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AnswerRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Christian Graus10-Nov-05 12:42
protectorChristian Graus10-Nov-05 12:42 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Kuira10-Nov-05 13:25
Kuira10-Nov-05 13:25 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Christian Graus10-Nov-05 13:27
protectorChristian Graus10-Nov-05 13:27 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Kuira10-Nov-05 13:46
Kuira10-Nov-05 13:46 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Leslie Sanford10-Nov-05 18:47
Leslie Sanford10-Nov-05 18:47 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Kuira13-Nov-05 12:15
Kuira13-Nov-05 12:15 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Leslie Sanford13-Nov-05 13:11
Leslie Sanford13-Nov-05 13:11 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Kuira13-Nov-05 17:05
Kuira13-Nov-05 17:05 
Ok, from the exception part, if Test1 fails from there, will that means that Test2 wont fire from the algorithm you written up? If so this should be acceptable, I'll just make a simple exception thats derived or something to say true or false, as long as I dont need to use if statements whenever I need to check each methods return value.

GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Leslie Sanford13-Nov-05 17:37
Leslie Sanford13-Nov-05 17:37 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Kuira14-Nov-05 11:53
Kuira14-Nov-05 11:53 
QuestionParsing an XML string Pin
Ravi Bhavnani10-Nov-05 11:49
professionalRavi Bhavnani10-Nov-05 11:49 
AnswerRe: Parsing an XML string Pin
Ravi Bhavnani10-Nov-05 12:09
professionalRavi Bhavnani10-Nov-05 12:09 2.0 Membership in Windows Applications? Pin
MightyJoe10-Nov-05 11:11
MightyJoe10-Nov-05 11:11 
QuestionDrag Drop within a Control Pin
miah alom10-Nov-05 10:41
miah alom10-Nov-05 10:41 
QuestionByValue parameter is not used Pin
Seraphin10-Nov-05 10:08
Seraphin10-Nov-05 10:08 
AnswerRe: ByValue parameter is not used Pin
Leslie Sanford10-Nov-05 11:02
Leslie Sanford10-Nov-05 11:02 
GeneralRe: ByValue parameter is not used Pin
Seraphin10-Nov-05 13:14
Seraphin10-Nov-05 13:14 
GeneralRe: ByValue parameter is not used Pin
Leslie Sanford10-Nov-05 16:44
Leslie Sanford10-Nov-05 16:44 
QuestionOkay, i gotta question - who wants to look? Pin
Anthony Mushrow10-Nov-05 9:54
professionalAnthony Mushrow10-Nov-05 9:54 
AnswerRe: Okay, i gotta question - who wants to look? Pin
Christian Graus10-Nov-05 13:35
protectorChristian Graus10-Nov-05 13:35 
QuestionPackage load error in VS2005? Pin
TheGreatAndPowerfulOz10-Nov-05 8:38
TheGreatAndPowerfulOz10-Nov-05 8:38 
QuestionLabel question Pin
Stanciu Vlad10-Nov-05 7:52
Stanciu Vlad10-Nov-05 7:52 
AnswerRe: Label question Pin
Anthony Mushrow10-Nov-05 8:01
professionalAnthony Mushrow10-Nov-05 8:01 
GeneralRe: Label question Pin
Stanciu Vlad10-Nov-05 8:35
Stanciu Vlad10-Nov-05 8:35 
AnswerRe: Label question Pin
Stanciu Vlad10-Nov-05 9:08
Stanciu Vlad10-Nov-05 9:08 

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