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GeneralRe: Selection is gray in a CListCtrl Pin
RoyceF23-Jan-06 10:22
RoyceF23-Jan-06 10:22 
GeneralRe: Selection is gray in a CListCtrl Pin
RoyceF23-Jan-06 10:26
RoyceF23-Jan-06 10:26 
GeneralRe: Selection is gray in a CListCtrl Pin
Joel Lucsy23-Jan-06 10:32
Joel Lucsy23-Jan-06 10:32 
GeneralRe: Selection is gray in a CListCtrl Pin
RoyceF24-Jan-06 4:07
RoyceF24-Jan-06 4:07 
GeneralRe: Selection is gray in a CListCtrl Pin
Joel Lucsy24-Jan-06 4:17
Joel Lucsy24-Jan-06 4:17 
GeneralRe: Selection is gray in a CListCtrl Pin
RoyceF24-Jan-06 4:26
RoyceF24-Jan-06 4:26 
GeneralRe: Selection is gray in a CListCtrl Pin
Joel Lucsy24-Jan-06 4:30
Joel Lucsy24-Jan-06 4:30 
GeneralRe: Selection is gray in a CListCtrl Pin
RoyceF24-Jan-06 4:47
RoyceF24-Jan-06 4:47 
How do I do that? My test app project has a manifest file, but my real project does not. With both projects exhibiting the same behavior, one has a manifest and the other does not, I can't believe that is the problem. Anyway, I can't find a setting in the project configuration for turning it on or off. I also searched the vcproj file for a hidden setting.
GeneralRe: Selection is gray in a CListCtrl Pin
Joel Lucsy24-Jan-06 5:09
Joel Lucsy24-Jan-06 5:09 
GeneralRe: Selection is gray in a CListCtrl Pin
RoyceF24-Jan-06 5:12
RoyceF24-Jan-06 5:12 
GeneralRe: Selection is gray in a CListCtrl Pin
Joel Lucsy24-Jan-06 5:20
Joel Lucsy24-Jan-06 5:20 
GeneralRe: Selection is gray in a CListCtrl Pin
RoyceF24-Jan-06 5:22
RoyceF24-Jan-06 5:22 
GeneralRe: Selection is gray in a CListCtrl Pin
RoyceF24-Jan-06 10:49
RoyceF24-Jan-06 10:49 
QuestionJava c++ integration Pin
pplshero5423-Jan-06 6:33
pplshero5423-Jan-06 6:33 
AnswerRe: Java c++ integration Pin
jhwurmbach23-Jan-06 7:05
jhwurmbach23-Jan-06 7:05 
QuestionIs it possible to serialize a SAFEARRAY to a buffer? Pin
domehead23-Jan-06 6:23
domehead23-Jan-06 6:23 
Questionrecord wave using visual c++ (real time) Pin
mohahhh23-Jan-06 6:20
mohahhh23-Jan-06 6:20 
AnswerRe: record wave using visual c++ (real time) Pin
normanS23-Jan-06 19:22
normanS23-Jan-06 19:22 
Questionedit box vector Pin
francescot23-Jan-06 5:28
francescot23-Jan-06 5:28 
AnswerRe: edit box vector Pin
Chris Losinger23-Jan-06 5:40
professionalChris Losinger23-Jan-06 5:40 
GeneralRe: edit box vector Pin
francescot23-Jan-06 5:50
francescot23-Jan-06 5:50 
GeneralRe: edit box vector Pin
francescot23-Jan-06 5:55
francescot23-Jan-06 5:55 
GeneralRe: edit box vector Pin
francescot23-Jan-06 6:36
francescot23-Jan-06 6:36 
GeneralRe: edit box vector Pin
David Crow23-Jan-06 7:50
David Crow23-Jan-06 7:50 
GeneralRe: edit box vector Pin
Chris Losinger23-Jan-06 5:55
professionalChris Losinger23-Jan-06 5:55 

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