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Questiondata-bind the DataGrid control to multiple tables in a dataset Pin
cppdotnet2-Nov-05 7:54
cppdotnet2-Nov-05 7:54 
QuestionLicensing questions... Pin
Stanciu Vlad2-Nov-05 6:44
Stanciu Vlad2-Nov-05 6:44 
AnswerRe: Licensing questions... Pin
TheJonzer4-Nov-05 4:41
TheJonzer4-Nov-05 4:41 
QuestionExecuteNonQuery problems Pin
Kuira1-Nov-05 18:35
Kuira1-Nov-05 18:35 
AnswerRe: ExecuteNonQuery problems Pin
miah alom2-Nov-05 5:06
miah alom2-Nov-05 5:06 
GeneralRe: ExecuteNonQuery problems Pin
Kuira2-Nov-05 10:59
Kuira2-Nov-05 10:59 
AnswerRe: ExecuteNonQuery problems Pin
krario2-Nov-05 20:11
krario2-Nov-05 20:11 
GeneralRe: ExecuteNonQuery problems Pin
Kuira3-Nov-05 12:19
Kuira3-Nov-05 12:19 
I figured it out why it was slow, it was due to SQL Transactions....

Now gotta work out how to speed it up......

Basically what I did that slowed it down was an INSERT SELECT TO Statement, and no I didnt use stored procedures since I also tried that with the same outcome.

Basically in PSEUDO form was more of a

SELECT [blah blah blah]
FROM #a INNER JOIN #b ON 1 = 1
INNER JOIN table2 ON a.[field] = table2.[field]
AND [etc].
WHERE something = something

QuestionSelect with a select Pin
j1webb1-Nov-05 9:54
j1webb1-Nov-05 9:54 
AnswerRe: Select with a select Pin
DiWa1-Nov-05 18:03
DiWa1-Nov-05 18:03 
GeneralRe: Select with a select Pin
j1webb2-Nov-05 3:05
j1webb2-Nov-05 3:05 
QuestionWhat is in SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition Pin
Paul Watson31-Oct-05 22:10
sitebuilderPaul Watson31-Oct-05 22:10 
AnswerRe: What is in SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition Pin
Colin Angus Mackay31-Oct-05 22:44
Colin Angus Mackay31-Oct-05 22:44 
AnswerRe: What is in SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition Pin
Mike Dimmick1-Nov-05 1:50
Mike Dimmick1-Nov-05 1:50 
Questioncall store procedure using C++ code Pin
qdo999931-Oct-05 15:12
qdo999931-Oct-05 15:12 
Question1000 ADO problems... Pin
l3st4rd31-Oct-05 7:55
l3st4rd31-Oct-05 7:55 
AnswerRe: 1000 ADO problems... Pin
jonathan151-Nov-05 23:35
jonathan151-Nov-05 23:35 
QuestionSending Http Post Request from Stored Procedure Pin
vineet1378031-Oct-05 7:24
vineet1378031-Oct-05 7:24 
QuestionHelp! our DBA died Pin
sameerhanda31-Oct-05 5:12
sameerhanda31-Oct-05 5:12 
AnswerRe: Help! our DBA died Pin
Mike Dimmick1-Nov-05 1:59
Mike Dimmick1-Nov-05 1:59 
GeneralRe: Help! our DBA died Pin
sameerhanda2-Nov-05 3:35
sameerhanda2-Nov-05 3:35 
GeneralRe: Help! our DBA died Pin
rwestgraham2-Nov-05 11:34
rwestgraham2-Nov-05 11:34 
GeneralRe: Help! our DBA died Pin
sameerhanda3-Nov-05 4:24
sameerhanda3-Nov-05 4:24 
QuestionXML to SQL Server data transformation Pin
Probal Roy31-Oct-05 2:12
Probal Roy31-Oct-05 2:12 
QuestionSQL - Check if field contains string Pin
Zanathel30-Oct-05 7:07
Zanathel30-Oct-05 7:07 

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