Owner drawn wrote: Some drunken dumbass afflicted with parkinson's
Wow, poor guy, that must be terrible
toxcct wrote: maybe a cat is playing with it... (the mouse)
Now common man(yawning).
Jesus Loves <marquee direction="up" height="40" scrolldelay="1" step="1" scrollamount="1" style="background:#aabbcc;border-bottom:thin solid 1px #6699cc">
--Owner Drawn
--Nothing special
--Defeat is temporary but surrender is permanent
--Never say quits
--Jesus is Lord
Thanks very much for your help, I were busy on my work just now and couldn't see the reply on time, i am sorry.
I tried your solution and i found it couldn't work properly.
The WM_DEVICECHANGE message is just useful while the device have actions. If the CD/DVD-ROM have disk inside, it couldn't work as what i wonder.
So I just wanna know how to judge the door, opened or closed?
Someone give me some tips that I have to SendCommand to the CD/DVD-ROM, and the return code will the me the status of it. But i don't know how to do it even i tried to see the document about "SFF Committee Information Specification for ATAPI DVD Devices" which distrubite at June 5, 2003 with the edition Rev 5.5.
Thanks, but can you sure this code will work properly??
In fact, I have tried GetVolumeInformation before, it is only can judge if there is disk inside the CD/DVD-ROM, I just wanna know the status of the door. Opened???Closed???
Thanks all the same.^_^
Up!Up, could someone help??;P
I am using a dialog box with some property pages in it (CPropertyPage). I am using also a Next & Previous button to move my Ado Database Records.
When I am chaning record using the Next or Previous button the CComboBox.ResetContent() does not clear the Selected String (the drop down list is working fine).
It works just fine when i am using it outside a PropertyPage. What seems to be wrong ?
does the following work?
pmyComboBox->SetEditSel(0, -1);
verify that the code is really called (e.g. via a breakpoint) when pages are switched.
If they give you lined paper, write the other way!
I did not try your code but i found a solution (not very good but it works).
I use combobox.ResetContent just after i switch a page and immediatelly i use the combobox.UpdateData(TRUE) for all combo boxes in his page. After that code i can initialize all other objects.
Only with this way it works fine. Thank you anyway !
I am developing an application that puts data into some global memory or locations for example,clipboard.That data has to be accessed only by me.When any other application access that data,I need to find which is that application that access that data.Can any one pls tell me how to find which is that application?
Saravana Kumar
Instead of giving you an answer to your question, I would suggest you to change what you are trying to do. Why do you use this 'global memory' to share your data (I suppose you are using the notepad, as suggested in your post) ? There are some more efficient ways to share your data like memory mapped files and so on. I am no expert in that field (I just know memory mapped files) but I'm sure somebody here can help you to find the best way to share your data (this question has already been answered before, so...)
Problem is ,I need to find who is that application that is accessing my data.Can i find it?
Saravana Kumar
Did you read what I was saying in my previous post ?
I suggested you to change the way you share your data. If you use another technique like memory mapped files, there is no need to know which application access your data because the only application that will access your data will be the one you wrote (because your shared memory is named and you use this name to access the memory).
Moreover, if for example you are using notepad to share your data, what happens when the user works with word (or anything else) by the same thime and makes a copy or a cut of some data (text, image, ...) ? Your data in the clipboard will be erased and you cannot prevent this (maybe yes but I don't know any way to prevent this).
Sorry Cedric Moonen,
Its mistake in my part.I have to share that data sometimes with other applications also.When i put the data onto some global memory or IStreams its my data,for some specific applications i need to allow that application to access my data,for that i need to find what application is that?Based on that i need to allow it to access my data or prevent it from accessing my data.
I am sorry for not telling my problem in detail
Saravana Kumar
Ok, but then explain in details how your data is shared. Is it in the clipboard or what ? And how do you 'copy' your data there.
To be able to answer your question, we will need to know what you are doing and what do you want to achieve. Please be as complete as possible (without going into unecessary details of course).
Thanks here is the detail.
I put some object (let us say a picture) on the clipboard. I write the application to put this object into the clipboard.
Since it is a clipboard data, it is globally viewable by any application. However when someone tries to access this data, I should know who is accessing my data.
This is an assigment that was given to me by my professor in the COM course.
Desperate to find an answer for this
Tried capturing ctrl v to track this but then my professor mentioned that there could be a problem if the user uses some other form of input devices and asked me to consider only clipboard.
Hope I am clear.
Saravana Kumar
Please, help me!!!
I have application in MFC and i want to send message from one window(dialog) to another window(dialog) in this application, but i wan't to use pointer to this window.I want to use HANDLE to this window.Is it way to do this???
Irina Tseitlin wrote: I have application in MFC and i want to send message from one window(dialog) to another window(dialog) in this
Read this article about message management.
Message Management[^]
int i=7; printf("%d",i++ * i++ ); output is 49 ; how is this possible ?? i think it should it be 56 . if it is 49 how can this be justified
First off, if your using the ++ operator and passing the value as an argument you should prefix not postfix the the operator ( ie. ++i ) else the value is incremented after the statement is executed - see the c++ documentation for more details.
Secondly, ur incrementing the value twice - so you'll end up with a result of 64 being printed (8 x 8).
Simple really...
Gavin Taylor
w: http://www.gavspace.com