.
There are other examples where you do not use the com object, which have the advantage that Excel does not need to be installed on the target machine.
<br />
Private Sub ExportExcel(ByRef dt As DataTable) <br />
Dim excelApp As New Excel.Application<br />
Dim excelBook As Excel.Workbook = excelApp.Workbooks.Add<br />
Dim excelWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet = _<br />
CType(excelBook.Worksheets(1), Excel.Worksheet)<br />
Dim dr As DataRow<br />
Dim Row As Integer = 1<br />
Dim Col As Integer = 1<br />
<br />
excelApp.Visible = False<br />
If dt.Rows.Count > 65536 Then<br />
MessageBox.Show("Warning - Excel sheet can only have 65536 Rows" _<br />
& ControlChars.NewLine & ControlChars.NewLine _<br />
& 65536 - dt.Rows.Count & " Rows will be omitted")<br />
End If<br />
If dt.Columns.Count > 256 Then<br />
MessageBox.Show("Warning - Excel sheet can only have 256 Rows" _<br />
& ControlChars.NewLine & ControlChars.NewLine _<br />
& 256 - dt.Columns.Count & " Columns will be omitted")<br />
End If<br />
With excelWorksheet<br />
'Headings<br />
For Col = 0 To dt.Columns.Count - 1<br />
.Cells(1, Col + 1).Value = dt.Columns(Col).ColumnName<br />
.Cells(1, Col + 1).Font.Bold = True<br />
.Cells(1, Col + 1).ColumnWidth = Len(dt.Columns(Col).ColumnName) + 3<br />
Next<br />
<br />
<br />
.Range("A:Z").NumberFormat = "@" '(Text Format...)<br />
<br />
Row = 2<br />
Col = 0<br />
'Data<br />
Do While Row < dt.Rows.Count - 1 And Row < 65536<br />
Do While Col <= dt.Columns.Count - 1 And Col < 255<br />
.Cells(Row, Col + 1) = dt.Rows(Row - 2).Item(Col)<br />
Col += 1<br />
Loop<br />
Col = 0<br />
Row += 1<br />
Loop<br />
End With<br />
excelApp.Visible = True<br />
End Sub
-- modified at 4:37 Thursday 16th February, 2006
Hi all,
Can anyone roughly tell me how to:
1) Setup a WAN networking for ul/dl of sys OS images
2) Establish LAN peer to peer link to various levels in a company and also to a central database that is remotely located in another country.
Will greatly appreciate any reply!
andylimjp wrote: 1) Setup a WAN networking for ul/dl of sys OS images
There is no one setup for this and the process of imaging a machine doesn't care what kind of network it's going over. Although, since O/S images tend to be quite large, you'll want any links that these files go over to be pretty fast, and in a WAN environment, this means pretty expensive.
andylimjp wrote: 2) Establish LAN peer to peer link to various levels in a company and also to a central database that is remotely located in another country.
There isn't enough detail in this question to give any meaningful answer. "Peer to Peer" link can mean anything. What are you trying to do with this "link".
Connecting to a database, no matter where on earth it is, is the same as if it was sitting next to you. That exact procedure of which depends on your database servers requirements.
"...a pungent, ghastly, stinky piece of cheese!" -- The Roaming Gnome
Hi everyone
I have a problem and that is I want to be able to get the Mp3 files that are in my directory and place them in a Listview.once it has done that I want it too automatically generates an XML with all the songs in that directory.
any ideas or where i can look for help ??
thanks alistair
Can someone please help me in resolving the following issue.
I have tried to reinstall 3 times now vb6 and when I go to viewcode all is great but when I click on designer then the program crashes. I looked in the Application error log and noticed the following error. Ven1000 Hex 0x000581F1 error on the VB6 exe file.
I have updated active x hoping that would resolve the issue. Also this is on a network with folder redirection enabled if that helps.
"If I wrote a book like I code. It would be one page thick and contain only one word (DUH!)"
Not a clue. AFAICT, Ven1000 doesn't have anything to do with VB. Have you scanned the machine for viruses and spyware??
