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Visual Basic

QuestionHow can I resize an image? the code is included! Pin
JUNEYT4-Feb-06 4:35
JUNEYT4-Feb-06 4:35 
AnswerRe: How can I resize an image? the code is included! Pin
Guffa4-Feb-06 7:40
Guffa4-Feb-06 7:40 
GeneralRe: How can I resize an image? the code is included! Pin
JUNEYT4-Feb-06 12:25
JUNEYT4-Feb-06 12:25 
AnswerRe: How can I resize an image? the code is included! Pin
Guffa4-Feb-06 12:47
Guffa4-Feb-06 12:47 
GeneralRe: How can I resize an image? the code is included! Pin
JUNEYT4-Feb-06 23:29
JUNEYT4-Feb-06 23:29 
QuestionReport writers for VB.NET Pin
trimtrom4-Feb-06 4:16
trimtrom4-Feb-06 4:16 
QuestionSql access using web service Pin
intrigued4-Feb-06 1:14
intrigued4-Feb-06 1:14 
QuestionUseing Stored Procedure Pin
alien viper3-Feb-06 23:22
alien viper3-Feb-06 23:22 
Hi all,
Please help !

Can I pass array parameters to SQL stored Procedure?


I hava stored procedure like follow

@Ids varchar(128)
SELECT [LastName] FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID IN (@Ids)


When I pass (@Ids = "'1','2','3'") It didn't work.

I don't want directly use commandText.

What should I do?


AnswerRe: Useing Stored Procedure Pin
Guffa3-Feb-06 23:35
Guffa3-Feb-06 23:35 
QuestionHow can I access to scanner Pin
JUNEYT3-Feb-06 23:11
JUNEYT3-Feb-06 23:11 
QuestionPInvoke issue Pin
jimjo3-Feb-06 21:27
jimjo3-Feb-06 21:27 
Questioninserting into database Pin
raj kumar reddy3-Feb-06 17:44
raj kumar reddy3-Feb-06 17:44 
AnswerRe: inserting into database Pin
Rana Muhammad Javed Khan3-Feb-06 19:01
Rana Muhammad Javed Khan3-Feb-06 19:01 
AnswerRe: inserting into database Pin
S Douglas3-Feb-06 22:12
professionalS Douglas3-Feb-06 22:12 
QuestionGet Ip Address and put it in TextBox1?? Pin
Darshon3-Feb-06 12:12
Darshon3-Feb-06 12:12 
AnswerRe: Get Ip Address and put it in TextBox1?? Pin
Jason McBurney3-Feb-06 12:43
Jason McBurney3-Feb-06 12:43 
GeneralRe: Get Ip Address and put it in TextBox1?? Pin
Darshon3-Feb-06 19:30
Darshon3-Feb-06 19:30 
GeneralRe: Get Ip Address and put it in TextBox1?? Pin
Jason McBurney7-Feb-06 5:40
Jason McBurney7-Feb-06 5:40 
AnswerRe: Get Ip Address and put it in TextBox1?? Pin
Darshon7-Feb-06 14:07
Darshon7-Feb-06 14:07 
QuestionCopy into Clipboard - .GIF Pin
john john mackey3-Feb-06 12:08
john john mackey3-Feb-06 12:08 
AnswerRe: Copy into Clipboard - .GIF Pin
Jason McBurney3-Feb-06 12:58
Jason McBurney3-Feb-06 12:58 
GeneralRe: Copy into Clipboard - .GIF Pin
john john mackey3-Feb-06 13:22
john john mackey3-Feb-06 13:22 
QuestionA table control for vb6 Pin
ns3-Feb-06 9:40
ns3-Feb-06 9:40 
AnswerRe: A table control for vb6 Pin
Jason McBurney3-Feb-06 13:02
Jason McBurney3-Feb-06 13:02 
QuestionBindingSource Wont Update Pin
AlexeiXX33-Feb-06 9:20
AlexeiXX33-Feb-06 9:20 

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