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QuestionVector of Strings simple problem PLEASE HELP Pin
Cursed Feanor6-Jan-06 7:05
Cursed Feanor6-Jan-06 7:05 
AnswerRe: Vector of Strings simple problem PLEASE HELP Pin
Roland Pibinger6-Jan-06 7:33
Roland Pibinger6-Jan-06 7:33 
JokeRe: Vector of Strings simple problem PLEASE HELP Pin
Cursed Feanor6-Jan-06 8:11
Cursed Feanor6-Jan-06 8:11 
AnswerRe: Vector of Strings simple problem PLEASE HELP Pin
David Crow6-Jan-06 9:43
David Crow6-Jan-06 9:43 
AnswerRe: Vector of Strings simple problem PLEASE HELP Pin
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 18:26
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 18:26 
QuestionTrying to get a bmp. to move with in boundries in a windows ap.... Pin
chadsxe6-Jan-06 6:05
chadsxe6-Jan-06 6:05 
AnswerRe: Trying to get a bmp. to move with in boundries in a windows ap.... Pin
KellyR6-Jan-06 6:34
KellyR6-Jan-06 6:34 
AnswerRe: Trying to get a bmp. to move with in boundries in a windows ap.... Pin
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 19:05
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 19:05 
I did not study your code, bcause how you create the client area and display the bitmap is irrelivant.

You need to know where the borders are, if x or y is less than zero then the object should be bouncing in the opposit direction. That is, if left is negitive and x becomes 0 or less, then reverse the sign (which indicates direction).

If you are drawing the bitmap on the client area, then it is not possible for you to draw it any where else. If you draw a 10x10 image at {x = -10, y = -10}, then you will not see it at all. If it hits the right boarder (wall) x = 0, no problem, but if the x value becomes -1 (and you want it to bounce), then you reverse it by making x = +1.

Experiment by bouncing rectagles of the walls.

Every thing is relative...
QuestionAdding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
Mark F.6-Jan-06 5:05
Mark F.6-Jan-06 5:05 
AnswerRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
#realJSOP7-Jan-06 3:12
professional#realJSOP7-Jan-06 3:12 
QuestionRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
Mark F.7-Jan-06 8:41
Mark F.7-Jan-06 8:41 
AnswerRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
#realJSOP8-Jan-06 3:14
professional#realJSOP8-Jan-06 3:14 
GeneralRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
Mark F.8-Jan-06 3:51
Mark F.8-Jan-06 3:51 
GeneralRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
#realJSOP9-Jan-06 0:17
professional#realJSOP9-Jan-06 0:17 
GeneralRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
Mark F.9-Jan-06 2:46
Mark F.9-Jan-06 2:46 
QuestionHelp! InternetConnect is broken! Pin
Anacreon6-Jan-06 5:01
Anacreon6-Jan-06 5:01 
QuestionLinear smooth Graph Pin
RockyJames6-Jan-06 3:40
RockyJames6-Jan-06 3:40 
AnswerRe: Linear smooth Graph Pin
Curtis Schlak.6-Jan-06 4:25
Curtis Schlak.6-Jan-06 4:25 
QuestionColumn Selection in MFC Pin
tayal1224366-Jan-06 3:22
tayal1224366-Jan-06 3:22 
AnswerRe: Column Selection in MFC Pin
BlackDice6-Jan-06 5:44
BlackDice6-Jan-06 5:44 
GeneralRe: Column Selection in MFC Pin
tayal1224366-Jan-06 17:45
tayal1224366-Jan-06 17:45 
GeneralRe: Column Selection in MFC Pin
ThatsAlok9-Jan-06 1:00
ThatsAlok9-Jan-06 1:00 
QuestionHow to indicate the buffer size before calling function recv, WSARecv in socket programming??? Pin
lvantin6-Jan-06 3:17
lvantin6-Jan-06 3:17 
AnswerRe: How to indicate the buffer size before calling function recv, WSARecv in socket programming??? Pin
David Crow6-Jan-06 4:50
David Crow6-Jan-06 4:50 
AnswerRe: How to indicate the buffer size before calling function recv, WSARecv in socket programming??? Pin
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 19:49
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 19:49 

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