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AnswerRe: to list all regestered database servers on a LAN Pin
enjoycrack3-Nov-05 9:20
enjoycrack3-Nov-05 9:20 
Questionstored procedures Pin
totu2-Nov-05 19:31
totu2-Nov-05 19:31 
AnswerRe: stored procedures Pin
André Ziegler3-Nov-05 2:11
André Ziegler3-Nov-05 2:11 
QuestionmySql in my application part 2 Pin
Sasuko2-Nov-05 8:04
Sasuko2-Nov-05 8:04 
Questiondata-bind the DataGrid control to multiple tables in a dataset Pin
cppdotnet2-Nov-05 7:54
cppdotnet2-Nov-05 7:54 
QuestionLicensing questions... Pin
Stanciu Vlad2-Nov-05 6:44
Stanciu Vlad2-Nov-05 6:44 
AnswerRe: Licensing questions... Pin
TheJonzer4-Nov-05 4:41
TheJonzer4-Nov-05 4:41 
QuestionExecuteNonQuery problems Pin
Kuira1-Nov-05 18:35
Kuira1-Nov-05 18:35 
Currently I have a huge insert method and from running OSQL it takes a few seconds to execute and inserts the many number of entries I require.

However, having to use that query on C#, it times out and nothing gets inserted. This also happens when I try to use the Stored Procedure as well for the insertion (the procedure works on OSQL as well).

Has anyone got ideas of how best to handle this because it shouldnt be taking longer from C# than from running OSQL.....

AnswerRe: ExecuteNonQuery problems Pin
miah alom2-Nov-05 5:06
miah alom2-Nov-05 5:06 
GeneralRe: ExecuteNonQuery problems Pin
Kuira2-Nov-05 10:59
Kuira2-Nov-05 10:59 
AnswerRe: ExecuteNonQuery problems Pin
krario2-Nov-05 20:11
krario2-Nov-05 20:11 
GeneralRe: ExecuteNonQuery problems Pin
Kuira3-Nov-05 12:19
Kuira3-Nov-05 12:19 
QuestionSelect with a select Pin
j1webb1-Nov-05 9:54
j1webb1-Nov-05 9:54 
AnswerRe: Select with a select Pin
DiWa1-Nov-05 18:03
DiWa1-Nov-05 18:03 
GeneralRe: Select with a select Pin
j1webb2-Nov-05 3:05
j1webb2-Nov-05 3:05 
QuestionWhat is in SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition Pin
Paul Watson31-Oct-05 22:10
sitebuilderPaul Watson31-Oct-05 22:10 
AnswerRe: What is in SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition Pin
Colin Angus Mackay31-Oct-05 22:44
Colin Angus Mackay31-Oct-05 22:44 
AnswerRe: What is in SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition Pin
Mike Dimmick1-Nov-05 1:50
Mike Dimmick1-Nov-05 1:50 
Questioncall store procedure using C++ code Pin
qdo999931-Oct-05 15:12
qdo999931-Oct-05 15:12 
Question1000 ADO problems... Pin
l3st4rd31-Oct-05 7:55
l3st4rd31-Oct-05 7:55 
AnswerRe: 1000 ADO problems... Pin
jonathan151-Nov-05 23:35
jonathan151-Nov-05 23:35 
QuestionSending Http Post Request from Stored Procedure Pin
vineet1378031-Oct-05 7:24
vineet1378031-Oct-05 7:24 
QuestionHelp! our DBA died Pin
sameerhanda31-Oct-05 5:12
sameerhanda31-Oct-05 5:12 
AnswerRe: Help! our DBA died Pin
Mike Dimmick1-Nov-05 1:59
Mike Dimmick1-Nov-05 1:59 
GeneralRe: Help! our DBA died Pin
sameerhanda2-Nov-05 3:35
sameerhanda2-Nov-05 3:35 

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