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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Vector of Strings simple problem PLEASE HELP Pin
David Crow6-Jan-06 9:43
David Crow6-Jan-06 9:43 
AnswerRe: Vector of Strings simple problem PLEASE HELP Pin
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 18:26
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 18:26 
QuestionTrying to get a bmp. to move with in boundries in a windows ap.... Pin
chadsxe6-Jan-06 6:05
chadsxe6-Jan-06 6:05 
AnswerRe: Trying to get a bmp. to move with in boundries in a windows ap.... Pin
KellyR6-Jan-06 6:34
KellyR6-Jan-06 6:34 
AnswerRe: Trying to get a bmp. to move with in boundries in a windows ap.... Pin
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 19:05
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 19:05 
QuestionAdding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
Mark F.6-Jan-06 5:05
Mark F.6-Jan-06 5:05 
AnswerRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
#realJSOP7-Jan-06 3:12
professional#realJSOP7-Jan-06 3:12 
QuestionRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
Mark F.7-Jan-06 8:41
Mark F.7-Jan-06 8:41 
Thanks for the re John. Well here is the thing..., I have an MDI app with a CTreeCtrl view on the left in a docked window and the view on the right. Another docked view at the bottom contains a CDialog box and I wanted to add tabs pages for various controls within this dialog. Is there a better way to do this other than a CTabCtrl?


-- modified at 14:41 Saturday 7th January, 2006
AnswerRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
#realJSOP8-Jan-06 3:14
professional#realJSOP8-Jan-06 3:14 
GeneralRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
Mark F.8-Jan-06 3:51
Mark F.8-Jan-06 3:51 
GeneralRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
#realJSOP9-Jan-06 0:17
professional#realJSOP9-Jan-06 0:17 
GeneralRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
Mark F.9-Jan-06 2:46
Mark F.9-Jan-06 2:46 
QuestionHelp! InternetConnect is broken! Pin
Anacreon6-Jan-06 5:01
Anacreon6-Jan-06 5:01 
QuestionLinear smooth Graph Pin
RockyJames6-Jan-06 3:40
RockyJames6-Jan-06 3:40 
AnswerRe: Linear smooth Graph Pin
Curtis Schlak.6-Jan-06 4:25
Curtis Schlak.6-Jan-06 4:25 
QuestionColumn Selection in MFC Pin
tayal1224366-Jan-06 3:22
tayal1224366-Jan-06 3:22 
AnswerRe: Column Selection in MFC Pin
BlackDice6-Jan-06 5:44
BlackDice6-Jan-06 5:44 
GeneralRe: Column Selection in MFC Pin
tayal1224366-Jan-06 17:45
tayal1224366-Jan-06 17:45 
GeneralRe: Column Selection in MFC Pin
ThatsAlok9-Jan-06 1:00
ThatsAlok9-Jan-06 1:00 
QuestionHow to indicate the buffer size before calling function recv, WSARecv in socket programming??? Pin
lvantin6-Jan-06 3:17
lvantin6-Jan-06 3:17 
AnswerRe: How to indicate the buffer size before calling function recv, WSARecv in socket programming??? Pin
David Crow6-Jan-06 4:50
David Crow6-Jan-06 4:50 
AnswerRe: How to indicate the buffer size before calling function recv, WSARecv in socket programming??? Pin
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 19:49
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 19:49 
Questionhow can i print a file at client's printer Pin
sridhar vattam6-Jan-06 1:42
sridhar vattam6-Jan-06 1:42 
AnswerRe: how can i print a file at client's printer Pin
David Crow6-Jan-06 4:52
David Crow6-Jan-06 4:52 
QuestionHow to select Printer Tray or PaperSource in Visual Studio 2003 .NET? Pin
MSS-Software6-Jan-06 1:33
MSS-Software6-Jan-06 1:33 

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