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QuestionAdding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
Mark F.6-Jan-06 5:05
Mark F.6-Jan-06 5:05 
AnswerRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
#realJSOP7-Jan-06 3:12
professional#realJSOP7-Jan-06 3:12 
QuestionRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
Mark F.7-Jan-06 8:41
Mark F.7-Jan-06 8:41 
AnswerRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
#realJSOP8-Jan-06 3:14
professional#realJSOP8-Jan-06 3:14 
GeneralRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
Mark F.8-Jan-06 3:51
Mark F.8-Jan-06 3:51 
GeneralRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
#realJSOP9-Jan-06 0:17
professional#realJSOP9-Jan-06 0:17 
GeneralRe: Adding controls to a CTabCtrl Pin
Mark F.9-Jan-06 2:46
Mark F.9-Jan-06 2:46 
QuestionHelp! InternetConnect is broken! Pin
Anacreon6-Jan-06 5:01
Anacreon6-Jan-06 5:01 
I am getting a crash inside InternetConnect and I can't for the life of me figure out why. It seems only to happen when I pass INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP -- I have a test program which does nothing but create a CInternetSession, then call GetHttpConnection, then call GetFtpConnection, passing valid IP addresses to both functions. GetHttpConnection returns successfully. GetFtpConnection crashes with an illegal memory access (and an overwritten stack) after the CFtpConnection constructor calls InternetConnect. Is there anything I can do to repair this short of reinstalling Windows? (The install is Windows 2000 sp 4.)
QuestionLinear smooth Graph Pin
RockyJames6-Jan-06 3:40
RockyJames6-Jan-06 3:40 
AnswerRe: Linear smooth Graph Pin
Curtis Schlak.6-Jan-06 4:25
Curtis Schlak.6-Jan-06 4:25 
QuestionColumn Selection in MFC Pin
tayal1224366-Jan-06 3:22
tayal1224366-Jan-06 3:22 
AnswerRe: Column Selection in MFC Pin
BlackDice6-Jan-06 5:44
BlackDice6-Jan-06 5:44 
GeneralRe: Column Selection in MFC Pin
tayal1224366-Jan-06 17:45
tayal1224366-Jan-06 17:45 
GeneralRe: Column Selection in MFC Pin
ThatsAlok9-Jan-06 1:00
ThatsAlok9-Jan-06 1:00 
QuestionHow to indicate the buffer size before calling function recv, WSARecv in socket programming??? Pin
lvantin6-Jan-06 3:17
lvantin6-Jan-06 3:17 
AnswerRe: How to indicate the buffer size before calling function recv, WSARecv in socket programming??? Pin
David Crow6-Jan-06 4:50
David Crow6-Jan-06 4:50 
AnswerRe: How to indicate the buffer size before calling function recv, WSARecv in socket programming??? Pin
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 19:49
John R. Shaw6-Jan-06 19:49 
Questionhow can i print a file at client's printer Pin
sridhar vattam6-Jan-06 1:42
sridhar vattam6-Jan-06 1:42 
AnswerRe: how can i print a file at client's printer Pin
David Crow6-Jan-06 4:52
David Crow6-Jan-06 4:52 
QuestionHow to select Printer Tray or PaperSource in Visual Studio 2003 .NET? Pin
MSS-Software6-Jan-06 1:33
MSS-Software6-Jan-06 1:33 
AnswerRe: How to select Printer Tray or PaperSource in Visual Studio 2003 .NET? Pin
vipinasda6-Jan-06 4:30
vipinasda6-Jan-06 4:30 
GeneralRe: How to select Printer Tray or PaperSource in Visual Studio 2003 .NET? Pin
MSS-Software6-Jan-06 11:01
MSS-Software6-Jan-06 11:01 
GeneralRe: How to select Printer Tray or PaperSource in Visual Studio 2003 .NET? Pin
vipinasda7-Jan-06 9:10
vipinasda7-Jan-06 9:10 
QuestionHow can I do with CListView? Pin
runningfeng6-Jan-06 1:02
runningfeng6-Jan-06 1:02 
AnswerRe: How can I do with CListView? Pin
Owner drawn6-Jan-06 1:28
Owner drawn6-Jan-06 1:28 

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