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AnswerRe: Ms Access Data Updation using VB.Net Pin
Dave Kreskowiak8-Feb-06 8:00
mveDave Kreskowiak8-Feb-06 8:00 
GeneralRe: Ms Access Data Updation using VB.Net Pin
mayhem_rules8-Feb-06 18:04
mayhem_rules8-Feb-06 18:04 
GeneralRe: Ms Access Data Updation using VB.Net Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Feb-06 3:02
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Feb-06 3:02 
GeneralRe: Ms Access Data Updation using VB.Net Pin
mayhem_rules10-Feb-06 0:18
mayhem_rules10-Feb-06 0:18 
Questionusing DVP1412.dll in VB.NET Pin
bskirkman7-Feb-06 17:44
bskirkman7-Feb-06 17:44 
QuestionHow to remove this Office COM Add-in Pin
cylix20007-Feb-06 17:31
cylix20007-Feb-06 17:31 
QuestionProblem on changing recordset to dataset Pin
drexler_kk7-Feb-06 17:14
drexler_kk7-Feb-06 17:14 
AnswerRe: Problem on changing recordset to dataset Pin
alien viper7-Feb-06 21:37
alien viper7-Feb-06 21:37 
It's not complete solution. But you can change as you like.
It use SQL Server database.

Private Sub Spam_Now()
Dim conStr1 As String
Dim con1 As SqlClient.SqlConnection 'ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim rd1, rd2, rd3 As SqlClient.SqlDataReader 'ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql1, sql2, sql3 As String

Dim strUserName As String = "sa" 'set your user name
Dim strPwd As String = "sa" 'set your password
Dim strDatabase As String = "pubs" 'set your database name

conStr1 = "packet size=4096;user id=" & strUserName & ";password=" & strPwd & ";data source=TEST-PC;persist security info=False;initial catalog=" + strDatabase
'conStr1 = "provider=SQLOLEDB;data source=" & DellServerIP _
'& ";database=pre_sms;uid=sa;pwd=" & DellServerPass

con1 = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(conStr1) 'ADODB.Connection
cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(Nothing, con1)

If con1.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then con1.Open()

'rs1 = New ADODB.Recordset
'rs1.ActiveConnection = con1
'rs2 = New ADODB.Recordset
'rs2.ActiveConnection = con1

sql1 = "SELECT TOP 20 * FROM TT_Member WHERE Reminder = '0' AND Status = '1'"
cmd.CommandText = sql1

rd1 = cmd.ExecuteReader()

If rd1.HasRows Then
While rd1.Read
' rd1("ColName")
End While
End If
If Not rd1.IsClosed Then rd1.Close()

Catch ex As Exception
'Error handling code here
If con1.State = ConnectionState.Open Then con1.Close()
End Try

'If rs1.EOF And rs1.BOF Then
' Label1.Caption = "Finished - " & Now
' Do Until rs1.EOF
' Label1.Caption = "Spamming - " & Now

' OriginatingAddress = rs1.Fields("Mobile_No").Value
' If Mid(OriginatingAddress, 1, 3) = "601" Then
' Telco = 2
' ElseIf Mid(OriginatingAddress, 1, 3) = "019" Then
' Telco = 9
' End If

' Reminder_Msg = "Free Msg.Subscription Reminder.Fee:Auto renewal datedate, unless cancelled. To cancel, send STOP TT to 32132."

' MT_Msg = Reminder_Msg
' MT_Msg = Replace(MT_Msg, "datedate", Renewal_Date3)

' Call Sent_MT()
' Call Close_Record()
' rs1.MoveNext()
' Loop

'End If

End Sub

GeneralRe: Problem on changing recordset to dataset Pin
drexler_kk7-Feb-06 22:14
drexler_kk7-Feb-06 22:14 
AnswerRe: Problem on changing recordset to dataset Pin
Guffa7-Feb-06 22:36
Guffa7-Feb-06 22:36 
GeneralRe: Problem on changing recordset to dataset Pin
drexler_kk8-Feb-06 20:48
drexler_kk8-Feb-06 20:48 
QuestionHELP! How to convert msaccess bitmap image to long binary format??? Pin
isgrom7-Feb-06 13:22
isgrom7-Feb-06 13:22 
AnswerRe: HELP! How to convert msaccess bitmap image to long binary format??? Pin
Mekong River7-Feb-06 14:53
Mekong River7-Feb-06 14:53 
GeneralRe: HELP! How to convert msaccess bitmap image to long binary format??? Pin
isgrom8-Feb-06 5:51
isgrom8-Feb-06 5:51 
GeneralRe: HELP! How to convert msaccess bitmap image to long binary format??? Pin
Dave Kreskowiak8-Feb-06 7:56
mveDave Kreskowiak8-Feb-06 7:56 
GeneralRe: HELP! How to convert msaccess bitmap image to long binary format??? Pin
isgrom8-Feb-06 9:06
isgrom8-Feb-06 9:06 
GeneralRe: HELP! How to convert msaccess bitmap image to long binary format??? Pin
Dave Kreskowiak8-Feb-06 11:35
mveDave Kreskowiak8-Feb-06 11:35 
GeneralRe: HELP! How to convert msaccess bitmap image to long binary format??? Pin
Mekong River9-Feb-06 20:18
Mekong River9-Feb-06 20:18 
QuestionCopy data from Datagrid to form Pin
Jlawrnce7-Feb-06 10:54
Jlawrnce7-Feb-06 10:54 
AnswerRe: Copy data from Datagrid to form Pin
Jlawrnce7-Feb-06 11:53
Jlawrnce7-Feb-06 11:53 
GeneralRe: Copy data from Datagrid to form Pin
Jlawrnce7-Feb-06 13:56
Jlawrnce7-Feb-06 13:56 
QuestionSorry now in english => system.UnauthorizedAccessException during access on system directory Pin
cosma2177-Feb-06 10:28
cosma2177-Feb-06 10:28 
AnswerRe: Sorry now in english => system.UnauthorizedAccessException during access on system directory Pin
Guffa7-Feb-06 11:13
Guffa7-Feb-06 11:13 
GeneralRe: Sorry now in english => system.UnauthorizedAccessException during access on system directory Pin
cosma2177-Feb-06 11:22
cosma2177-Feb-06 11:22 
AnswerThe system directory is protected by the OS Pin
JUNEYT8-Feb-06 0:31
JUNEYT8-Feb-06 0:31 

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