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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: is this tricky Pin
Gavin Taylor23-Jan-06 19:49
professionalGavin Taylor23-Jan-06 19:49 
GeneralRe: is this tricky Pin
Owner drawn23-Jan-06 19:55
Owner drawn23-Jan-06 19:55 
GeneralRe: is this tricky Pin
Gavin Taylor23-Jan-06 20:03
professionalGavin Taylor23-Jan-06 20:03 
AnswerRe: is this tricky Pin
Michael Dunn23-Jan-06 20:19
sitebuilderMichael Dunn23-Jan-06 20:19 
GeneralRe: is this tricky Pin
Gavin Taylor23-Jan-06 20:33
professionalGavin Taylor23-Jan-06 20:33 
GeneralRe: is this tricky Pin
Ryan Binns23-Jan-06 22:01
Ryan Binns23-Jan-06 22:01 
QuestionDll with real modal dialog boxes Pin
romano_sk23-Jan-06 19:20
romano_sk23-Jan-06 19:20 
AnswerRe: Dll with real modal dialog boxes Pin
romano_sk26-Jan-06 22:23
romano_sk26-Jan-06 22:23 
Ooo D'Oh! | :doh: , I did not pass the handle's value but the handle's address!

I have mistake in declaration:
ShowConfigurationDialog(ByRef ParentHWND, ...)

Right one:
ShowConfigurationDialog(ByVal ParentHWND, ...)

Big Grin | :-D
QuestionCompiler doesn't know class.... sometimes Pin
Lilith.C23-Jan-06 19:01
Lilith.C23-Jan-06 19:01 
AnswerRe: Compiler doesn't know class.... sometimes Pin
Michael Dunn23-Jan-06 20:22
sitebuilderMichael Dunn23-Jan-06 20:22 
GeneralRe: Compiler doesn't know class.... sometimes Pin
Lilith.C24-Jan-06 2:10
Lilith.C24-Jan-06 2:10 
QuestionRe: Compiler doesn't know class.... sometimes Pin
Lilith.C24-Jan-06 6:29
Lilith.C24-Jan-06 6:29 
AnswerRe: Compiler doesn't know class.... sometimes Pin
Michael Dunn24-Jan-06 7:17
sitebuilderMichael Dunn24-Jan-06 7:17 
QuestionMDI non-themed max/min boxes Pin
picazo23-Jan-06 18:49
picazo23-Jan-06 18:49 
AnswerRe: MDI non-themed max/min boxes Pin
Owner drawn23-Jan-06 18:54
Owner drawn23-Jan-06 18:54 
GeneralRe: MDI non-themed max/min boxes Pin
picazo23-Jan-06 18:59
picazo23-Jan-06 18:59 
GeneralRe: MDI non-themed max/min boxes Pin
Owner drawn23-Jan-06 19:22
Owner drawn23-Jan-06 19:22 
GeneralRe: MDI non-themed max/min boxes Pin
picazo23-Jan-06 19:56
picazo23-Jan-06 19:56 
GeneralRe: MDI non-themed max/min boxes Pin
Owner drawn23-Jan-06 22:04
Owner drawn23-Jan-06 22:04 
QuestionEnable dialogue control Pin
Anu_Bala23-Jan-06 17:52
Anu_Bala23-Jan-06 17:52 
AnswerRe: Enable dialogue control Pin
Owner drawn23-Jan-06 18:00
Owner drawn23-Jan-06 18:00 
GeneralRe: Enable dialogue control Pin
namaskaaram24-Jan-06 1:22
namaskaaram24-Jan-06 1:22 
AnswerRe: Enable dialogue control Pin
namaskaaram23-Jan-06 18:33
namaskaaram23-Jan-06 18:33 
QuestionGetting resources from DLL with res: protocol? Pin
Lord Kixdemp23-Jan-06 17:28
Lord Kixdemp23-Jan-06 17:28 
AnswerRe: Getting resources from DLL with res: protocol? Pin
Stephen Hewitt23-Jan-06 17:40
Stephen Hewitt23-Jan-06 17:40 

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