"...a pungent, ghastly, stinky piece of cheese!" -- The Roaming Gnome
I am coding in VB.net 2003
I have created a datagrid on the form called "Line Grid" and I am populating in the code through a sql statement. see below
How do I get the content of a specific row and colum in the grid?
Dim MY_SQL As String, TMP1 As String
Dim tblCrrncMngr As CurrencyManager = CType(BindingContext(CODE_DataSet.Tables.Item(CODE_TABLE)), CurrencyManager)
Dim MYDATACOL As New DataGridTextBoxColumn
DATABASE_NAME = DATA_PATH 'c:\quote.mdb"
OleDbDataAdapterARMaster.SelectCommand.CommandText = MY_SQL
CODE_Data_Adapter = New OleDbDataAdapter(MY_SQL, CONNECT_STRING)
CODE_Data_Adapter.TableMappings.Add("Table", CODE_TABLE)
' Fill the DataSet.
With LINEGrid
.SetDataBinding(CODE_DataSet, CODE_TABLE)
End With
.MappingName = "QUOTE_NO"
.HeaderText = "QUOTE NUMBER 123"
.Width = 200
End With
With MY_TBL_Style
.MappingName = CODE_TABLE
'Set column styles
With .GridColumnStyles
.Add(New DataGridBoolColumn)
With .Item(0)
.MappingName = "COPY_LINE"
.HeaderText = "FLAG"
.Width = 50
.NullText = String.Empty
End With
.Add(New DataGridTextBoxColumn(tblCrrncMngr.GetItemProperties.Item(CODE_TABLE)))
With .Item(1)
.MappingName = "OPTION"
.HeaderText = "OPTION"
.Width = 100
.NullText = String.Empty
End With
.Add(New DataGridTextBoxColumn(tblCrrncMngr.GetItemProperties.Item(CODE_TABLE)))
With .Item(2)
.MappingName = "QUOTE_LINE_NO"
.HeaderText = "LINE NUMBER"
.Width = 100
.NullText = String.Empty
End With
End With
End With
Dim TableRow As DataRow
For Each TableRow In CODE_TABLE.Tables(0).Rows
If TableRow.Item(0).ToString = "P" Then
End If
If CDec(TableRow.Item(1)) > 0.0 Then
End If
Lost in the vast sea of .NET
How does this work?
"CODE_TABLE" is a string variable for my MSAccess database table (TMP_DATA).
1) do I need to create a "DataTable" type variable?
2) if yes how would I implement it into my above code?
First let me say, that like your username says, I'm also a New_Coder. I've been working with .NET for three years off an on, and I'm starting to feel somewhat comfortable working with it, but I know I've only scratched the surface. In the shop where I work, I actually code most days on a mainframe in COBOL.
My examples are based on what I've figured out and received CodeProject message board feedback on regarding SQL. My examples are using SQL, but hopefully you can use the ideas and translate them for your use with Access.
My example was working with a data table. I've found it easy to load my data from SQL tables to a dataset and attach the dataset to the grid using the datasource logic. At this point it is easy to manipulate the datagrid data by referencing information through the dataset.
Here is the SQL example I have. Hopefully you can use the logic I have and adapt it to your logic with ACCESS.
Dim MyDataset As New DataSet<br />
Dim MyTable As New DataTable<br />
Dim sqlCN As SqlConnection<br />
Dim sqlda As SqlDataAdapter<br />
<br />
sqlCN = "... connection string... "<br />
sqlSql = "... SELECT Statement or Stored Procedure name ... "<br />
sqlda = New SqlDataAdapter(strSql, sqlCN)<br />
sqlda.Fill(MyDataset)<br />
<br />
MyTable = MyDataset.Tables(0)<br />
<br />
dgrMyGrid.DataSource = MyTable<br />
Once you've filled the dataset, you can use the logic I posted previously to access information in the table.
Lost in the vast sea of .NET
It will be greatful to help in this technolgy as i m new to this....
I am doing the database connectivity in OleDBConnection and my database is Msaccess...
I want to search thru the records in the table and display a particular record...Thus i need some condition as in rs.EOF or rs.move next in vb....So wat will be the same in vb.net.
Please help me in this...
Thank u.
With regards,