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AnswerRe: checkedlistbox highlight and spacing Pin
whizzs11-Nov-05 8:49
whizzs11-Nov-05 8:49 
QuestionProblems with tabcontrol Pin
ika210-Nov-05 12:23
ika210-Nov-05 12:23 
QuestionHow to Get MouseEnter to Work With Mouse Button Down Pin
redfish3410-Nov-05 11:49
redfish3410-Nov-05 11:49 
QuestionA similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Kuira10-Nov-05 11:49
Kuira10-Nov-05 11:49 
AnswerRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Christian Graus10-Nov-05 12:42
protectorChristian Graus10-Nov-05 12:42 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Kuira10-Nov-05 13:25
Kuira10-Nov-05 13:25 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Christian Graus10-Nov-05 13:27
protectorChristian Graus10-Nov-05 13:27 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Kuira10-Nov-05 13:46
Kuira10-Nov-05 13:46 
I have a testing procedure that calls my other testing procedures. If one of them fails the test, I want to be able to catch it, store it as a message and pass it back to the originator. Writing the error and saying this test failed, please try again and telling him to recall this function when he is ready for his set of data to be tested again.

That way, the originator will only need to call one function, I will pass him the message pass or fail, and everyone is happy.

I dont like the idea of

bool = test 1

if bool is true (return message)

bool = test 2

if bool is true (return message)

... Imagine I have 100 tests

GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Leslie Sanford10-Nov-05 18:47
Leslie Sanford10-Nov-05 18:47 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Kuira13-Nov-05 12:15
Kuira13-Nov-05 12:15 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Leslie Sanford13-Nov-05 13:11
Leslie Sanford13-Nov-05 13:11 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Kuira13-Nov-05 17:05
Kuira13-Nov-05 17:05 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Leslie Sanford13-Nov-05 17:37
Leslie Sanford13-Nov-05 17:37 
GeneralRe: A similar action to a try catch statement? Pin
Kuira14-Nov-05 11:53
Kuira14-Nov-05 11:53 
QuestionParsing an XML string Pin
Ravi Bhavnani10-Nov-05 11:49
professionalRavi Bhavnani10-Nov-05 11:49 
AnswerRe: Parsing an XML string Pin
Ravi Bhavnani10-Nov-05 12:09
professionalRavi Bhavnani10-Nov-05 12:09 2.0 Membership in Windows Applications? Pin
MightyJoe10-Nov-05 11:11
MightyJoe10-Nov-05 11:11 
QuestionDrag Drop within a Control Pin
miah alom10-Nov-05 10:41
miah alom10-Nov-05 10:41 
QuestionByValue parameter is not used Pin
Seraphin10-Nov-05 10:08
Seraphin10-Nov-05 10:08 
AnswerRe: ByValue parameter is not used Pin
Leslie Sanford10-Nov-05 11:02
Leslie Sanford10-Nov-05 11:02 
GeneralRe: ByValue parameter is not used Pin
Seraphin10-Nov-05 13:14
Seraphin10-Nov-05 13:14 
GeneralRe: ByValue parameter is not used Pin
Leslie Sanford10-Nov-05 16:44
Leslie Sanford10-Nov-05 16:44 
QuestionOkay, i gotta question - who wants to look? Pin
Anthony Mushrow10-Nov-05 9:54
professionalAnthony Mushrow10-Nov-05 9:54 
AnswerRe: Okay, i gotta question - who wants to look? Pin
Christian Graus10-Nov-05 13:35
protectorChristian Graus10-Nov-05 13:35 
QuestionPackage load error in VS2005? Pin
TheGreatAndPowerfulOz10-Nov-05 8:38
TheGreatAndPowerfulOz10-Nov-05 8:38 

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